Ninja Vs Nature

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Ryder's P.O.V.:

Once the team had woken up, we had all made it through the night. The sky was now a dark grey so I knew we were going to need a shelter soon if we were going to survive.

"Ryder, I am detecting a storm front moving in in approximately two hours." Alex said.

"Then we have that long to prepare." I said. "Allison, you and Alex get the materials you need to build us a shelter. Amber, Lily, you guys find us a fresh water source. Trent, Matt, you guys see if you can make us some fishing gear. Ethan and Jax, you guys look for fruit. Ashley, you stay with Blake and keep the fire going as long as you can. We'll all meet back here before the storm hits."

"What are you going to do?" Ashley asked.

"I'm going to look for the VKA." I said. "They're still out there somewhere so be on your guard everyone."

"Are you sure you should be going alone?" Ethan frowned.

"I'll be fine. Don't worry." I told him. "Get going everyone."

We all went our separate ways to do our tasks.

I was looking through the forest looking for signs of the VKA, carving X's in the trees to help find my way back. Deep in the forest, I found a trail of footprints and followed them to a small clearing. Someone had set up a small camp.

"Hurry up! I'm starving!" I heard a voice.

I jumped behind a tree and watched as Zera, Lena, and Seth arrived carrying some fish and firewood.

"We're eating good tonight guys!" Zera said.

"Come on people let's get that fire going." Seth said.

"What do I look like, the fire ninja?" Lena rolled her eyes as she did a spell to start the fire.

"Has Marcus found the scroll of Airjitsu yet?" Zera asked Seth.

"He claims it's in a cave on the west side of the island." Seth said.

"I've gotta tell the others." I whispered to myself.

I tried to make a run for it, but my injured ankle didn't let me get far. I accidentally scraped my arm against a tree and part of my sleeve was torn. Marcus appeared behind me and tossed a vengestone net over me.

"Oh your not going anywhere." He said.

Ashley's P.O.V.:

The rest of us were back at the beach after we completed our tasks. Alex and Allison had used a combination of smarts and strengths to build a round hut like shelter. Matt and Trent found a clever way to catch some fish and even managed to find an emergency kit from one of our crashed lifeboats on the beach. Lily and Amber had discovered a fresh water stream not far from the camp and Ethan and Jax had a lot of fruit from the nearby trees.

I had done my best to heal Blake's shoulder and for the most part he was feeling better, but he was still in a lot of pain. He had recovered enough to use his powers again but they were still weaker than normal. I was a little dizzy from using my powers so much, but that didn't matter as long as Blake was ok.

The clouds were getting closer and the wind was getting stronger. All ten of us were huddled in the small yurt that Alex and Allison designed, but no one had heard anything from Ryder. I was so worried about him.

"That's it, I'm going to find him!" I stood up.

"Ashley, it is advisable to stay in the shelter until the storm passes." Alex said.

"I don't care. My brother could be hurt or worse and if we don't find him soon he could be lost forever." I yelled.

"I understand you want to help him, but in this weather we won't be able to see anything." Amber said. "It's best to wait till the storm passes."

"But what if he's lost? We can't just leave him out there." I frowned.

"Ryder's strong, he'll be ok." Allison said.

"I hope so." I frowned.

Later that night, everyone else had fallen asleep, but I was still wide awake. I can't really explain this, but I always get this weird feeling in my gut whenever someone close to me has something bad happen to them. The last time I felt like this my grandmother had passed away. I can't explain it, but I knew she passed a day before the rest of my family did. I couldn't tell if it was Ryder or someone else, but I had to help him if it was.

As I was watching the wind and rain pouring passed the door, I saw something green race across it. I didn't think to wake the others and immediately ran after it. I saw something green stuck on a rock and picked it up. It looked like a piece of Ryder's gi and there was a bit of dried blood on it.

"Oh no." I said to myself.

The thunder rolled again and I could see the lightning in the clouds. The storm was getting worse, but I didn't care. I had to find my brother.

I grabbed the emergency kit and ran into the forest in the direction I saw Ryder go. I saw carvings of X's in the trees and I followed that trail. It was hard to see in the rain, but I finally found a small clearing with a camp set up. I looked up and saw my brother hanging from the tree caught in a net. He was soaking wet and his wrist was still bleeding.

"Ryder." I whispered.

He looked down at me. He was cold and wet, too weak to speak, but his eyes were open.

"Hang on, I'm going to get you out of here." I said.

He weakly nodded and I looked around the camp and found a machete that I used to cut the net from the bottom. I helped Ryder out of the net and helped him walk farther away from the camp. Finally we saw a cave and went into it.

I sat Ryder up against the cave walls and looked at him. He was soaking wet, completely exhausted and looked more pale than normal. I tried to use my powers, but I was exhausted too. Unfortunately healing powers don't warm somebody up and that's what we needed to do.

