An Aniversary Story

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This one is from the OG story. Enjoy! 😉


Nya's P.O.V.:

I was with Kai helping him out at the restaurant. I had been doing this for a couple months now because I was saving up money to get Jay something really special for our anniversary. Plus Skylor was still on maturity leave so he needed all the help he could get.

Jay hadn't shut up about this gaming convention he'd always wanted to go to, but his family couldn't afford tickets. That's why I was working so hard so I could get tickets for him. It was honestly really exhausting but in the end it would all be worth it.

"Thank you, come again." I said as I handed a costumer his change.

He thanked me and he left. That was the last costumer of the day. Kai went to change the sign on the door and I wiped the sweat off my forehead.

"Thanks for helping me out today sis." Kai told me. "I apologize, I didn't know there'd be such a rush today."

"It's no problem, it will all be worth it when I can get Jay those tickets for that convention." I said.

"Well you've really helped me today." Kai smiled. "With Skylor taking care of the baby, it's been harder for her to work."

"Yeah I know the feeling." I sighed. "I remember what it was like taking care of two newborns at once."

"Haha yeah." Kai laughed and handed me a check. "Here sis, you've earned it."

"Thanks." I smiled. "Well I better get back before the kids team up and chase Jay around the house again."

"Good luck."

"Thanks." I yawned.

"You ok? You look tired." Kai asked.

"Yeah, it's just been a long day." I assured him. "Nothing a good nights sleep won't fix."

"You know you can come in a couple hours later tomorrow if you want. We don't usually get that much of a rush in the morning anyway."

"Thanks but I'll be fine." I said yawning.

"Are you taking your dragon home?" Kai asked.

"I was planning on it." I answered.

"Are you sure you don't want a ride home? You seem really tired and I don't want you to lose your focus and get hurt."

"Thanks Kai, but I'll be fine. Besides I don't want you to keep you from Skylor and your kids." I insisted. "Have a good night."

"You too, be careful ok?" He said.

"I will, don't worry." I said as I walked out the door.

I went to the parking lot and formed my dragon. Then I took off and flew home. I was honestly exhausted from the day I had, but I managed to get home safe.

When I arrived Jay was being chased was by the twins again. Usually I find it amusing or I would get mad because it was way past their bedtime, but I was too exhausted to care. But Jay needed my help, so mommy duty calls.

"Kids, I'm home." I yelled.

"Mommy!" My four year olds ran to me and covered me in hugs.

"Hey honey." Jay smiled awkwardly.

"Why don't you two go get your pajamas on and get ready for bed?" I suggested.

"Ok." They agreed and ran upstairs to their bed.

"Seriously, how are you so good at that?" Jay asked frustrated.

"Trouble was the twins again?" I asked.

"I just can't get them to listen to me." Jay frowned. "What's your secret?"

"I don't know, I'm just good at it I guess." I shrugged and yawned.

"Rough day?" Jay asked.

"There was a huge rush at the restaurant and at one point Kai had to leave to get more supplies so I had to work straight through my lunch break and handle the whole restaurant by myself!" I vented. "If I have to say "do you want dumplings with that?" one more time I'm gonna lose it!"

"You must be hungry. Want me to make you a sandwich before you go to bed?" Jay offered.

"Thanks but I think I'll just grab a quick snack." I said grabbing a small bag of ninja chips from the cabinet.

"Oh alright." Jay said. "Nya can I talk to you about something?"

"Sure, what is it?"

"Well, I think it's great what you're doing for Kai and Skylor, but this is the third time this week you've come home exhausted. I think you're working a little too hard and you should talk to your brother about a day off."

"I can't quit now, I almost have enough to..." I covered my mouth. I almost spoiled Jay's surprise. "...To get Kai that flat screen TV he wants for his birthday."

"Kai's birthday was last month." Jay crossed his arms. "This wouldn't have anything to do with our anniversary coming up next week would it?"

"Did I say Kai? I meant Cole."  I corrected. "Anyway, I'm going to bed now, I love you."

I gave him a big long kiss on the lips so he wouldn't suspect anything. Then I headed for the twins' room and tucked them into their beds. Then I went into the bedroom and basically jumped into the bed and went to sleep. I was so tired.

Jay's P.O.V.:

Ok Nya was definitely acting weird. To be honest I wasn't home all day like she thought I was, over the past few weeks I was doing odd jobs to earn some extra money to get Nya something really special for our anniversary next week. I did everything from babysitting to washing cars to mowing lawns, anything I could do to get money.

