Reconnections: Part 2

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Trent's P.O.V.:

I was watching while the others were trying to learn Airjitsu. It was a bit harder for them because they didn't know spinjitsu like I did.

I must admit, I was a little distracted with what Jax and Lily told me. Ashley wouldn't just walk away for no reason, maybe it was my fault. She probably got herself into that because she was upset about me. At that moment, I realized I didn't care what team I was on anymore, I had to make sure Ashley was ok.

I made up an excuse and ran into the woods. I headed out towards our camp, but when I arrived, there was no one there. Then I heard someone coming from behind me.

I turned around and saw Matt limping and leaning on Olivia's shoulders. They didn't look very happy.

"Trent? What are you doing here?" Matt asked.

"I changed my mind. I want to help Ashley." I said. Then I noticed Matt's knee. "What happened to you?"

"Why don't ask your new friends?" Matt said sitting down on a log.

"Look, I know I made different choices, but I never wanted anyone to get hurt." I frowned.

"Yet that's exactly what happened." Matt frowned.

"Just please tell me where Ashley is so I can help save her." I begged.

"Jax and Lily tracked her down in that old shack by the river." Matt said.

"Ryder said he had a plan to save her." Olivia said.

"Ok, thanks." I said.

"I'm not sure you're the person she wants to see right now." Matt said. "She seemed pretty upset with how you ended things."

"I don't care, she's in trouble and I'm going to help her." I stated.

I turned around and ran as fast as I could to the place. I just hoped I wasn't too late.

Ryder's P.O.V.:

Everything was going according to plan. Alex, Allison, Blake and Lily were trying their best to fight off Zera and Wyatt while Jax and Amber were on the beach trying to keep the lightning under control. They were taking a few minor shocks, but it was working to keep the storm back.

Ethan and I were trying our best to sneak in the back window, but it was too high for us to reach. I tried hoisting Ethan up on my shoulders but he wasn't tall enough. We couldn't break through because it would cause too much attention.

"Ryder this isn't working, we need a new plan." Ethan whispered.

"I know, but I don't know Airjitsu."

"Then what do we do?" He asked.


"Wait!" Someone shouted from behind us.

We looked back and saw Trent running from the woods. We weren't sure to be happy or to be ready to fight.

"Wait, I'm not here to fight. I'm here to help." Trent said.

"Are you serious? This isn't just another trick?" Ethan crossed his arms.

"It's not a trick, I wanna help Ashley." Trent frowned.

"Should we trust him Ryder?" Ethan looked at me.

"We don't have a choice." I sighed. "Trent, can you do airjitsu to reach that window?"

Trent nodded and took a few steps back, did his spinjitsu, and jumped in the air. A field formed around him and he took off into the window. I had never seen anything like it.

"Come on Ethan, we gotta cover him while he..."

Before I could finish my sentence, suddenly we were stopped in our tracks by a red time bubble.

"Well if it isn't the other Garmadon kids." Zera laughed as she came around the corner. "Now we have all three."

Ashley's P.O.V.:

My eyes slowly opened and I was in that cage again. At least, I thought I was. My vision was still a little blurry from when he smashed my head into the hut, but I could see enough to figure out where I was.

As I stood up, my vision worsened and my head was pounding. I had to go back down to my knees. If my powers weren't gone before, they definitely weren't coming back now.

I heard a bunch of chaos going on outside, and I saw Wyatt and Zera run outside to check it out. It also sounded like it was raining pretty hard.

While everything was going on outside, I tried to escape again, but I couldn't get my Oni power to spark up. I barely managed to get it working the first time and now that I have this raging headache it'll be even harder.

All I could do was sit there and wait until the others realize I'm missing and come looking for me.

All of a sudden I heard someone crash through the upper window. I looked to see what looked like Trent standing in the middle of the room, at least from what I could make out. I couldn't believe it.

"Ashley!" He ran up to the cage.

"Trent? Is that you?" I said.

"Yeah, I'm so sorry I..."

"I don't want to hear it. Just get me out of..."

All of a sudden the door kicked in by itself and Trent was trapped in a yellow time bubble and thrown back into the corner of the room. He looked completely out of it.

"Trent!" I screamed.

"Oh sorry, your little boyfriend here needs to know his place."

I looked outside the door. I saw my brothers trapped in a time bubble. The rest of the team was on the ground totally exhausted. I knew they tried their best.

"Wyatt, let him go!" I screamed.

