Search for the scroll

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Ashley's P.O.V.:

After arriving back at the camp, Ryder and I explained what happened to us. I was trying to heal Ryder because his ankle and wrist were still hurting him.

"So they said the scroll was in a cave on the west side of the island?" Amber asked.

"That's not very specific." Jax shrugged.

"I'm not sure which cave, all I know is that we have to find it before the VKA does." Ryder said.

"Are you hurt Ryder?" Ethan asked as he watched me heal him.

"Only a little, nothing to worry about." He told our brother.

"Ryder hold still, I'm not done yet." I said, using my powers to heal his wrist.

"Sorry Ash." He apologized.

Ethan and Ryder have always had a close relationship. Ryder is really protective of both of us and while I appreciate it, it can be a little annoying sometimes. I guess it's just part of the job because he's the leader and my older brother.

"Ok, is that good Ryder?" I said as I was catching my breath.

"Yeah, it feels a lot better." Ryder said. "Take a break."

I took a seat next to Trent and he looked at how tired I was.

"You ok?" He asked.

"Yeah I'm fine. Thanks." I smiled.

"Alex are your scanners working?" Ryder asked.

"There's still some interference but I can try." Alex took his scanners and scanned the island. "It seems there are three caves on the west side of the island."

"Then we split up and search the caves at the same time." He said. "Me, Ethan, Ashley and Blake will take the first one, Amber, Allison and Lily, you take the second. And Matt, Trent, Alex and Jax take the last one."

"Are you sure? Remember what happened last time we split up?" I said.

"It'll be different. This time no one goes in alone." Ryder said.

"Blake, are you ok?" Amber asked him.

"Yeah, my shoulder still hurts." He said playing with it.

"Will you be able to go on the mission?" Trent asked.

"I... I don't know." Blake frowned, still holding his shoulder. "It really hurts."

"You guys go, I'll stay back with him." I said.

"Ok, Jax you're with me and Ethan." Ryder said.

"Alright." Jax agreed.

The others grabbed their supplies and headed out. I started using my powers to heal Blake's shoulder, but I was already so warn out from helping Ryder that I couldn't do much and got tired almost immediately.

"It's ok Ashley, you can stop." Blake said.

I stopped using my powers and took a little break. Blake still looked sad, but I could tell his arm felt better.

"Do you think the others are doing ok?" Blake asked.

"I hope so." I said.

Ryder's P.O.V.:

Me, Ethan and Jax were on our way to our cave. Jax was a little ahead of us and I was keeping a close eye on Ethan. He had been a little off lately. I had rubbed it off as him being homesick, but I couldn't tell if there was something more to this. Maybe he had the same feeling me and Ashley had, but I don't know for sure.

"Hey Ethan, are you ok?" I asked him.

"Oh, what?" He looked at me. "Yeah, I'm fine."

"Are you sure? If anything's going on, you can tell me."

"I said I'm fine!" He snapped.

I saw his eyes flash purple for a second, but then he closed them, took a deep breath and counted to ten. That was one of the many things my dad and grandfather taught him to control his rage.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to snap at you like that." Ethan apologized. "I don't know what came over me."

"It's ok bro, you wanna talk?" I asked and he nodded. "Hey Jax, Ethan needs a break."

"That's fine, I need to go to the bathroom anyway." Jax said.

Jax put his stuff down and went behind a bush. I found a log and sat down with Ethan.

"What's going on?" I asked.

"Ryder, I had another nightmare." Ethan frowned. "There was this guy, and I don't know why but I... I wanted to... hurt him. He did something terrible and I... I couldn't control it."

"It was just a nightmare." I said.

"No, more than that. It was a vision." He frowned.

"How can you tell?"

"It felt so real. And I was so angry... I felt like I was... going to do something horrible."

"Did I ever tell you about the vision that Dad had?" I asked.

"No." He looked at me.

"Well, when I was five, Dad kept having a vision of me having to battle him. He was overtaken by his Oni side and he said to me that I wasn't his son."

"That doesn't sound like Dad." Ethan frowned.

