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Sorry that took too long but this one will be long long and long.Griffin will leave the team and some new students will come. Bye

Kai's POV
I walked to my first class with Jay, Maths . I hate Maths especially that dumb teacher Garmadon. He's the worst . I was walking when someone suddenly bumped into me . It was Skylor . "Sorry !" I said and give her a hand . She slapped my hand away and stood up on her own ."You're in trouble " I heard a voice behind me and turned to see Morro and his gang . OMG ! What could I do now . I bumped into Morro's girlfriend . I turned to see Jay and he was scared too. He took a few steps backwards then Morro punched me in the face . Then he ran away crying. What just happened . Then another punch came square in my face but I held his fist . Then I kicked him and he fell down . I laughed . "Stop right there." Morro said and I ran to Jay . I ran to Maths as fast as possible then finally "Why are you late Mr.Smith?". "I was caught by the bullies ." I answered quickly . I saw Morro and I death glared him. He did that back .
Then I got into class and the only seat I could see was beside Cole . I got there and sit with him . "And who are you?" The teacher asked Jay. "Uh?" Jay was confused. " Oh ! Sorry class! I totally forgot that he's the new student . Please let him introduce himself. " Mr. Garmadon said. " I am Jay . Jay Walker." Jay said nervously and he sat down to a random chair. The class finished. I saw Cole talking to Jay.
I walked to them and heard their conversation :
"Would you like to sit with me and my friend Zane for lunch?" Cole asked
"I'd like to. But I've already got friends. "
"Then Can Zane and I sit with you guys?"
"Ask him." He said pointing at the place where I was before. Cole stared at him blankly .
"Aaaaaah! "
"I scared you. Sorry ,by the way, I'm Kai . "
"Already know that." Cole said moving his shaggy hair from his face.
"You can sit with us." I said.
"Cool!" He said.

Zane's POV
I was in P.E. sitting with Lloyd. After the class ended. I talked to Lloyd.
"Want to sit with us for lunch ." I asked him.
"You were so lonely and always got bullied."
"Thank you ! Thank you!"
I chuckled at his excitement. He chucked a little too.

During lunch

We both sat on our usual table. Cole was not there . I saw Cole coming and I waved at him. He waved back. Then when he reached the table. Before sitting , he held both of my hands and started to walk with me. "Where are we going." I asked. "Imadenewfriendstodayjayandkai. " He said . "Calm down!" I said. "It's a surprise. " He answered back. Lloyd followed us. Cole didn't seem to notice Lloyd. We walked to a table with a girl and 3 boys. "I am Jay , Kai, Griffin and Nya." A boy in blue said. Lloyd shaked hands with all of them. "Is this the Zane you're were talking about." Kai said pointing at Lloyd. "No. This is Zane." Cole said moving aside so everyone can see me. "Hi!" I said nervously. "So who's that? " Nya asked. "Wait! Who's that?" Cole said frantically. I rolled my eyes. "Don't you know." Jay asked. "Nope! Who are you." He asked Lloyd. "Me! I'm L- " Lloyd was interrupted by me. "This is Lloyd. " I said. Cole was glaring at Griffin and he was too. "Is there a problem between you too." Jay asked. "He was my rival previous year and he is right now." Cole complained. "If you don't want me here . Then Fine ! " He yelled before running off to another group. "We all stared at him. "What?" He asked. "Cole! Don't you see what did you did." I yelled. " Let's just now eat!" Lloyd yelled who was looking very hungry. We chuckled at his outburst. We were eating. Let's do one thing . First let's call all of our elements and then put our hand in the middle and yell ninjago ! " Jay suggested. We agreed.
"Lloyd! Can I ask you a question?" Kai asked.
"Yes!" Lloyd said.
"What does energy do?" He asked
"I can use Fire,Lightning, Earth,Ice and my own power energy." Lloyd explained. "I can make an orb of Energy . Like this one."
He made a green orb and shoved it to a random table full of teenagers.
"I like it."
Before Lloyd could say anything. "Lloyd Montgomery Garmadon to the office please." The speaker announced. He groaned. He started walking to the office.

Lloyd's POV
I was walking . I didn't cared . Well. My uncle is the principal . He wouldn't do anything bad. I reached the office and knocked. I heard a 'come in' so I did. There was no sign of uncle Wu but I could see the vice principal. "Why did you blasted my poor little kid like this . " He said pointing at Morro. He was crying in his legs . I laughed at him. "Looks like you need a beat up from me. " He said.He tackled me but I dodged. He stood up and I punched him but he held my fist. He kicked me and I fell to the ground. He kicked me again but I rolled away. I standed on my legs and then he made a tornado. Once I was at the top. He let go. I fell to the ground. I was in full rage. I was making another energy ball when the vice principal slammed his hand on the desk 'Enough' he yelled . "You will get detention for 2 hours. " . I stormed out of the office and headed straight for my next lesson. I was there in time. Kai had English with me too and so did Cole. Kai and Cole were late so detention surrounded them too.

During Detention
Everyone got detention. I mean me and the guys . Including Nya.
"I must be in the building club right now." Jay and Zane yelled at the same time. And high five days each other.
"I must be playing football right now . " Kai yelled.
"Us too!" All of us yelled at the same time including Nya.
We looked at Nya. And she asked "What?" ." Seriously!A girl playing football. " I asked. "Yup!" She said showing us her football schedule. " Jay whispered something in Nya's ear. She nodded and blushed . Kai glared at him .
Finally the 2 hour detention was done so we were allowed to go home.

Nya's POV
After Jay asked me to go on a date. I agreed . I was getting ready for that. Kai was sleeping so I sneaked of our apartment. I saw Jay's BMW infront of my house. It was royal blue with silver details. He waved at me and I waved back. I sat on the seat next to the drivers one. He drived it to the Mega Monster Amusement Park. "Let's try the roller coaster." I suggested. He agreed . Then we got to the restaurant and ate something. "Will you be my girlfriend. " He asked. "Yes." I said. We leaned towards each other and my lips touched his soft ones. I sat on the seat next to the drivers one. He leaved me to my home and I got to bed and fall asleep.

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