Wyatt picked up Trent by the neck. I could tell he was too tired to fight back. He threw him back into the wall again and this time it knocked him unconscious for a few seconds. When he came to, he held his side like he was hurt. He couldn't even speak.

"Hey! Leave him alone!" I yelled.

"Oh come on, he's the weak link. You seriously want to save this powerless loser?" He laughed.

I was so angry and filled with rage. I couldn't stand it anymore! My Oni powers went full on Oni and broke down the bars of the cage.

I attacked him head on and he was so shook up he ran outside. I chased him down and tackled him into the ground. Zera saw me and tried to slow me down with a blue time bubble, but in this form I so fast it didn't matter. I jumped straight through it and I knocked him unconscious. I wanted to do more, but then I caught a glimpse of myself in a puddle above his head.

I looked at myself and couldn't believe what I saw. I had bat wings, sharp horns on my head, and two more arms than I had before. I was so freaked out I backed away and turned back to normal. I was scared out of my mind.

"Ok, so you've learned some new tricks. You win this time, but this isn't over." Zera said.

Zera picked up Wyatt and took him towards the woods. I saw the time bubble on my brothers disappeared and they ran towards me. I needed a minute to catch my breath.

"Ashley!" Ethan ran up behind me.

"Don't come closer Ethan." I warned him. "I don't want to hurt you."

Ethan nodded and backed away slightly. He was keeping the others back as well to give me some space. I laid down flat on my back and he stared at the rainy sky utterly exhausted. I eventually passed out...

Ryder's P.O.V.:

Ethan and I saw Ashley pass out. Normally when one of us has an Oni episode, we just like to be given time to calm down, but the storm was so bad I knew she wouldn't be safe.

"Ryder! We can't hold it off." I heard Jax screaming.

I looked over at him and Amber who were holding off the lightning. I could tell that both of them had been struck several times. Luckily it didn't affect them much, but with that many lightning strikes it was starting to take a toll on them.

I was looking around for any kind of shelter. The only thing around was Wyatt's hut and since Zera was probably riding out the storm somewhere else, we would be safe for now. There was no other choice.

"Everyone! In the structure!" I pointed to it.

"Are you crazy? What if they come back?" Allison said.

"Just until the storm passes." I said. "Everywhere else would be too far."

"What about Matt and Olivia? They're still at the shelter." Jax said.

"No time. They'll have to hold out by themselves." I said.

"Ok Ryder, we trust you." Lily nodded.

"Allison, help me get Ashley inside."

"I got her." Allison picked her up.

We all ran into the hut to take shelter. Allison laid Ashley down on the cot so she could rest. She looked ok, just really tired.

In the corner of the room, Trent was lying on the floor completely unconscious. It looked like he had taken quite a beating from Wyatt. Amber and Jax were exhausted from the effects of the lightning strikes, but they would be alright.

"Alex, can you scan Trent please." I asked.

"Affirmative." He nodded and scanned him. "He has sustained minor injuries, but his vitals are stable. He should wake up shortly."

"Thank the first spinjitsu master." Blake said.

"I second that." Amber sighed with relief.

"Is Ashley ok too?" Ethan asked me.

"She's ok Ethan, she just needs to rest." I assured him. "Remember when we had to deal with our Oni powers for the first time?"

"Oh yeah, that was crazy." Ethan laughed.

"How can we be sure that Trent isn't going to fight us when he wakes up?" Allison asked.

"He's the reason we were able to save Ashley in the first place. As long as she's here, he won't hurt us." I said.

"Let's hope you're right." Jax said.

"Ugh! Come on stupid thing!" Lily said hitting the radio.

"Still no word from Matt and Olivia?" I asked.

"Nothing, just static." Lily frowned. "I hope they're ok."

We heard the storm outside getting stronger. We could hear the wind howling outside. This structure had been here a while but I wasn't sure if it could withstand that much wind.

Ashley's P.O.V.:

I shot awake and saw my team all sitting around me. My head hurt a lot and my vision was still a little blurry, but at least now I could make out what was in front of me. It sounded like it was raining pretty hard outside. I looked around and saw Trent on the floor, totally out cold.

"Are you feeling better now?" Ethan asked.

"That depends. Is Trent ok?" I asked.

"His vitals are stable. He should wake up soon." Alex told me.

"I didn't hurt him, did I?" I asked.

"No, that was the new time master guy who roughed him up." Ethan said.

"No, I meant did I hurt Wyatt?"

"We saw Zera drag him away after the fight." Allison said. "We don't know where they went."

