SOS: Part 1

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Lloyd's P.O.V.:

We were all meeting up at Zane's house to go over something he had discovered. Olivia along with Cole and Seliel's twins were playing in the other room and Kirby was watching them. The rest of us were waiting to hear what Zane had uncovered.

"The kids were supposed to be back two days ago." Nya frowned.

"They have they're phones. Shouldn't they have called us if something was wrong?" Seliel said.

"Even if they made it to the island, they wouldn't have any service." Zane frowned.

"Well we have to find them. Ethan is only eight years old and I'm worried about him." Kira said.

"Trent has asthma and Blake can't swim." Kai said.

"We don't know if Allison is ok." Cole frowned.

"I haven't heard from Alex either, but I tapped into their radio signal and I found something you all might want to hear." Zane told us.

"What is it?" Jay asked.

"I haven't listened to it yet." Zane said. "I wanted to wait for all of you."

"Then play it Zane." Skylor said.

"Ok ok."

He hit the button and played the message.

"Mayday! Mayday! Mayday! We are going down! I repeat we are going down! This is Ryder Garmadon, I have my team of 10 aboard. Our coordinates are... AHH!"

The message went static. Kira and I looked at each other and she got really upset. We were all upset.

"Zane, can you trace it?" I asked.

"I may be able to triangulate the signal, but it will take time." He answered.

"Were they even near land when they went down?" Seliel frowned.

"What if they... didn't make it?" Nya leaned into Jay.

"Guys, we're forgetting that these aren't just any kids, these are our kids." I shouted. "They're ninja, and no matter their challenges they can make it through anything. If they look out for each other and remember their training, then there's nothing they can't do."

"Lloyd's right. If anyone can make it through that, it's them." Jay calmed down.

"Yeah I guess that's true." Kai nodded.

"The best thing we can do for them now is to stay calm and try to locate them from here." I said.

"Pixal and I will continue trying to locate where the call came from." Zane said.

"Is there anything we can do?" Kira asked.

"Let's go after them!" Nya shouted.

"Yeah let's do it." Cole agreed.

"Uhh Nya, we still have Olivia." Jay told her.

"Oh, right." Nya sighed.

"Yeah Cole, the twins need both of us." Seliel said.

"Yeah, I guess you're right." Cole frowned.

"But we could still go right?" Kira looked at me.

"It won't be much help if we don't know where they are." I frowned. "Let's just give Zane some time to see if he can locate them first."

"Ok but what do we do in the meantime?" Kai asked.

"Let's just keep them in our thoughts and hope they're ok." I sighed.

"How is that going to help?" Nya frowned.

"It's all we can do at this point." I shrugged. "It's best to stay positive and hope for the best."

"Ok, I'll try." Nya leaned into Jay who rubbed her back.

With that, Zane and Pixal went to the computer and started tracking the signal. The rest of us went back home. All I could do was believe the words that I had told my team and not give up hope. That was all we could do.

Kai's P.O.V.:

When Skylor and I got home, we looked at each other. With the kids MIA like this, we didn't know what we were supposed to do. How could we do anything? I looked into Skylor's eyes and she looked so sad.

"You heard what Lloyd said, they have each other and they are resilient. They'll be ok." I tried to comfort her.

"Do you really believe that?" Skylor asked.

"Yes, I do, and I trust that the team can look out for each other." I took her hands. "If anyone can find a way out of this it's them."

Skylor sighed and started looking at the kids' pictures on the wall. Every major moment in their lives was photographed and put on that wall. Amber's first baby picture to her getting her driver's license. Blake's first steps to him winning the championship play off game for his basketball team. Baby Trent in Skylor's arms, to him winning the science fair at the community center last year. We had spent every day with them since their births, and now we were forced to go on without them.

"Look at all the memories we've made." Skylor frowned. "How are we supposed to stay positive when we don't get to see their smiling faces everyday?"

"I know it's hard, but we'll get through it. The kids will find their way back to us." I put my hand on her shoulder.

"I... I don't think we can stay here." Skylor frowned.

"What do you mean?"

"There's too many reminders of the kids. They spent their whole lives here. All those empty rooms, they just make me miss them."

"Why don't we take a small trip? Get away from things for a while."

"No, we have to stay here in case Zane finds something." She said.

"We'll still have our phones and we'll go somewhere close by. That way when he finds something we can head right over there." I assured her.

"Well I guess it would be easier to stay positive with a change of scenery." Skylor admitted.

"Great, go and pack. I'll set up the trip for us." I said.