"You're right, it doesn't." I agreed. "That's why he didn't believe it was going to happen. Until one day, when I was 13, Akamu found a mask that could make him look like anyone, and he used it to take the form of Dad."

"Oh, so that's why Dad had that vision." Ethan realized.

"It wasn't a vision, it was a warning." I told him. "And because he realized in time, he was able to put a stop to it before something bad happened."

"You're saying that it might not happen?"

"I'm saying that visions are hard to read and they aren't always what they seem."

"Then how do I know what it's trying to tell me?"

"Sometimes it's impossible to tell until it happens, but when it does, you'll know what to do." I told him.

"Are you sure?"

"I'm sure." I nodded.

I gave Ethan a hug. He seemed much calmer after our talk. Then Jax came back and and we continued our journey to the cave. We arrived and I used my powers as a torch. It hurt my wrist to use them, but I didn't care.

As we entered the cave I heard someone walking behind us. Jax and I ducked behind a rock and I took Ethan with me.

We saw Seth and Lena walking into the cave.

"Are you sure the scroll is down this way?" Seth asked her.

"I told you there's something on this island interfering with my magic." Lena said. "That's why we sent Zera and Marcus to the other caves."

"Well it's gotta be here somewhere. Let's go." Seth said.

We saw Lena and Seth go deeper into the cave. I looked back at Jax and Ethan.

"Do you think we should go back and warn the others?" Jax asked.

"There's no time. If the scroll is here, we have to get to it first." I said. "Let's go."

Ethan, Jax and I kept going through the cave. We were running to make sure that we got there first, but there were a lot of twists and turns in the cave so we didn't know which way they were going.

"How do we know if we're going the right way?" Ethan asked.

"If the scroll is hidden here, then there has to be some kind of clue to where it is." I said.

"Wait Ryder, what about this?" Ethan said looking at something on the wall.

I walked over and saw a drawing of a tornado written on the cave wall.

"Good eye Ethan. Now we know we're headed in the right direction." I smiled.

We kept following the markings until we finally found a small opening with a treasure chest in the middle. Surprisingly we were able to walk up to it without setting off any traps.

"This has to be it." Jax said.

"Yeah but the chest is locked." Ethan said.

"Leave that to me." I cracked my knuckles.

I used my powers and tried to break the lock on the chest, but it didn't work. Instead it made the ground shake and we heard water running. I grabbed the chest as is and we all made a run for the exit. We were able to get out in time and we were catching our breath.

"Is everyone ok?" Jax huffed.

"I'm good." Ethan said.

"Me too, especially since we have this." I showed them the chest.

"Awesome!" Ethan said. "Let's get back to camp and show the others."

"I hope the other caves weren't affected by the tremors." Jax said.

"Guess we'll find out." I sighed.

Amber's P.O.V.:

Allison, Lily and I headed off in the direction of the cave. Allison was a little ahead of us clearing a path with her strength. She's always so helpful and caring, I couldn't wait to ask her to be my yang, however I felt that an abandoned island in the middle of nowhere wasn't the right place to do that.

"So, did you ask her yet?" Lily asked.

"No, I'm waiting for the right time, and now that we're stranded on a deserted island it is definitely not the right time." I whispered in frustration.

"Come on, you've been into each other since you were like twelve. You know she's going to say yes." Lily said.

"I know she will, but I also want it to be a moment she'll remember forever. I can't just blurt it out." I frowned.

"Fine fine, I'll stop talking about it." My cousin said reluctantly.

"Thank you." I said.

"Guys come on." Allison said.

"We're coming!" I yelled.

Lily and I ran up to her and we arrived at the cave. Allison entered it first to make sure it was safe. She was the most experienced at this kind of thing because she loved spelunking with her family.

"Be careful cookie." I yelled to her.

"Don't worry ginger snap, I got it." She yelled back.

I could hear Lily giggling in my ear. She always did that when we called each other by our nicknames.

All of a sudden we felt the ground the start to shake. Allison looked back at us for a moment, and then the rocks came down on top of her, blocking the entrance.

