Making Waves

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So in Dragons Rising, Cole is pretty much confirmed gay at this point, but I didn't want him to get divorced in this story for simply changing his preferences, so I had to find another way to work it into the story. Hopefully this will solve things.

Kai's P.O.V.:

I was at in the living room watching tv and Skylor walked through the door. I knew she had her meeting with her boss today.

"Hey babe." I said. "How was your shift?"

"Oh you know, pulled over a few speeders, stopped some teenagers from putting graffiti on the walls of the high school, and arrested a man for trying to pickpocket an old woman. Just another day in Ninjago City." She laughed.

"What did your boss want?" I asked.

"Oh yeah, he was actually so pleased with my work on the Jetson case, he offered me a promotion." She smiled. "You're now looking at the newest Police Sergeant of the Ninjago City Police Department."

"Really? That's amazing!" I got up and gave her a hug. "Who knows, maybe one day you'll even make it to captain."

"Maybe one day, but for now I'm happy with Sergeant." She said.

"Well you definitely deserve it." I smiled. "Congratulations."

"Thanks." She smiled again.

It was so nice to see her happy again. I don't think she's been this happy since the before the kids went missing. Well after that visit from Amber and Allison and getting an update on the rest of the kids, both of us were in a much better place mentally and emotionally. Sure, of course we missed the boys, but it was easier now that we knew they were safe.

She gave me another hug and accidentally touched my side. I flinched and held it.

"Oh sorry, is that still hurting you?" She asked.

"A little, we had a big order at work and we had to double our packing time." I told her. "I also slipped on the dock but I was feeling alright most of the day."

"Kai, be honest with me." She sat with me on the couch. "Why are you still doing this?"

"Doing what?"

"Doing this job. You obviously don't like it and it's dangerous. With Jett in custody, there's no need to be putting yourself through this. I know you wanna make money for us, but with my promotion I get a big pay raise so you don't need it anymore."

"I understand what you're saying, but I'm not one to make a commitment and then just quit." I said. "Like I said, they only hired me for the busy season. In a few weeks it'll be over anyway, I might as well stick it out."

"Yeah, I guess that makes sense. It's just that's a bad part of town and I can't help but worry about you."

"I know, but I was a ninja once, remember? I'll be fine." I smiled. "Besides, no one's gonna mess with me now that my wife is a police sergeant at the NCPD."

"Yeah, I guess that's true." Skylor smiled.

"Hey, how about we go out and celebrate? Maybe dinner and a movie?"

"That sounds great but maybe tomorrow night? I'm a bit tired from work." She yawned.

"That's fine. I know you've had a long day." I kissed her cheek.

"Do you need anything before I go take my shower?" She asked, noticing I was still holding my side.

"No, I think I'm ok. I'll meet up with you in a little while." I said as I kissed her cheek. "Good night."

"Good night." She smiled.

She went upstairs to shower and change after her long day. I tried to go into the kitchen and make us some dinner, but my side really hurt and I had to lean on the wall. I made it to the steps and took a seat on the stairs. I was still hungry, so I grabbed my phone and ordered us some takeout. I know it wasn't ideal, but I just didn't have it in me to cook tonight.

A few minutes later, Skylor came downstairs in her pajamas and her hair was wet. She saw me sitting on the steps and ran to help me.

"Kai? What happened? Are you ok?" She asked.

"I... I tried to go to the kitchen and make us dinner and I couldn't make it." I frowned and held my side.

"It's ok Kai, I'll take you to the clinic, just give me a minute to change and..."

"No that's ok, I'll ask Nya to take me in the morning. I know you've had a busy day."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah it's fine, don't worry."

Then the doorbell rang.

"Who is that?" Skylor asked.

"Oh, that's probably the food I ordered. I'll get it." I tried to get up but I couldn't move. "Ow!"

"No, I'll get it, you stay here." Skylor said.

Skylor went to the door and tipped the delivery driver. She sat the food down on the coffee table and helped me over to the couch.

Once we were done eating, Skylor got me an ice pack and some pain medicine for my side. Once I was feeling a little better, I texted Nya. I waited for a few minutes and couldn't get her to text back. I even tried to call her and went straight to voicemail, so I texted Jay instead:

————{{{Kai's Phone}}}————

Kai: Hey Jay. I've been trying
to get a hold of Nya, but she's
not answering. Is everything

Jay: Hi Kai. Now's
not a good time.

K: What's going on?

J: Nya's been so depressed
since Olivia went missing.
I can't get her to talk to me
or go anywhere. She hasn't
left the house since we got
home from the hospital to
see Liv two days ago. I'm
really worried about her.

K: This sounds serious.
Why didn't you tell me?

J: She didn't want me to
tell you because she knew
you would overreact and
be worried.

K: Of course I would
be, I'm her brother.

J: Exactly. I'm only telling
you now because it's getting
to the point where she won't
eat or leave the bedroom.
I could really use your help.