She went into our bedroom to pack her things. I booked a hotel in Ninjago city and came up with all kinds of activities that would keep our minds off everything. Hopefully this getaway would distract Skylor long enough until the kids came home, because I know that someway, somehow, they would find a way back to us. I just knew they would.

Cole's P.O.V.:

Seliel and I took the twins and Kirby home. We had to do what Lloyd told us to and stay positive until Zane can find something on the kids, but it was proving easier said than done.

The movement of the car from drive had put both of the boys to sleep. Seliel carefully got Ben out of his car seat and I did the same with CJ. We carried them inside and put them down in their beds.

What I wouldn't give to be them right now. At four years old, they had not a care in the world. They didn't even know how cruel the world could be yet, I bet it all just seemed like a big playground to them. No problems, no worries, just all the fun a kid could ever want.

I turned out the light and left the door open a crack. Ben had been going though a 'scared of the dark' phase so we had to do that whenever he was sleeping. Seliel and I walked back to the living room.

"So, what do we tell them when they wake up?" Seliel looked at me.

"I don't know where to start." I frowned. "Allison was supposed to be home yesterday, and now we know why she wasn't."

"Yes, but it's like Lloyd said, we've trained her for this. We'll wait to see what Zane finds before we start worrying over what could be nothing."

"Yeah you're right. If the boys ask we'll just tell them that she's running late." I said.

"Right." Seliel nodded.

"Hey guys, you want me to go pick up some pizza for you and the boys?" Kirby asked. "I figured you guys didn't want to cook."

"Sure Kirby, that would be great." I nodded.

My brother nodded and left. I know pizza is the one meal both of the twins can agree on, so I figured it would be a good idea if we avoid the classic 'what's for dinner' fight tonight.

Speaking of twins, I wonder how Nya and Jay are doing.

Jay's P.O.V.:

When Nya, Olivia and I got home, Nya ran straight to our bedroom trying not to tear up. I knew this was hard for her, but there was nothing we could do. I was going to follow her but then Olivia tugged on my shirt to get my attention.

"Daddy, is Mommy ok?" She looked at me.

"Don't worry, she'll be alright." I smiled.

"Are they coming back soon?" Olivia frowned.

"Sorry pumpkin, the mission is going to take a little longer than expected. They should be back pretty soon."

"Ok." She held her head and closed her eyes.

"What's wrong?" I asked, now concerned for her.

"I don't know, I'm dizzy... It's like... my mind wants to go everywhere at once." She frowned.

Uh oh, we knew this was going to happen soon. When we adopted Olivia, her birth mother had told us that her baby would be a descendent to the elemental master of teleportation. Our kids got elemental fevers like this when they were her age, but there was a bigger problem too.

Olivia didn't know that she was adopted yet. And we knew that when she got her powers we would have to explain where they came from, and where she came from. It was a conversation we knew was around the corner, but that doesn't mean we were ready for it, especially with the kids missing.

"Let's get you to your room and you can lay down for a bit." I said.

She nodded and I carried Olivia upstairs to her bedroom and laid her down on her bed. I went to ours to tell Nya what had happened, and she was laying face down on the bed, her pillow wet from her tears. I knew that she wasn't in any position to deal with this situation, but it was happening anyways so we had to deal with it.

"Nya?" I approached her. "Are you ok?"

"I... I'm fine." She sat up and tried to wipe her tears.

"I know you miss them, I do too, but we have a situation to deal with."

"Lloyd said it himself, there's nothing we can do until Zane finds something." Nya frowned.

"Not that situation, the Olivia situation." I said.

"What's wrong with her?"

"She got really dizzy and she said it was like her head was in multiple places at once."

"She's getting an elemental fever?"

"That's what it sounds like." I frowned.

"But that means she's going to find out."

"Exactly. I know you're hurting right now, but I need your help. I can't deal with this on my own." I frowned.

"You don't have to. I'm right here." Nya smiled.

I gave her a smile and then we went to see Olivia. She looked better and her dizzy spell seemed to be over for now.

"Olivia sweetie, are you ok? Your dad said you were dizzy." Nya asked.

"Yeah, but I think it stopped now." She said sitting up.

"That's great, but your dad and I have something we need to talk to you about." Nya said as she and I sat next to Olivia on the bed.

"Is it about Jax, Lily and Matt?" Olivia frowned.

"Don't worry about them, they'll be ok." I said. "This is about you."

"What about me?"

"Well pumpkin, we think the reason you're getting these dizzy spells is because you're getting elemental powers." Nya explained.

"You mean like Jax and Lily have?" She got excited.

"Yes, and in order to get powers, you have to get them from your parents." I explained.

