The Caves Of Truth

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Jay's POV

As I entered my door, it creaked with impact. I gulped as it was pitch black inside, and wearily took slow steps deeper into the room. The big door slammed shut behind me which caused me to jump and fall over, hitting my head on the cold stone floor.

"Well, there's no going back now" I said to myself.

I slowly got up, rubbing my head, and continued further into the room.

Suddenly a blue light lit up the room, or should I say corridor. One by one, along the wall, blue lights lit up down the hall, illuminating the way forward. The blue corridor seemed to go on forever. I looked around at my surroundings, upon the wall hung pictures of my life. They varied from when I was a baby, to yesterday morning. But in no particular order.

One of them was of when I was a toddler, I was sitting on the ground in the junkyard, playing with a robot my father had made me.

Another one was of my first high school fight, well I say fight, but I actually mean beating. Although I did manage to land one punch on him, he layed a ton on me. It was between me and Morro. Suprise, suprise, he won.

The one next to it was of me and Nya, I had just picked her up bridal style and was spinning around. Nya looked to be squealing with delight. I remember that day, clear as anything.

The next one was of me as a ten year old, sitting around a fire with my parents, roasting marshmallows and creating s'mores. The look of laughter was paused on my face.

I smiled to myself, remembering every one of theses memories like they were yesterday.

I looked on the opposite wall, as I continued to walk down the hallway. The one that caught my eye was of me as a baby, wrapped up in a blue blanket, beeing carried by a masked figure. It looked to be feminine and she was paused, kissing my forehead head in front of my parents caravan. A note was tied around my neck and it read: Take care of him, his name is Jay, love him as if he's your own.

Wait...... Am..... Am I....... Adopted?

Tears sprang to my eyes at realisation that my entire life had been a lie, a lie.

I wiped my tears away and sprinted down the corridor. I ran for ages, well until I came to two massive wooden doors.

I slowly opened them to reveal a large blue room.

"Déjà vu" I whisper to myself.

I continued I to the room, taking baby steps. Looking around, I noticed that there was no decoration, not pictures, or personality, just a room painted head to toe in blue.

I was right in the center when the two doors slammed shut and a low buzzing sound filled the space. My body started to radiate with a blue glow as the buzzing increased.

I looked all around, trying to pinpoint the exact location of the noise, but it was no use, it seemed to come from everywhere, but at the same time, it came from nowhere.

A blue orb cracked with lightning in the far corner and started to shoot beams of lightning in all angles. Another blue orb appeared in the far corner and mimicked the first one. More orbs appeared, shooting lightning beams everywhere.

My breathing increased and so did the ratio of lightning beams. I looked down, my body was now fully radiating with a blue glow as beams of lightning shot passed my face, some even scratching it and leaving scars.

The buzzing noise was now unbearable. I looked up and followed one of the beams, I watched as it hit the far wall and b-lined it straight towards my heart. Frozen in fear I watched it zoom closer. And closer. And closer.

It shot through my heart, causing my reflexes to scream out in agony. I cluched my heart with my hands and crouched to the ground.

Wait a minute...... Why do I feel no pain?

I stood up, as pure energy surged through my body. I felt strong and powerful. I looked down at my hands, concentrating on nothing but that.

The air around my hand clicked with blue sparks until it burst into blue lightning beams. The noise it created was amazing, it clicked like lightning does, but I felt the noise deep within me, pounding like my heart, like it was a part of me.

I clenched my hands together and interwinded my fingers. I slowly pulled them apart, creating several bridges of lightning between them. Sparks of electricity flue everywhere as I pulled my hands further away from each other, the beams subsequently growing larger.

I looked around, now fully aware that the lightning beams had stopped flying everywhere and I was once again alone in the blue room. The only difference was that the doors I had came through were now gone. I started to become worried and closterphobic.

I calmed my breathing and looked deep within me, searching for an answer. I soon felt a breeze pick up as I opened my eyes and noticed I was inside a blue tornado. It's cracked with the body of lightning. I moved to the left, hoping to get out of it, but it moved with me. It was apart of me, like my soul or spirit. I was creating it, and I could stop it.

I consentrated for a bit and noticed it stopping, the world behind it became clearer and I noticed I wasn't inside the blue room anymore, I was inside the light temple. When it came to a complete stop i was definitely standing in the light temple. Regaining my focus I consentrated on starting a beam of lightning in the palm of my hand. To my relief a blue beam burst upon my hand. I smiled and quickly made it stop as a bright green tornado appeared next to me. I yelped as I saw a figure inside of it. As it slowly dyed down, I saw Lloyd standing in his Gi, a green orb surrounded both his hands.

I looked down at myself and noticed I too was wearing my GI.

A few moments later another tornado appeared, this one being brown and had clumps of dirt surrounding it. Cole emurged once the tornado had stopped. Another appeared on the other side of me, the colour of water and a female figure appeared, Nya. I went over to hug her and she returned it.

More tornados appears. A red one, fire crackling all around it. Kai. A purple one, Pixal. A white one, Zane. An orange one, Skylor. A dark blue one. Seliel.

"So...... You all have your elements?" Lloyd asked breaking the silence.

We all nodded.

"Hey guys check this out!" Kai shouted, using his element to create an outline of a lion. "FFFIIIIYYYYYAAAA!!" He shouted.

"Oh yeah? Check this out!" Nya shouted, using her element to put out Kai's flames.

"This feels so weird! It's like the element is apart of me, like it has been for ever!" Seliel shouted.

"I know, it's awesome!" Cole shouted, jumping high in the air before coming down to earth and smashing his fists on the ground causing a mini earthquake.

I heard a loud gasp from behind me. I turned around towards the noise and saw Skylor looking at her phone. He hand covered her mouth and she looked worried.

"What is it Skylor?" Kai asked worriedly.

"Look at your phones" she whispered.

I took my phone out of my pocket and turned it on. The useral picture of me and my parents came up on the screen. I glanced at the time.

"WHAT THE HELL!!" I screamed. The clock time was fine, but the date read a week later from the day we entered the Caves.

"Have we spent over a week in their?!" Cole asked, pointing back towards to his door.

"No, we can't of, but if thats the case, the Over Lord is said to reveal himself today!" Zane said.

"Well maybe someone sped up the time or something?" I said. Lloyd looked like he just realised something and I was about to ask what it was, but the two massive doors of The Light Temple swung open. It revealed a silhouette of a man, as he steeped closer I immediately recognised him. Lloyd's...... Father?!?

"Dad? What are you doing here? You need to get out of here!" Lloyd practically screamed at him.

"And why's that son?" He said in a calm voice.

"Because it isn't safe here! The Over Lord-" Lloyd cut himself off and thought for a moment. He looked to be in serious disbelief and slightly hurt. "You........ Your....... Are you the....... Over Lord?" He whispered.

A cruel smile crept into his face.

"The one and only....."

Okay, so Lloyd's father is the over lord, suprise, suprise.......

So this is the end of this book!! Yay!!!

But don't worry, there is going to be a sequel, where the team fights the over lord, goes to the dance and learns to control their new elemental powers.

It's called The Final Battle. I know, so original, but I couldn't be bothered to think of a better title *shrugs*

Bye, 'till the next book!!!

Thanks for reading 💗💖💗💖

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