"Ashley?" He looked at me and coughed. He could barely keep his eyes open.

"Hang in there Ryder, I'm going to help you." I said.

I had to find a way to warm him up, it I'm not Blake or Amber, I can't make fire appear out of then air. I looked in the emergency kit that I took with me from camp. It wasn't full because Trent and Matt found it washed up on the shore, but it still had some hand warmers, a roll of bandages, a flashlight and a box of matches. I looked around the cave and found some wood and pine straw that wasn't wet and was able to get a small flame going. It wasn't much, but it was enough to warm us up.

I took the hand warmers and put as many as I could on Ryder. Then I wrapped up his ankle and his wrist in the bandages sat by him.

After a few minutes, Ryder woke up. He looked at me.

"Ryder!" I hugged him. "Oh thank goodness you're ok. How do you feel?"

"I feel... warm." He looked at the small fire I made. "Did you make that?"

"Yep." I nodded.

"Wow good job Ashley." He smiled at me. "Where are the others."

"They're all back at camp safe and sound." I told him.

"Then why did you come alone to find me?"

"I knew something was wrong. I... I had a weird feeling."

"Honestly me too." He sighed.

"Do you think everything is... ok at home?"

"I don't know, and as of right now there's no way to find out." He frowned.

"Dad always says to trust our first instinct, and a part of me doesn't want to trust this one." I frowned.

"I don't either, but it feels... real." Ryder frowned.

Ryder and I hugged each other and I fell asleep in his arms. I hoped my family was alright, no matter what they were going through.

The next morning...

I woke up and the storm was over. Ryder was just starting to wake up. He tried to stand up but kept his foot off the ground.

"You ok?" I asked.

"Yeah, I just twisted my ankle and I think being trapped in that net made it worse." He said still struggling.

"Sit down, let me heal you." I insisted.

"We don't have time, the second the VKA realize I escaped, they'll come looking for us."

"Then what's the plan?"

"I overheard them say where the scroll of Airjitsu was. We need to head back to the others and tell them before they find it first."

"Yeah, about that..."

"What did you do?" Ryder crossed his arms.

"They don't know I ran to help you last night, so they'll probably come to find us first."

"What?" He freaked out. "What is Ethan going to think when he wakes up and we're not there?"

"I... didn't think about that." I frowned.

"I promised Mom and Dad I wouldn't let him out of my sight." He frowned. "He must be so scared."

"Then let's go find them." I said.

"Ashley I can't walk." He looked at his ankle.

"I can fix that." I smiled.

He finally sat down and let me use my powers on his ankle. When I was done he was still in a bit of pain, but at least he could walk now. I got the rest of the supplies and we headed back to the camp, being careful not to run into the VKA. I just hoped we could make it back to camp before they came looking for us.

Ethan's P.O.V.:

I had four arms, huge horns, I had only been like this once before when I unlocked my true potential. I was so angry I wouldn't listen to anyone.

"Ethan wait. Don't do this." A shadowy figure said.

For some reason I was enraged by his mere presence. He didn't really have a face or a body, but for some reason I didn't care. He needed to pay for whatever he did.

"You hurt her! You almost killed her!" I screamed.

"No that's not what happened. Let me explain."

"No. This is over!"

I charged a huge blast of Oni energy right at him, but then...

I woke up in a panic. I had never felt so angry before in my entire life, but what was angry about? Who was I angry at? With that amount of energy I used there would be no way of him surviving that. What would drive me to do something that sinister? I wasn't capable of doing anything like that... or was I?

The others had made a fire on the beach so I went over to them. I looked around for my brother and sister to tell them about what I saw, but they were nowhere to be seen.

"Oh good morning Ethan." Amber said.

"Oh, uh... morning." I said, trying not to act like I was scared.

"What is wrong?" Alex looked at me.

"Oh I was just... wondering where Ryder and Ashley were." I frowned.

They all looked at each other like they didn't know what to tell me the answer. After seeing that I didn't think I wanted to hear it anymore.

"Ethan why don't you sit down." Lily frowned.

"Wait, why? What's going on?" I freaked.

"Ryder never came back last night, and we think Ashley went out there to find him." Trent frowned.

"What?!" I panicked. "We need to find them."

"Ethan if we go into that woods, we'll only get lost ourselves." Jax said.

"Yeah, it's best to stay here until they find us." Allison said.

"But what if the VKA finds them first?" I frowned.

"Ryder's tough, don't worry." Matt said.

"But what if they..."

"Ethan!" I heard someone interrupt me.

All of a sudden I was wrapped in a hug from my brother and sister. I almost cried from being so happy they were safe.

"Where have you guys been?" Amber asked.

"It's a long story, but I think I know where the scroll is." Ryder said.


Thank you all for waiting for this chapter. I hope it was worth the wait. Stay Awesome!

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