"But if Jax got your powers and Lily got Mom's, then which one do I get?" Olivia asked.

"Your powers will be different than ours pumpkin." Nya said.

"I don't understand." Olivia frowned.

"Well you see, there are lots of ways to bring people into your family, and sometimes when someone isn't able to take care of their babies, they find a family that can." I said.

"Are you giving me away?" Olivia panicked.

"What? Of course not." Nya tried not to laugh. "What we're trying to say is that, you're adopted."

"Adopted? What does that mean?"

"Well it means that your parents couldn't take care of you, but they still wanted you to have a great life. So they found us, and we took care of you instead." I said.

"So, you're not my real parents?" Olivia frowned.

"Just because we didn't give birth to you doesn't mean that we don't love you as our daughter." Nya said hugging her.

"And we will always love you no matter what." I said.

"So my powers come from other people?" Olivia asked.

"Your birth father was the master of teleportation, and we think that's the elemental power you will get when they fully come in." I explained.

"What does it do?" She asked.

"Well once you master the power, you'll be able to go anywhere in the world you want in a matter of seconds." Nya said.

"That's actually pretty cool." She looked at her hands. "When do I get to use it?"

"In a few years, they have to develop first." I said.

"Aw man!" She pouted.

"Do you have any more questions?" Nya asked.

"Is that where my blond hair comes from?" She asked.

"Yep, your birth mother had hair just like yours." I said.

"Do you want to see a picture of her?" Nya asked.

Olivia nodded and Nya pulled up the picture of Olivia's birth mom on her phone. Olivia looked at it and seemed mesmerized by the picture. I would be too if I had known my birth parents. My dad was a famous actor so I could always look up pictures of him, but I hardly knew anything about my birth mother. I'm not even sure which one I get my powers from. At least in Olivia's situation, we could answer most of her questions.

"Her name is Olivia too." Nya told her. "We named you after her."

"Wow." Olivia said. "Why couldn't she take care of me?"

"Well babies require a lot of money, and she just didn't have enough to keep you." Nya said.

"But she left you with us so that you could have the great life that she couldn't give you." I said.

"I can still call you mom and dad right?" She asked.

"Sweetie of course you can." Nya smiled.

"We'll always be your mom and dad." I said.

We both gave her a long hug and then gave her some time alone to process the news. I felt that she took it pretty well, definitely better than I did when my parents told me that I was adopted. I'm not even sure if they remember telling me or not. Anyway, I was glad Olivia took it so well.

"That went better than I thought it would." Nya said.

"Yeah, I think she took it really well." I agreed. "Are you doing any better?"

"Yeah, but I still miss them." Nya frowned.

"They're the strongest ninja we know. They'll be ok."

"I hope so."

I gave Nya a hug. I really needed the kids to be ok, because I needed my family back together.

Lloyd's P.O.V.:

We were on our way home from Zane's place. I had to drive because Kira was an emotional wreck after what we just heard, and to be honest so was I. Hearing our son's trembling voice over the radio and then having it go static? How are we supposed to be at peace with that?

"Kira, are you ok?" I asked, even though I already knew the answer.

"No." She dried her tears. "I know you said we had to stay positive, but how can I do that after what we just heard? Didn't you hear the fear in Ryder's voice?"

"Yeah, it keeps playing back in my head like a broken record, but we have to stay strong for them."


"I... I don't know ok." I took a deep breath. "I don't know."

The car started to swerve and I quickly looked back at the road. I pulled the car into a gas station. I needed a second to focus until we could get back on the road.

"What was that about?" Kira asked me.

"Wait here, I just need a second." I said.

I parked the car and ran into the gas station. I ran to the men's room and splashed some water on my face. I'm always the one who has to make the smart decisions and keep the team in good spirits, but no one was there to keep me in good spirits. Usually Kira is always the one who cheers me up, but she was in the same situation I was. Our kids were missing and possibly hurt or worse and we had no way of helping them. I guess losing my mother earlier this year plus everything happening now was too much for me to handle.

"Lloyd?" I heard someone knocking on the door. It was Kira.

"Kira?" I wiped my face and was about to open the door, but then...

"Everyone get down!" I heard someone shout.

I heard people screaming and gunshots everywhere. I heard Kira scream and a bullet shot through the door and grazed my hand, but it also took out the knob permanently locking the door. I couldn't open it.

I kept hearing screaming and yelling. I kept pressing my entire body weight against the door, desperately trying to get to Kira. I couldn't hear her anymore.

Once everything died down, I was finally able to open the door by using my spinjitsu and knocking it down, but what I saw was horrific...


To be continued...

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