"I... I didn't mean to hurt anyone. I was just so angry that he attacked Trent, saying all those horrible things about him that I didn't know what I was doing. I just... lost control and..."

"Ashley it's alright, you don't have to explain yourself." Ryder sat down next to me.

"I know I just feel so guilty." I frowned and looked at Trent on the ground.

"It's ok, just take some time." Ethan said.

"Thanks Ethan." I smiled at him.

"Oh yeah, Trent said he had a message for you." Lily said as she sat down next to me. "He said to tell you that he meant what he said when he told you he loved you and he only left to keep you safe."

"At least that part was real." I sighed. "I love him too but after he left I'm just... not sure."

"You'll figure it out." Lily said. "Unlike me, who's going to die alone."

"Don't say that, I'm sure there's someone out there you just haven't found them yet."

"Yeah right. You and Trent have each other, Ryder has Katie, Alex and Cass were practically made for each other, and Amber and Allison are yangs now." Lily sighed. "Anyway, if I wanna find someone we're going to have to get off this island first."

"Wait, now I remember!" I turned to my friends. "When Wyatt was here he said there was a way off the island."

"Really?" Ryder smiled.

"That's awesome! Can we go right now?" Blake asked excitedly.

"All he said was that he goes to Ninjago City on occasion, so there must be some kind of portal somewhere." I said.

"We've explored every inch of this island already. Where else could we possibly look?" Ryder asked.

We heard another loud crash of thunder and then Trent's eyes shot open and he screamed. He tried to sit up but he held his side like he was hurt. He could barely move. I got up and sprinted over to him. I knelt down in front of him and looked him over.

"Ashley?" He looked up at me. He tried to sit up but he looked like he was in pain.

"It's ok, don't get up. You're hurt." I said looking at his side. "Did anyone bring a first aid kit?"

"Sorry, we didn't think about it." Amber said.

"We'll look for one." Allison said as she started looking around. Amber and Lily started looking too.

"Is he gonna be ok?" Blake asked.

"Yeah, I wanted to get some ice on that side though." I said.

"I can help with that." Alex said.

He came over and blew a cold mist on his side. He looked relieved.

"Thanks Alex." He said. "Are your powers back yet?"

"I don't think so, but I could sure use them right now." I sighed.

"They'll return, just give it time." Trent said.

"You didn't happen to see me..."

"What? Go full Oni on that guy who attacked me?" Trent laughed. "That was amazing! I didn't know you could do that."

"Well you've learned some new moves too. That airjitsu thing is pretty impressive. How did you get that to work?"

"Well, it wasn't easy." Trent said.

"Here Ashley, will this work?" Lily said holding a small piece of cloth she found.

"Perfect." I said taking it from her. "Hold still Trent."

Trent nodded and let me wrap the cloth around his stomach. He flinched at first and looked better after I was done.

"Thanks Ashley." Trent smiled.

Ryder's P.O.V.:

Trent and Ashley kept talking to each other and I couldn't stop thinking about Ashley just said. Was there a way off this island the whole time? And if there was why didn't we find it by now? Was I bad leader?

"Your anxiety levels are increasing slightly." Alex said.

"I'm just so frustrated. There was a way off this island the whole time? How did I not notice? I was trying so hard to make sure everyone survived until we found a way back, but now I figure out that's it's somewhere within the island? Why didn't I know?"

"It must be in a place we have not explored yet."

"I need a few minutes, I need to talk to my dad." I said.

"I will wake you if things change." Alex said.

"Thanks." I smiled.

I laid down on the ground and tried to contact my dad. I closed my eyes and entered the dreamscape.

"Dad? Dad?" I looked around for him.

"Ryder? Are you ok?" My dad found me.

"We're fine, there's just a lot going on."

"Yeah, same here." My dad sighed.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Never mind, it's not that important. What's the problem?"

"Ugh, where do I start? First we find out Zera has a long lost twin brother who's also a time master but not in the same way, then he kidnapped Ashley and when we rescued her she told us that he said there was a way that he gets on and off the island, so now we have to find wherever that portal is and I feel so stupid because I didn't find it beforehand and my team is never gonna trust me again and..."

"Whoa, breathe bud. That's a lot to unpack there." My dad said. "First and foremost, is Ashley ok?"

"She's a little shaken up from discovering her Oni powers but she'll be alright." I answered.

"That's good, I... wait, Oni powers?" My dad said.

"Yeah, Trent was in trouble and she got so angry that she went full Oni and rescued him."

"Trent came back to the team?"

