Troubling Times

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Amber's P.O.V.:

Today was a really hot day. The hottest day since we got shipwrecked. Trent had done well keeping his asthma under control until now, but with the heat and the stress of the situation, he was having trouble breathing.

Usually he had his inhaler with him, but it had been lost in the shipwreck. He was trying his best to stay calm, but we were running out of time.

"Ugh! Where is it? Where is it?" I scrambled through my backpack.

"What are you looking for?" Allison asked me.

"I had Trent's backup inhaler in here somewhere, but now I can't find it." I said, still looking through my backpack.

"Here let me help." She offered.

"No!" I yelled, pushing her away.

She gave me a weird look. I felt bad, but I couldn't risk her going through my bag and seeing the medallion I had.

"I'm sorry, I'm just really stressed out right now." I apologized.

"It's ok, I get it." Allison nodded. "I'm here if you need me."

"Thank you." I smiled.

After a few minutes of searching and taking everything out of my backpack, I determined it wasn't in my bag anymore. I must've lost it when we fell overboard.

I ran back to the yurt and saw my brother sitting up trying to catch his breath. He was hyperventilating for air.

"Amber did you find it?" Ashley asked.

"No, it must've fallen out when we got shipwrecked." I frowned.

"Well we need to find him some kind of air or he won't make it." Alex said.

"Air? You mean like wind?" Blake looked at me.

"You mean like Seth's power?" Jax said.

"Seth? That guy would never help us in a million years." I said.

"It takes a lot more than just air." Alex said.

"To get Allison out of the cave you had to combine earth and ice powers, couldn't you do the same with Seth's wind power and Ashley's healing powers?" Lily asked.

"I guess I could try, but Seth's most likely not going to cooperate." I said.

"Seth may be a jerk, but he's not a monster." Blake said. "Besides, what other choice do we have?"

"I don't know, would that work?" Matt looked at them.

"If we want to save Trent, then we have to try." Ryder said. "Amber?"

"It's worth a try, but how do I get close enough?" I asked. "We haven't even seen them since the cave incident."

"It is odd they have not shown their faces recently, given we have acquired the scroll of airjitsu." Alex said.

"Where ever they are, we need to find them quick." Ashley said looking at Trent. "My power is working to help him breath steadily, but it's only for so long before he..."

Trent suddenly started coughing and breathing heavily again. Ashley kept using her powers and after a few minutes Trent started breathing more normally. Still slowly and loudly, but that was a good thing.

"Th-thanks Ash-ley." He tried to say before coughing.

"Save your strength Trent, don't try to talk." I said.

He nodded and went back to focusing on his breathing. He's had some small attacks before, but it hasn't been this bad since he was six.

"Ashley and I have been to their camp. I'll take Amber there while the rest of you do everything you can to help him." Ryder said.

"Wait, I wanna go too." Allison said.

"Are you sure? You're still recovering from what happened." I said.

"Marcus and I made a connection when I was in that cave. Maybe we can get his help." Allison said.

"Ok, but let us know if you need a break." Ryder said and she nodded. "Ashley, keep him breathing as long as you can. We'll be back soon."

"I'll do my best." Ashley said short of breath.

"Let's go." I said.

Allison and I followed Ryder to the VKA's camp. Once we were there, we saw signs of them being here, but they were nowhere to be seen.

"Ugh, they aren't here." I complained.

"Don't worry ginger snap, we'll find them." Allison said.

"They're probably out looking for the scroll." Ryder said.

"And they just left their camp unguarded?" I questioned.

Then we heard something coming from behind their shelter. We all assumed a fighting stance and were greeted by Marcus carrying two buckets of water.

"Hey! What are you all doing here?" He asked angrily.

"Marcus, please we need your help." Allison said.

"Haven't I helped you all enough?" He scowled.

"Look dude, my brother is in trouble and he doesn't have a lot of time." I said. "So tell us where your friends are or so help me I'll..."

"Amber, let me talk to him." Allison said holding me back. "Look, we're all very grateful you helped me out, but we were hoping you could help us with one more thing."

"No, no more favors. They've already threatened to kick me out of the VKA for saving your life the first time. One more mess up like that and I'm out." He protested.

"Ok, what if I could make it so they'll never know you helped us in the first place." Ryder said. "In fact, we can make you look good in front of them."

"How do you plan to do that?" Marcus asked.

"All we need to do is get Amber close enough to Seth to touch him and absorb his power." Ryder explained. "So what if you kidnapped her?"

"What?!" We all yelled.

"Not for real, just long enough for Amber to touch him."Ryder explained. "Then Allison and I will break in to get her back when Seth is watch. That way it's his fault when she breaks out."