About a month ago, we were shopping in the mall and she spotted a necklace that reminded her of the one her mother had when she was a little girl. I had never seen her eyes light up like that before. If I did my math right, I only had a few more jobs to go before I would finally have enough money to get it for her and I was expecting to have enough by the time I finished those last few jobs tomorrow morning.

It kinda made me sad that Nya was working all day, and then we had to come right back home and put the kids to bed. She hardly had any time to spend with them and to be honest I didn't either. When I went to my jobs, I either left them with one of my friends to babysit, or when none of them were available I had to take them with me. When that happened some people didn't mind, but most of them didn't tip me as much or would fire me on the spot for bringing two little troublemakers to their homes.

It's not that I didn't love them coming along with me, but I didn't want to do this any longer than I needed to and time was running out to get that necklace for Nya. The store owner said that it was the last one in stock and they could only hold it for me until tomorrow so I was hoping that the last few jobs I had would be enough. Cole was planning on babysitting the twins for me tomorrow, so I hoped everything would go to plan. Although I might have just jinxed it.

The next day...

Nya's P.O.V.:

My alarm went off and got myself up and ready for work. I was still pretty exhausted from the day before, but after this shift, I would finally have enough to get Jay those tickets. I couldn't wait to finally be done with that job, and Kai had told me that Skylor would be ready to go back to work soon so the timing couldn't be more perfect.

When I arrived at the shop I noticed three guys dressed all in black get into a car and drive away. I immediately ran inside and looked for my brother.

"Kai?" I shouted.

There was no answer, but I saw his jacket on the hanger that I know I saw him grab last night so I knew he had to be here somewhere. I kept looking but I couldn't find him. I heard a noise coming from the cabinet underneath the counter. I opened it and saw Kai tied up in ropes with a cloth over his mouth.

I immediately helped him out of the cabinet and untied him. He took the cloth off his mouth and started rubbing his wrists.

"Kai! What happened?" I asked panicked.

"They came out of nowhere, took everything in the cash register and left." Kai frowned as he clinched his right wrist in pain.

"Are you alright?" I asked.

"I can't believe I let that happen." He frowned. "Skylor's gonna kill me."

"We can worry about that later, right now I have to get you to the hospital and get you checked out." I insisted looking at his wrist that was swollen.

"Sis I'm fine." He snapped. So I barely touched his wrist and he flinched. "Ow!"

"You don't sound fine to me." I crossed my arms.

"I'll be ok, just go get me an ice pack please." Kai said.

"Fine, but if it gets any worse you know I'll drag you there." I said.

"I know you will." I heard him whisper under his breath.

I went in the back to get him that ice pack from the freezer and gently placed it on his wrist. He flinched in pain again, but then he just continued to look around for evidence for a police report.

"Here, I'll help." I said grabbing a pen and paper.

"Sis I'm so sorry this happened." He frowned. "You don't have to stay if you don't want to. I can't afford to pay you now anyway."

"No way, you're my brother and you need my help." I insisted. "I can get the money some other way. Besides it wasn't your fault, so please don't beat yourself up about it ok?"

"Ok." He sighed. "I need to make a few calls."

Kai took out his phone and set down to make his calls. I put a sign on the door that said that we would be closed for the rest of the day for investigation.

I was really worried about my brother. I could tell he wasn't acting like himself and he flat out refused to let me take him to the hospital.

"Hey Kai, I'm going to go check the security cameras." I whispered to him as I saw he was on the phone. "Call me if you need anything."

Kai gave me a nod and I went in the back to check the cameras. I rewound it to the time right before the robbery and saw this...


Kai was setting up by the cash register, getting ready for his shift, when three guys appeared from behind him. They grabbed him by the arms and one of the guys grabbed his wrist and twisted it, making him drop to his knees and knock his head on the counter, hard. That was enough to knock him out and the thieves tied him up and stuffed him in the cabinet.


I turned the video off. I couldn't bare to watch it anymore. I was worried that Kai might've had a concussion from hitting his head on the counter that hard. No wonder he had been acting so weird.

I ran back in to check on him and  he had just hung up the phone.

"The police are on the way." Kai said. "Did the cameras show you what happened?"

"You don't remember?" I looked at him.

"Honestly it all happened so fast." He held his head in pain. "Most of it is a blur."

"Does your head hurt?" I asked.

"Maybe a little." He admitted.