"Sort of. He learned Airjitsu and helped us get Ashley back but I'm not sure he wants to come back yet."

"Just give him time." He said. "Anyway, why do you think your team won't trust you for something you didn't know about?"

"Because I was so focused on keeping everyone safe and trying to make our own way off the island it never occurred to me that the way out could be on the island. What if they get mad because we stayed here longer than we needed to?"

"You had a lot on your plate, and getting off the island was a second priority, keeping everyone safe always comes first."

"Can't a good leader do both?"

"Yes they can, but it also takes a good leader to do what's best in moment and focus on what they should do instead, and you knew that your priority was to make sure your team was ok, and that's exactly what you did, right?"

"Yeah, I guess you're right." I smiled.

"See? You're great at this. You just need to trust your instincts and yourself a bit more."

"Yeah, I'll work on that." I nodded.

"I'm so proud of the leader you're growing up to be."

"Thanks Dad." I smiled. "I know I'm supposed to be strong, but I really miss you."

"We miss you all too." He said. "Just try your best and everything will work out. You'll see."

"Ok." I nodded. "See you later dad."

"Stay safe bud."

I woke up and exited the dreamscape. I looked around at my team. They were all staring at me waiting to hear what to do next. I had to come up with a plan.

"Ok, here's the plan. As soon as this storm passes, we're gonna start looking for that portal." I stated.  "Lily, have you gotten in touch with Matt or Olivia yet?"

"No, I think their radio is out of range, at least I hope that's why they aren't answering." Lily frowned.

"Yeah, I'm worried about them too." Jax said.

"Judging by the local weather patterns, I predict the worst of the storm has passed." Alex informed me. "If we are careful, we should be able to make it back to our shelter."

"Alright, let's get going." I said. "Trent, are you coming with us?"

"I guess I am for now, if that's ok?" He looked at Ashley.

"Well we can't just leave him here." Blake frowned. "If we do, Wyatt will come back and do who knows what to him."

"Fine, but only because I don't want you injuring yourself any further." Ashley crossed her arms.

"Alright then, let's go." I said.

We all got up and made our way out of the hut and back to our camp. Trent was lagging behind some because of his injury and was leaning on Amber's shoulder for balance. Ashley was tired from going full Oni so Allison was carrying her on her back so she could rest.

After a short hike we got back to our shelter... or what was left of it. The storm had completely collapsed the roof and it had water dripping out of it. It wasn't anything we couldn't repair in a few days, but the real problem was Matt and Olivia were nowhere to be found. We all started screaming their names but there was no response. After a few hours of searching we were starting to assume the worst.

"Matt! Olivia!" Lily screamed as she looked through the rubble.

"Lily, I think it might be too late." Jax frowned.

"No, it can't be... it just can't." She replied.

"We've been looking for hours." Blake frowned. "If we haven't found them by now, they could be..."

"No! Ninja never quit, right?" She looked at me.

"Well it's just..." I hesitated. I didn't want to tell her the truth.

"Wait! Do you hear that?" Blake said.

We all became completely silent and listened towards the woods. We heard some footsteps coming towards our camp. We all turned around and assumed a fighting stance as they were getting closer.

Then emerged from the forest was Matt who was leaning on Olivia's shoulders. They were soaking wet and looked exhausted, but physically fine for the most part.

"Matt! Olivia!" Lily screamed and ran over to them, giving them both a giant hug. "I'm so glad you're safe. Don't scare me like that."

"Sorry for scaring you guys, we saw the roof starting to cave and had to take shelter elsewhere." Matt explained.

"Where did you go?" I asked.

"The roof was about to collapse and I was too hurt to run out in time, so Olivia used her powers to teleport us." Matt explained.

"You're able to control it now?" Jax asked.

"Not really, I just kind of panicked and it happened to take us under some rocks where we rode out the storm." Olivia said.

"No, you saved him because you knew where to go." Lily smiled. "You're a real hero sis."

"Thanks Lily." Olivia got a big smile on her face. "But I don't think I control it enough to get all of you home."

"That's ok, Ashley discovered there's another way off this island, we just have to find it." I said.

"Then we better get searching." Matt said.

"It is getting dark. Perhaps we should start our search in the daylight?" Alex suggested.

"I second that." Ashley said. She still looked pretty out of it.

"Ok, get some rest everyone." I stated. "Tomorrow we find that portal."

We were able to use the tarp and some tree branches to make a makeshift tent for us to sleep in tonight and used Blake's powers to make a fire. Hopefully when the morning comes, we can finally find a way off this island.

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