"Are you sure that would work?" I asked.

"Definitely." Ryder nodded. "That way you can get Seth's power and Marcus gets his cred with the club back."

"Fine, but no tricks." Marcus agreed.

"Ok, but same goes for you." I crossed my arms.

"Deal." Marcus held out his hand and I shook it.

We gathered a few things and we got ready for our plan. I just hoped this was going to work.

Ashley's P.O.V.

Ryder, Amber and Allison were still on their mission and the others were in the Ocean cooling off from the heat. This left me and Trent alone together in the yurt.

I was trying my best to make Trent breathe better with my powers. His breathing had improved a little, but we still needed some actual air to fully stop the attack.

My powers were almost completely drained. I was so tired and I could barely keep my eyes open. Amber and I had taken turns healing him before, but she was vital to the mission so I had to do it myself. It wasn't working out so well.

I tried to clear his lungs again with my powers and I fell forward and almost passed out.

"Ash..." Trent coughed. "I-It's ok."

"No... it's not!" I said catching my breath. "I need you to make it."

"It's ok... I'm not... important." Trent coughed.

"Not important? What are you talking about?"

"No powers... No suit... No point..." He said between breaths.

"Trent, don't think like that. You are so much more than just Samurai X. You're smart and sweet and cute and..."

"Cute?" He kept breathing.

"Oh I'm sorry I didn't mean cute... I mean not that you're not cute... not cute like I like you but cute as in, like not ugly... oh man I'm so bad at this!" I facepalmed.

"I think... you're cute... too..." he said trying to smile.

It was so weird that he was saying things like that to me. Trent had been my best friend for my entire life. Did I want anything more than that? Sure, but what if it didn't work out? What if we started out great and then went through a nasty breakup, what would happen to the team? What would happen to our friendship? Would he even want to be around me anymore? I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I was the one who broke our friendship.

"Ashley?" Trent coughed.

This time his coughing got worse. I readjusted his body so he was sitting upright with a straight back. I was about to spark up my power again, but Trent pushed my hand away.

"You don't want me to heal you?" I frowned.

He shook his head. He coughed more and held his chest in pain. I could see his face and veins starting to turn blue. I once again put my hands out, but he slapped them away.

"Don't... Waste it... on me..." he kept breathing.

"Trent please, I can't lose you." I frowned. "You're my best friend. I need you to stay with me."

"Ash... I... I..." he said coughing.

"Shh, don't talk. You're making it worse."

"I... love... you..."

My eyes widened. I had no idea he felt that way about me.

Before I could even build up a response, I saw Trent start to lean back and his eyes were rolling back into his head. I didn't hesitate a second and put my hands on his chest. I gave it absolutely everything I had left and I managed to get him to take a big breath and wake him up. I was so drained I passed out...

Amber's P.O.V.:

I was with Ryder and Allison ready to pull off our plan with Marcus. He grabbed some vines and tied my hands up.

"I really hope you guys are right about this." I said to my friends.

"Trust me Amber, this is gonna work." Ryder said.

"Ok, the VKA will be back any minute. You guys better make yourselves scarce." Marcus said.

"If you hurt one hair on her head I will pummel you into the ground!" I heard Allison threaten to Marcus.

I couldn't help but laugh as she walked away and left him quivering in fear. She and Ryder ran behind a tree to hide.

"Wow, she's really protective of you ha?" Marcus asked me as he walked me into the cage.

"Yeah, she's the best." I smiled.

He closed the door and locked the cage. I heard the others coming from the woods.

"I can't believe we didn't catch a single fish." Zera complained.

"Look, I know we're all starving right now, but the important thing is that we stick together and find that scroll." Seth said.

"It's kind of hard to do that on an empty stomach." Lena frowned.

They walked up to the camp and they were skinnier than I remembered. The three of them stopped in their tracks and looked at me in the cage.

"Um, is that a ninja?" Lena looked at me.

"Yes, while you were gone I caught her sneaking around the camp." Marcus said.

"Great, maybe she can tell us where the scroll is." Seth said.

"Never!" I screamed.

"Fine, be that way, I have ways of making you talk." Zera said.

"I'd like to see you try." I said.

"Why couldn't you get one of the nicer ones?" I heard Lena whisper.

"Hey, I got one didn't I?" Marcus said.

"You have redeemed yourself Marcus." Seth said. "Good job."

"So I'm back in?" Marcus asked.

"Yes, you're back in." Seth said.

"Yes!" Marcus celebrated.

"We'd be even more happy if you could catch us some fish." Seth's stomach growled.

"Were you guys fishing below the rapids or above it?" I asked.

"Above it. Why do you care?" Zera asked.

"Because that's not where the fish are, they all swim with the rapids." I said. "Try below it."