"ALLISON!!!" I screamed.

I ran up to the entrance and tried to move the rocks, but they were too heavy.

Allison's P.O.V.:

I opened my eyes and I sat up. My head really hurt and so was my side. I was so dizzy I couldn't see straight, but I could hear someone talking to me.

"Hey, are you ok?" Someone asked.

As my vision cleared, I noticed who it was.

"Marcus?" I questioned. "What the heck are you doing here?"

"Probably the same reason you are." He replied.

"Well I'll tell you right now, you're not getting that scroll!" I yelled.

I forced myself to get up and held my side. It hurt more than I thought and it was hard to walk. I looked down at it and I had a big bleeding cut in my side from the rockslide. No wonder I felt so lightheaded.

"Whoa hey, you're hurt." Marcus said.

"I'm fine." I said leaning on the wall. "Why do you care anyway? All you care about is getting to the scroll."

"But there's no honor in getting to it if you're not given a fair chance." He said.

To my surprise, he sat me down, took off his sweatshirt and used that to try and stop the bleeding. He kept putting pressure on it, and while it hurt, it was working. I was still extremely lightheaded and dizzy.

"Is that ok?" Marcus asked.

"I would totally be kicking your butt right now if you weren't saving my life." I scowled.

"You could just say thank you."

"Fine, thank you." I rolled my eyes. "Now if we're done, I have to find a way out of here and get back to my friends."

"There's only one other exit to this cave, and it's far so I'm not sure you can make it on your own."

"Ha! Watch me."

I tried to stand up, but I was so lightheaded and dizzy I couldn't keep my balance and fell over again.

"You're right, that was fun to watch." He leaned on the wall with his arms crossed. "You know you can't make it without my help."

"I don't need to find another exit, I just need to free up this one."

I got up and wobbled over to the rocks blocking the entrance. I tried to move them by tapping into my powers, but I was so out of it I could only barely move them.

"Allison? Was that you?" I could hear Amber shouting on the other side.

"Amber!" I yelled.

"Oh thank the first spinjitsu master. Are you ok?" She asked.

"I... I'm fine but I think there's some vengestone in here messing with my powers so I can't get out." I lied.

"It's ok, I sent Lily to get help. We'll get you out of there soon."

"What about the scroll?"

"I don't care, you're way more important." Amber said.

At that point, I was getting so lightheaded I had to sit down against the wall and focus on my breathing. Marcus came over and started applying pressure again.

"You know, you really shouldn't lie to your friend like that." Marcus said.

"She's a lot more than just a friend." I blushed.

"Oh, I see."

"Allison, Lily's back with reinforcements." Amber said. "Just stand back and we'll have you out of there in no time."

"You got it." I replied with the little strength I had left. "I... love you..."

At this point I had lost so much blood that I passed out...

Lily's P.O.V.:

I ran to where Trent, Matt and Alex were because they were closer. They had already been in their cave so I had to follow their footprints until I saw they were in a head on battle with Zera.

Zera froze Matt in time and sent him flying into the wall. He landed right next to me and I helped him up.

"Lily? What are you doing here?" He asked.

"There was an accident. We need everyone's help." I said.

"Ugh! Where is my suit when I need it!" Trent complained.

I saw Zera and sent her into the wall with my water power. Alex used his ice to freeze her and stick her to the wall. Everything but her head was frozen.

"You're never going to find that scroll." She yelled.

"That doesn't matter, our friend is in trouble." I told them.

"What happened?" Alex asked.

"There was a cave in, Allison is trapped inside." I told them.

"What?" They all screamed.

"Let's go." Alex said.

We were all about to run back, but then Zera shouted.

"Wait! I can help!" She screamed.

"And how can we make sure that you won't run off as soon as we let you down?" Matt said.

"Because that's the cave Marcus was sent to, so he's trapped too." Zera said. "We've already lost two members, we can't lose any more. Please, just let me down so I can help."

We all looked at each other and we figured we could use all the help we could get. So we reluctantly decided to let her down. We all started running to the other cave.