K: Say no more,
I'll be right there.

J: Thanks Kai. I
really owe you one.

K: Oh wait, I was trying to
see if Nya could take me to
the hospital tomorrow. My
side still hurts from when
I got mugged by Jett and
I wanted to get it checked

J: Sorry, I would take
you, but I need to be
here for Nya right now.
She's falling apart over
this whole situation.

K: I think seeing Amber
and Allison again really
helped Skylor and I.

J: Wait, What do you
mean you saw them
again? How?

K: Long story short, Allison
got hurt and Amber had to
use Olivia's powers to bring
her to the hospital.

J: Olivia's powers aren't
developed yet. Isn't that
really dangerous.

K: She knew it was a risk
but that's one she was
willing to take to save
her girlfriend.

J: Sounds like something
you would do.

K: Yep, just like
a true ninja.

J: Why didn't you
tell us?!

K: Sorry there was
a lot going on.

J: Did she say anything
about how our kids are

K: Yeah, she said that they
were safe and we even sent
a sent a box of food and
supplies that can last
the kids another two

J: Well that's good
at least.

K: Yeah it was nice to get
an update on the kids.
And this way they can
hold out until they all
can get them off that

J: I guess. Anyway, I'll tell
Nya and ask if she'll take
you. I'm sure the news
about the kids will make
her feel better.

K: Alright, good luck.

J: Thanks, I'll need it. 😩

— — — — — — — — — — — — — —

Jay's P.O.V.:

After talking with Kai, I made my wife some tea and a sandwich and went into the bedroom. There sat my wife still depressed, rolled over and staring at the wall. This is the same state she's been in for three days straight. I was starting to get worried about her.

"Hey Nya." I said quietly walking in the bedroom. "I made you some tea and a PB and J sandwich."

"No thanks. I'm not hungry." She mumbled.

"Nya you haven't eaten anything in two days."

"I don't have the heart to eat or do anything." She said, looking at the picture of our kids on the nightstand.

"I know you miss them, and so do I, but sitting around and wallowing isn't going to change anything." I frowned.

"Then what will Jay? How do we bring them back?"

"We can't, Zane said they had to figure it out on their own, remember?"

"Yeah, I know."

She sat up on the bed and I sat down next to her. I sat the tray on the nightstand and rubbed her back. She leaned on my shoulder and sighed.

"Do you think they're doing ok out there?" I asked.

"Well actually, Kai and I were texting and he said that Amber borrowed Olivia's powers and teleported here for a few hours with Allison to heal her injury." I said.

"Really?" Her eyes lit up.

"Yeah, and before they went back, Kai and Skylor sent them back with food and supplies to last them all another at least another two weeks."

"That actually makes me feel a little better." She started drying her tears. "Did they say anything about our kids?"

"They said Olivia was doing ok and Jax, Lily and Matt were doing a good job of taking care of her."

"I still worry about her though, she's only four." Nya frowned.

"I know, but the best we can do right now is be glad she's safe, surrounded by people she knows, and has everything she needs to survive, and that goes for the rest of them too."

"Yeah, I guess you're right." She took a deep breath and leaned on my shoulder. "Thanks for being here for me Jay, I know I've been a mess the past few days."

"It's ok, I know it's been hard on you."

"Isn't it hard on you too?" She asked.

"Of course it is, but I'm trying to be strong for you." I told her. "Those kids mean everything to us, and if I'm not strong enough to support both of us, then we'll both be depressed and nothing will change."

"So you've just been bottling your feelings up so that I don't fall apart?"

"Pretty much." I sighed. "I'm sorry honey, I..."

"Jay don't apologize. That's really sweet of you, but you don't have to be strong for me." She grabbed my hand. "If you need to be sad, I'll be here for you too."

"Really?" I frowned.

"Of course. I didn't realize what you were doing for me. I'm sorry I've been so depressed lately, I just... miss them."

"Then how about from now on, we be strong together and sad together? That way no one has to be going through this alone. Ok?"

"Yeah, that sounds great." She smiled. "Thank you Jay. I love you."

"I love you too." I kissed her. "It's nice to see you smile again."

She kissed me again and then I heard her stomach growling. She hadn't eaten in days.

"Ok, maybe I do want that sandwich." Nya giggled.

"It's all yours." I handed her the tray again.

She sat the tray on her lap and began to eat. While she ate, I stared at the picture of the kids. Now that Nya and I had talked about it I felt a little better about the situation, but in that moment I couldn't be strong anymore.

"Jay? Are you ok?" Nya asked with her mouth full.

"I... I miss them." I frowned.

Nya responded by putting her arm around me and letting me cry it out on her shoulder. It was like I finally got the green light to stop being the strong one and to let my feelings out. I missed them so much, but all we could do in the meantime was hope and wait for good news... or any news at all.