"Kai please let me take you to a hospital." I begged. "I'm really worried about you. You might have a concussion."

"Fine, but after the police leave."

"Deal." I agreed. "In the meantime I'll go get a first aid kit for you."

"If it'll get you to stop bugging me then fine." He agreed reluctantly. "There's one in the break room."


I would usually give him some kind of sarcastic comment for his attitude, but I didn't want to make his concussion any worse if that was case. I got the first aid kit and wrapped up his wrist and his head in bandages. I was almost done when the police showed up. They gathered some evidence and asked us a few questions, most of which my brother didn't have the answers to. Then I showed them the footage of the crime and they said they would look into it.

The police officer sent an ambulance over to look at Kai and get him checked out just to be safe. They told me that Kai had a concussion and that his wrist was sprained. He would have to wear a cast on it for a few days, which meant that he wouldn't be able to help Skylor with his newborn son or run the noodle shop until he got better.

I felt bad for him. I knew that they relied on the noodle shop to get by and it was really important to Skylor. So as hard as I worked for it, I knew what I had to do.

"Thanks for helping me out today sis." Kai smiled.

"Kai, there's something I want you to have." I took all the money he had given that month out of my purse and handed it to him.

"Sis you've earned this, I can't take that away from you." Kai frowned.

"You guys need it more than we do." I insisted.

"But what about Jay's tickets?" He reminded me.

"I told you I'll find another way." I smiled. "Please."

He took the money and gave me a hug. I was upset I couldn't get Jay those tickets, but once he hears about everything that went on today I'm sure he would understand.

Then I remembered that I had these expensive pair of earrings that I never ware because I can never find anything that goes with them. Well I did see this one necklace in the window of a store one time, but I couldn't afford that, so why not?

The only person I knew that could hook me up with tickets to that convention was Ronin so I went to Stixx to see him.

"Hey Ronin. Hi Jazmine." I said to him and his daughter. She was a little older than Amber so probably around eight now.

"Oh hello Nya." Ronin said.

"Hi." Jazmine waved to me.

"Hey Jazmine, long time no see." I said.

"Yeah, Penny had some errands to run so Jaz is my special helper for today." Ronin told me.

"Oh alright. Well it's nice to see you again." I said smiling at Jazmine.

"So I take your here for the tickets?" Ronin guessed.

"Yep." I said. "Please please please tell me you have some left?"

"I have four of 'em that I was saving just for you." Ronin pulled out a folder. "For a small fee of course."

"Well, the thing is I had the money but then things got a crazy and my brother got robbed and... well it's a long story." I rambled.

"Sorry about your brother." Ronin frowned. "You know the deal, no money..."

"No service." Jazmine finished.

"I've trained you so well." Ronin smiled at his daughter.

"Would you accept a trade?" I asked as I pulled out the earrings.

"Ooo those are pretty." Jazmine said in awe looking at the earrings.

"Alright, seems fair enough to me." Ronin said.

We made the trade and then I was about to leave, but then a question came to mind.

"Ronin, these are real tickets right?" I squinted my eyes.

"Of course, I can't risk any more unsatisfied costumers on our record." He said. "I have a family to look after now."

"Well that makes sense." I shrugged. "Thanks you guys, it was nice to see you again. Say hi to Penny for me."

"Will do. Enjoy your convention." Ronin said as he and Jazmine waved and I exited the shop.

I know I've always loved those earrings, but I love Jay more and seeing him happy was more important to me than anything.

Jay's P.O.V.:

I dropped the kids off at Cole and Seliel's and then I did the four jobs I had to do. By the time I was done I finally had enough money to get Nya that necklace. I was so happy to finally be done.

I had some time to kill before I had to go get the twins so I stopped by the jewelry store to pick up the necklace. It never occurred to me that walking into a jewelry store with a huge bag of cash was a bad idea. Next thing I knew I had a gun to my head. He ordered me to drop the money and out of pure fear I complied and he took it and ran before I saw his face.

I took a deep breath, thankful to be alive. I looked at the necklace in the window and sighed. There's no way I could afford it now, or anything really.

Then I remembered that I had a rare edition of the first issue of Star Farrer ever in my backpack. I was saving it to be signed by Tom Andreas, the author of the comics, who would be at this convention I wanted to go to. It's not like I would ever get to that convention anyway because tickets were nearly impossible to get, especially since it was next week.

I worked it out with the owner of the store and he said that I could trade my comic book for the necklace. A part of me didn't want to part with it, but for Nya, I'd do anything.