Amber's P.O.V.:

Lily had come back with Trent, Matt, Alex and for some reason Zera. I was so confused.

"What is she doing here?" I questioned.

"It's ok, as long as Marcus is in there with her, I won't fight. I just want to help." Zera said.

"Wait, Marcus is where?" I questioned.

"The VKA also split up to search the caves." Lily explained.

"That is peculiar." Alex said.

"What is?" I asked.

"There appears to be no trace of vengestone anywhere." He said scanning the cave.

"But then why can't she use her powers?" Trent asked.

"Allison? Can you still hear me?" I yelled. There was no answer. "Allison?"

"Your friend cannot hear you, she needs help." I heard a young mans voice.

"Marcus? Is that you?" Matt asked.

"What did you to Allison?" I got angry.

"I saved her life, that's what I did." He said.

"Is she ok?" Lily asked.

"I'm keeping her stable for now, but if I move my hand, she's a goner." Marcus said.

"I'm going in." I cracked my knuckles.

"Amber no, the rocks are too unstable. Using too much force will cause even more rocks to fall." Alex warned. "I can try to freeze them but there's so many. It would take a lot of power."

"Wait, I absorbed Allison's powers earlier." I remembered. "I have a plan, but I need your power too Alex."

"Using two powers at once? You've never tried that before." Trent said.

"Mom did once or twice, and I'm willing to try anything to save her." I said. "Matt, go back to camp and get Ashley. Tell her to bring the first aid kit."

"Got it." He said as he started running back.

"Lily, you and Trent be ready to pull her out." I said. "Alex, we'll freeze the rocks together."

"You won't be able to carry her if Marcus has to hold his hands there." Alex said.

"Ok Zera, I need you to freeze her in time so we can lift her out carefully." I said.

"Fine I'll help, but just this once." She agreed.

They all nodded and got into position. I grabbed Alex's arm and absorbed his powers. Then I counted to three and went through with my plan. I used the power of earth to move the bottom rocks and with help from Alex, the power of ice to freeze the top ones so they didn't fall. Zera froze Allison in time so that Lily and Trent could drag Allison out of the cave. As soon as she was in the clear, I dropped to my knees. I took a second to catch my breath and then ran over to see my girlfriend. After Marcus was safely holding the wound again, Zera unfreezed her and she was unconscious and bleeding from her side.

"Amber!" I heard Matt scream as him, Ashley and Blake ran up to me.

"What happened?" Blake asked.

"She got cut. It's really bad." Marcus said holding the wound.

"Here let me see." Ashley said.

I watched as Ashley take over and use her healing powers to seal up the wound and the bleeding stopped. Then she got some bandages and wrapped it up just to be safe. Allison shot awake catching her breath.

"Ahh!" Allison woke up.

"Allison!" I ran to her and gave her a hug. "Are you ok?"

"I think so, just lightheaded." She sat up.

"I never want you to scare me like that again." I kept hugging her.

"Ok ok, I'm alright." She laughed.

We shared a kiss and I looked over at Marcus and Zera. "Thank you."

"Oh, uh it was just the honorable thing to do." Marcus said. "I still would like that fight once you recover."

"I look forward to the challenge." Allison smiled.

"Alright, let's get you back to camp." I said picking her up.

I picked her up and we all carried her back to camp where Ryder, Ethan and Jax were already there.

"Hey, are you guys ok?" Jax asked, looking at Allison.

"It's a long story." I sighed.

"Well, we found the scroll." Ethan said.

"We just can't unlock it." Jax shrugged.

"We'll figure that out later. We just need to make sure that no one takes it away from us." Ryder said.

"I might be able to figure out the mechanism, but it will take time." Alex said looking at the chest.

"Take all the time you need, we'll wait." I smiled at Allison.


Hey guys, I know that was a short and not very detailed chapter but I really hope you enjoyed it. I was trying to finish something because I haven't finished a chapter in a while and I was honestly rushing a little, I still really hope you liked it and stay Awesome!

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