Cole's P.O.V.:

We were in the living room watching the video Allison made for the boys. CJ was on my lap and Ben was on Seliel's. They were watching it on my phone.

"...but I love you and miss you both. I hope I can make it back to you soon." Allison's voice said on the video. "I'll see you later boys. Love you."

I could see CJ and Ben starting to tear up. They missed their big sister so much.

"Daddy, when is she going to come home?" CJ looked at me.

"I don't know junior, she's busy right now." I frowned.

"Can we make her come quicker?" Ben asked me.

"That's not really how it works slugger." Seliel said, trying not to laugh. "Come on boys, let's get you two to bed."

The boys nodded and we took them upstairs. After we put them to bed, I needed to have a chat with Seliel, a very difficult one.

"Seliel, we need to talk." I sat down with her.

"Ok, what's going on?" She asked.

"Well, I don't know how to say this but I need to be honest with myself."

"Ok, I'm listening."

"I don't want this to cause anything between us, and especially not our kids."

"Are you asking for a divorce?" Seleil frowned.

"No, that's definitely not what this is. I still love you."

"Then what?"

"Well it's just that lately I've been... noticing guys a lot more... like in a physically attractive way."

"So what? You're saying that you like men instead of women?"

"I think I like both, because I still look at you like I did when we first met, and I still feel that way about you. It's just that lately I've been noticing guys in a different way, but you're still the most attractive person I've ever laid my eyes on, and nothing is going to change that."

"Oh, so you like both boys and girls?"

"Yeah, exactly." I said. "And don't worry, I'm still loyal to you and always will be. I won't explore it, but I just wanted to be honest with you and myself."

She slightly nodded and looked away from me. I could tell she needed a minute to process, but she didn't look mad or disappointed. I held out my hand to grab hers.

"I know I should've figured this out earlier, but I guess I just never noticed until now." I frowned. "I'm sorry."

"Don't be sorry Cole, I'm not upset." She smiled. "Thank you for being honest with me. I accept you as you are and if you say you want to stay with me, then I believe you."

Hearing her say that she wasn't going to leave me was a huge relief. The last thing I wanted was a divorce, but if it was something that she couldn't handle, I would want what was best her and if that meant we had to split up, then so be it. As long as she was happy and I still had a hand at raising our kids, that's all that matters.

"So you're not jealous or going to leave me?"

"What? Of course not." Seleil said. "What would make you think that?"

"I honestly didn't know how you were going to take it." I said.

"It's ok." She smiled. "I'm glad you told me."

"I'm glad you took it so well. I was so nervous to tell you and I thought you were going to leave me." I said.

"Not in a million years." She grabbed my hand and smiled.

I gave her a hug and a kiss. I was glad she was ok with it and I was happy I was finally honest with myself. It was a huge weight lifted off my shoulders.

Axel's P.O.V.:

I was over at Zane and Pixal's lab getting a diagnostics test on myself. I was feeling fine now, but Borg insisted we get a second opinion from them just to be safe.

"Ok Axel, the scan is complete." Zane said.

"Finally." I said as I hopped off the table. "Are you sure we have to do this Borg? You already said you couldn't find anything."

"I know Axel, but you can never be too careful." Borg said. "Thank you for letting us come by on such short notice Pixal."

"Of course, you are family Father." Pixal said.

"Do you still feel pain in your motherboard Axel?" Zane asked me.

"Not as often as before, but it still pops up occasionally." I answered.

"I scanned him many times and gave him all the repairs I could, but I just couldn't figure out why he was still in pain." Borg said. "I was hoping you guys would have better luck."

"Well, according to these scans, all of his systems appear normal." Zane said.

"Perhaps there is something we are not seeing?" Pixal said.

"It is a possibility." Zane said. "We will need a few days to go over the results more thoroughly before we make a diagnosis."

"Are you sure Zane? I would hate to distract from your quest for the kids." Borg said.

"Unfortunately finding them was the easy part. Even if I do manage to locate them, there's no way to get them off the island. They must find a way off of it by themselves." Zane frowned. "Besides, I could use a good distraction."

"Ok, if you're sure." Borg said.

"We will keep you updated. If we find anything at all, you will be the first to know." Pixal told me.

"Thank you." I said.

"Do you have any updates on Alex and the others?" Borg asked Zane.

"Lloyd has been in contact with his eldest son through their Oni communication, and Ryder said they all survived the shipwreck, but the island's resources are depleting." Zane frowned. "I'm not worried about Alex, but the others are mortal. They don't have what they need to survive there."

"I wouldn't underestimate them, those kids are more resilient than they look." Borg smiled.

"You are correct." Zane smiled. "We will search the results and get back to you. In the meantime just take it easy."

"Ok, thank you Zane." I said.

After that, Borg took me back to his tower and I went to my room to relax a bit. Hopefully this would all stop now that Jett is in jail.

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