I picked up the kids and took them home. I was reading about what happened at the noodle shop in the paper. They said that no one had been seriously hurt, but I was still concerned about Nya and Kai. Then Nya came home. She seemed disappointed and freaked out.

"Another rough day?" I asked.

"I'll tell you about it later." She frowned.

"I read in the papers that there was a robbery at the noodle house. Is everyone ok?" I asked.

"I'm fine, but Kai's not." She frowned. "He can't run the shop for a while."

"Why? What happened? Was he hurt?"

"He hurt his wrist and he got a concussion, but he'll be ok." Nya said. "How was your day?"

"Oh it went fine." I lied.

"You seem a little shaken up. Is everything ok?" She asked.

"Yeah, just something that happened earlier." I sighed. "I don't really want to get into it."

"What happened?" She asked.

"I got mugged ok?" I buried my face in my arms.

"Oh my gosh! Are you ok? Were the kids with you?" She panicked.

"The kids are fine, I had some errands to run so Cole watched them today." I assured her. "It's not a big deal."

"I bet it was the same people who robbed my brother." She frowned. "Did you get hurt?"

"No, I'm alright. Just a little freaked out. Trust me I'm fine."

"Ok good." She sighed with relief. "I can't deal with anymore people getting hurt today."

Then the doorbell rang.

"Who's that?" Nya asked.

"Well I figured you would be tired when you got home so I ordered a pizza for us and the kids." I told her.

"Awe, thanks." She kissed me on the cheek.

"You're welcome." I smiled.

Nya was on her way upstairs to wake the kids up from their naps, but they met her half way. I guess they heard me say the P-word (pizza). I went to the door and payed him for our pizza and then I set it on the table.

We all set around and ate dinner, then we watched a movie with the twins, which tired them out. We put them to bed and then we went to bed, excited about tomorrow.

The next day...

It was late at night and Nya and I were at our favorite restaurant having dinner. Cole agreed to take the kids again so Nya and I could enjoy our night together. It was taking quite a while for the waitress to get our food, so we decided to open the presents first.

"Hey I noticed your not wearing those earrings you usually wear on special occasions like this." I noticed.

"Oh yeah, well they were a little dirty so I didn't wear them." She broke eye contact with me. "Hey maybe after dinner we can stop by the comic book store like we used to. You might find another rare comic."

"Yeah maybe." I sighed and pulled out the box I had wrapped underneath my chair. "Anyway, why don't you open your present?"

"Only if you open yours first." Nya smiled and handed me a small gift.

"Same time then?"

"Ok." She smiled.

She ripped open the wrapping paper and got this huge smile on her face as she saw the necklace. I was taking my dear sweet time to rip the wrapping paper so that she would see hers first.

"T-the necklace from the jewelry store?" Nya gasps.

"Yeah, I know how much it reminded you of the one your mother had when you were a kid." I explained.

"I love it! Thank you!" She smiled and hugged me.

"I'm glad you like it." I smiled. What's a rare, mint-condition comic book when your wife gives you a smile like that?

"Hey wait, you tricked me." She laughed as she noticed that I wasn't done unwrapping my present yet.

"I wanted to see your reaction." I smiled.

"Ok come on open your gift." She smiled and rolled her eyes.

"Ok ok." I agreed.

I unwrapped the present and it was four tickets to the convention I've always wanted to go to. I couldn't believe that Nya was able to get these for me! They were almost impossible to get.

"Wow! These tickets are almost impossible to get this late!" I exclaimed. "How did you get these?!"

"Well I started to use the money I earned from helping Kai, but after what happened at the shop I figured he needed it more. So I traded my good earrings to Ronin for them." She sighed.

"But I thought you loved those?" I frowned.

"I did, but I love you more." She smiled. "And now you'll be able to get your comic book signed."

"Well actually I... kinda traded my favorite comic book to get the necklace for you." I admitted. "I know it was my prized possession, but it was worth it to see you smile."

"It's perfect!" We both said at the same time before we hugged.

I was so happy that we were both happy. It was the best anniversary ever!

The police eventually found the guy that mugged me and robbed the noodle shop. The said his name was Fugi-Dove or something like that, we had never heard of him. Anyway they recovered all the money him and his goons took from Kai and me, but Kai said that we could do want we wanted with it. So we donated every last bit of it to the orphanage, because we already had everything we needed. It felt really good to do something nice for a good cause.

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