"How do we know we can trust you." Lena said.

"Look we may be on opposite sides, but you guys look like you haven't eaten in days." I said. "So take my advice or starve."

"We don't really have anything to lose." Seth shrugged.

"Come on guys, let's go back to the stream." Marcus said. "Seth, will you keep watch?"

"I guess, just hurry. I'm starving." Seth griped.

Marcus gave Seth the key to the cage and they left to go fishing. Once they were far enough away, I signaled over to Allison and Ryder who had been watching from the bushes.

Allison jumped out and tackled Seth to the ground. He grabbed the key from his pocket and threw it to Ryder who unlocked the cage. The two of them held him down and I touched his shoulder and absorbed his wind power.

"Gotcha!" I exclaimed.

"Hey! What's the big idea?" Seth yelled.

"Nothing personal, just trying to save our friend." Allison said.

"Amber, go save Trent, we got him." Ryder said.

I nodded and started running back to the camp. I had to hurry before it was too late.


I ran back to the camp as fast as I could. I arrived to find my brother sitting up and breathing heavily. Ashley was laying in front of him completely passed out and Blake was sitting beside him. The rest of my friends were standing around the shelter.

"H-help!" Trent tried to say before wheezing again.

"What happened?" I asked.

"We don't know, just help him." Blake said.

Luckily I already had some of Ashley's power in reserve, so I sparked up the healing powers in my right hand and wind powers in my left. I opened Trent's mouth and used them both at the same time. Trent took a deep breath and immediately his eyes opened wide and he was able to catch his breath for the first time all day. He was breathing normally again and that was music to my ears. I was a bit tired from using two powers at once, but it was so worth it to save my brother.

"Thank you." Trent said looking at Ashley in front of him. "Is she ok?"

"Her vital signs appear normal." Alex scanned her. "She should wake shortly."

"Thank goodness." Trent sighed in relief.

"What happened to her?" Lily asked.

"She exhausted her powers to save my life." Trent frowned. "I tried to tell her not to, but she wouldn't listen."

"Trent, why would you do that?" I asked.

"Because I don't deserve it. She sacrificed everything to save me, and I... I couldn't even save her." He frowned.

"Trent it's ok, Ashley will be fine." I said.

"I know, it's just, without my suit I feel like I'm useless." He frowned.

"You aren't useless, you have lots of other qualities that make you vital member of this team." Blake said.

"Yeah right." Trent pouted.

All of a sudden Ryder and Allison came back from out of the woods. Allison ran to me to make sure I was alright and Ryder ran to Ashley.

"Ashley!" Ryder ran up to her in a panic.

"It's ok, she'll wake up soon." Matt said.

"I'm ok too Allison, just a little winded." I told her as she helped me sit up.

Ashley then squirmed and opened her eyes. She sat up holding her head and she looked dizzy and exhausted.

"Ashley. Are you ok?" Trent asked her.

"Are you?" She asked.

"Yes, I'm fine now thanks to you and Amber." Trent said. "How do you feel?"

"Like I just got run over by a bulldozer." She held her head. "Don't worry, I'll be alright. I'm honestly just so happy I didn't lose you."

"Yeah, same here." Trent smiled.

I could see blushing on both of their faces and Ashley planted a slight kiss on his cheek. Trent's face turned completely red and Ryder and I laughed at each other. We always knew those two would end up together since the day they were born, I guess they just needed time to see it.

Ryder sat down and held his ankle again. I forgot he had hurt it earlier. For the most part he was doing better, but it still bothers him sometimes.

"Here Ryder, I got it." Ashley tried to use her power to heal his ankle, but nothing happened. "Wait, why aren't they working?"

"You used everything you had to heal me." Trent frowned.

"You know that's why Mom and Dad told you not to overuse them." Ryder said.

"I had to do it to save his life. There was no other way." Ashley frowned.

"I know, and we're all very grateful that he's ok, but it's very dangerous to use that much power at once." Ryder said.

"It was worth it." Ashley looked at Trent.

"Maybe all you need is a little break?" Blake suggested.

"Yeah it's like Dad always says, true power is never truly lost." Ethan said.

"Yeah, I guess." Ashley sighed. "Sorry Ryder."

"It's ok, give them a rest for now." Ryder said.

"I'm just glad everything worked out." Allison said putting her arm around me.

"I just hope everything's ok back home." Matt frowned.

"Actually guys, there's something I've been keeping from you." Ryder frowned. "I talked to my father."

"WHAT?!" Everyone screamed.


In loving memory of
Mathew Perry

Thank you for making us laugh and we will continue to take your jokes with us wherever we go.

Bye bye Chandler Bing. 💔

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