Whats That?

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Lloyd's POV

"Well, I need to get away from this place" She said quietly glancing back to look at her home. " Plus an adventure sounds really fun. So when do we go?"

"As soon as possible" I said "the prophecy states that the over lord is to reveal-"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know prophesy, reveal his identity in two weeks" Trini cut me off. "But I kinda need a set day"

"Well how about tomorrow, since it is a weekend and all" Cole suggested. "But how and what do we tell our parents?"

"Well me and Kai live alone, so we don't need to worry about that" Nya said.

"Just- just tell your parents you're going on a special trip with school like Sensi told us to do" Seliel shrugged.

"What about your parents? How will you tell them?" I asked looking towards Trini.

"Don't worry about me, I can hack into anything, I'll just rig the school system" Trini said, giving a devilish smile.

"Okay, so it's settled? We meet tomorrow at the front of the school, pack for a couple of days." I said glancing at each one of them in turn. They all responded with a nod.

"Anyway, I better get going, my parents will be wondering where I am" Cole said looking at his watch. "You coming Seliel?"

Seliel nodded and followed Cole off East, towards the city center. Kai and Nya headed back the way we came, toward school and Zane and Pixal wen North of here, heading to Borg Industries. Skylor called her father and was getting picked up a couple of blocks away, leaving me alone with Trini.

"Aren't you gonna go home Greenie?" She asked me, folding her arms. At first I was confused of my nickname, but then glanced down at my clothes. Completely green. Except for my white shirt under my hoodie.

"Yeah, I'm just waiting for my mum to pick me up." I said, mimicking her stance. She scoffed and rolled her eyes.

"When's she getting here?"

"Oh, you know, and hour, maybe two"

"What? Why?"

"She works in a library and has to take shifts. So her next shift finishes in an hour, but her boss sometimes makes her do overtime" I sighed and sat down on the cracked pavement.

"Well, what do you want to do to pass the time?"

I looked at her for any signs she might be joking, but she seemed pretty genuine.

"Don't you have friends you would rather hang out with. Or a boyfriend?" I said but regretted it straight away. Great, now she gonna think I'm desperate.

"Well considering I don't go to school, and hardly ever leave the house, I would think not." She answered taking a seat next to me.

"Good point" I shrugged. "Wait a minute, what did you say your element was?"

"I didn't. But to be honest, I'm kinda shocked it took you this long to ask, I thought for sure that is one of the first things they'll say" she answered giggling to herself.

"Really? Are you sure we haven't asked you yet?"

"I'm sure, I would have known"

"True, so what's your element?" I asked raising an eyebrow.

"It's Illusion" she answered smiling.

"What's Illusion?" I asked, racking my brain for the answer.


In an instant, the surrounding environment changed from the damaged and destroyed housing estate to the tropical trees of the jungle. Monkeys swung from tree to tree and a distant roar arose from the distance. Plants from green to yellow to red scattered the floor with beautiful butterflies floating from flower to flower. A small lizard was perched on a nearby log, just surfacing from the over grown plants.

The vision faded to reveal a a deserted beach. The waves crashed against some nearby rocks creating white foam at the tips. A breeze blue my hair in my eyes as a shiver ran down my spine. I was trapped, one side there was massive cliffs, towering above me, and on the other, an endless sea as far as the eye could see.

As the beach view faded, I was surprised to be standing a few meters in front of Trini.

"Woah! How did you do that?" I asked, stumbling around, trying to regain my composure.

"That's my element, I can make people see whatever I want them to see"

"That's really cool, but why do I feel so dizzy?"

"Oh, well your body is adapting back to the real world, it should stop in a second" she said, chuckling to herself.

"Ok, but I think I'm gonna sit down again" I said dizzily, taking a seat on the cracked pavement again. I put my head between my knees and concentrated on my breathing.

"Do you like it?" She asked after a few seconds.

"Hu?" I said, my body no longer feeling like its spinning.

"Do you like my power?" She asked, wide eyed, looking hopeful for a good outcome.

"It's very unique, that's for sure"

"Is that a good thing?" She asked, unsure of the answer.

I thought for a moment. Then a smile spread across my face. I nodded.

"Yes, it is"

There was a car horn. It sounded familiar. I whipped around to see my mothers car, pulling up on the curb. I checked the clock on my phone, it had been 2 hours since we got here. I looked at Trini with my mouth hanging open.

"When in my illusions, the time in the real world can go faster or slower, depending on how I'm feeling" she said, clearing up the big time gap. I laughed nervously.

"Right, well I'll see you tomorrow then?" I said, still dazed for the whole illusion thing.

"Yeah, I'll see you tomorrow" she said walking back into her house.

As I entered the car, I glanced up at my mother. She wore a smirk and I knew exactly what she was thinking.

"No mom, she's NOT my girlfriend" I said firmly.

"I never said she was" she smiled innocently.

"Yeah, maybe, but you were thinking it"

"You don't know that" She responded, ruffling up my hair.

"Awwww, and little Lloyd got himself a girlfriend?"

I turned in my seat and saw Morro. His eyes were glued to his phone and and he was smirking.

"NO!" I shouted at him

"Suuuuure" He answered cockily, his eyes remained on his phone.

"Shut up!" I shouted

"Boys!" Mom shouted, catching both of our attentions. "Can we please have one car journey where you too aren't fighting?"

"Sure, whatever you say.... old lady" Morro scoffed.

"That's it you are on a time out!" Mom shouted at him, after turning around in her seat to face him.

"I'm already on a time out, duh!"

"Fine, you are grounded!"

"Been there done that" He continued to torment her.

"Give me your phone" she said sternly.

"What? No!"

"GIVE ME YOUR PHONE!" She shouted even more stern.

"Ugh... fine" he grumbled and handed it to her. She grabbed it and stuffed it in her pocket.

"You're not getting this back until.... until you graduate. Or get a better attitude" she said, turning to face the front again and starting up the engine.

I heard Morro slump in his chair and groan. I couldn't help but smile to myself. He deserves this.

I know this chapter was pretty boring, but I had to inform you about Trini's element, which, BTW I'm sorry for leaving so long to tell you what it was.

Also do you think Morro deserved to have his phone taken away? Personally I think he deserves ALOT worse. But Misako is way to nice to do worse.

Anyway thanks for reading,

Luv you all 💗💖💗💖

P.s Kinda forgot to proof read, I was in such a hurry to get this chapter out I couldn't be bothered. OH WELL!!

P.p.s Like, hold the phone for one moment......

I HAVE GOT OVER 1K READS, Like WTF!?! W.....T......F!! Thank you all so so so much for reading and liking and commenting !!!

P.p.p.s My friend (code name sluggy) has joined the Wattpad World, so please go check out her story, its about a twin rivalry and one of them suicides. It may sound really weird, but it actually really good. So please go check her out. She goes by the name of Lina1635

P.p.p.p.s My other best friend (code name Dizzy) has also join the Wattpad World. But even though she hasn't written any stories yet, she says she is preparing to write one, so please do follow her as well. Her username is MadNotInsane

P.p.p.p.p.s Sorry for the massive AN

Bye!!! (For real this time!!)

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