The New Teacher

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Jay's POV

I haven't seen or talked to my friends in days. Every time I would try to sneak out of the house my mother would be waiting at the front porch to bust me. The only friend I was able to keep in contact though was Zane. My mother never said I couldn't hang out with him, so he's going to keep me in check with everything going on with the group.

It was towards the begging of sixth period, I was sitting next to Zane of course and Mr. Borg still hasn't arrived to teach the class. Mr. Borg was Zane's favorite teacher since he taught him about technology and the his father is really good friends with him. I think it's nice to have a favorite teacher I mean then you get the easy way out if you're in trouble or are about to. Too bad I never had one...

"What's taking Mr. Borg so long?" I asked Zane as he was finishing some notes for his previous class. 

Zane stopped writing his notes and sighed, "Mr. Borg collapsed last night, he will not be attending class for a while" He confessed to me.

My mouth gapped open, "What!?! Zane, why didn't you tell me before?" I shouted quietly to we wouldn't disturb the other students. He shrugged as he continued to write his notes. This was oddly strange for Zane, and I mean ODD. 

Zane is never like this, the only time this happened was- well- NEVER! He never gets sad or depressed, Zane's always just so happy and cheerful, but today seems different. I have a feeling this isn't just about Mr. Borg. 

"How are the others then" I asked randomly to pick up a different conversation.  

He responded with, "Fine."

That's it? Fine? Good lord what has happened to this guy!?! Before I could ask anything else Principle Garmadon and a women with platinum hair up in a clean bun, emerald green eyes, and wore a violet long sleeve dress with silver designs sewed into it. I'm going to assume this is our new teacher.

"Good Afternoon, students. As some of you may know already, Mr. Borg was hospitalized last evening. He will not be teaching the class for a short amount of time, so you will be having a substitute for the meantime" Garmadon stated as the women walked up next to him, "Everyone, this is you new teacher for the time being, Ms. Borg."

The new teacher gave me a weird vibe, I just don't knw what it was. She barely even gave out a smile which just chills me to the bone. On the other hand once I looked to Zane, his eyes were practically bulging out of his head. He looks more interested in the teacher then hos own work! Now this is something new.

"I'll leave you to it Ms. Borg" Garmadon finished as he walked out of the classroom closing the door behind him. 

Ms. Borg adjusted her dress as she was about to speak, "Welcome students to my vision of Communications to Technology 3, today you will be reading out of your books pages 620-700 about the artificial intelligence of computers and if you don't finish reading it in class then you will either stay after school to complete the assignment, or sigh the clipboard so you may take the book home to use for homework. Understood?" She asked the class.  

The class was silent, until one student who I know all too well spoke up, "I understand, Ms. Borg" Zane said as he already had his book out about to start reading it. Ms. Borg gave a small smile, "Alright then, begin!" she announced.

We all started reading the book which may I say have literally a thousand words per page! I mean I know Mr. Borg was strict, but this is just too much! Five minutes later Zane got up from his seat as he brought the book over to the book counter. He finished the whole thing and I'm still on page two!

I think I got distracted by what was going on with Zane instead of my work which honestly I didn't really care for. "What are you doing?" Ms. Borg asked with a stern tone.

Zane smiled, "I've finished the assignment as you've said, Ms. Borg" He said ever so politely. 

Ms. Borg crossed her arms over her chest and raised an eyebrow, "In five minutes?" she questioned not looking very pleased.

The blonde nodded his head, "It was a very simple instruction" He responded. Bad move Zane! Bad move!

"Simple, okay if it was that simple then what are the use of mainframe computers?" She quizzed his on the spot. And without a doubt, Zane answer it in a matter of seconds, "Mainframe computers (colloquially referred to as "big iron") are computers used primarily by large organizations for critical applications; bulk data processing, such as census, industry and consumer statistics, enterprise resource planning; and transaction processing" He answered giving out information.

"What is the brain of the computer?" 

"The CPU is the brains of the computer. In terms of computing power, the CPU is the most important element of a computer system. The CPU is centrally located on the motherboard. Since the CPU carries out a large share of the work in the computer, data pass continually through it."

"How do you say it in Spanish?" 

"La CPU es el cerebro de la computadora. En términos de potencia de cómputo, la CPU es el elemento más importante de un sistema informático. La CPU está ubicada en el centro de la placa base. Dado que la CPU lleva a cabo una gran parte del trabajo en el ordenador, los datos pasan continuamente a través de él." *Used google translate, so most of this might be wrong, and I'm lazy to use the Spanish I already know XD*

Since when has Zane known Spanish? 

"Muy bien, Estudiante" The teacher replied in defeat as she sat down at her desk chair, "You may finish up any homework  you have in your other classes."

The thing was Zane didn't leave the desk, probably cause he already finished his homework which I'm not surprised by. Then the bell rung reminding us that class was over and you have four minutes to get to your next one, the problem was I was so busy watching Zane school Ms. Borg that I never got past page two...

Great more homework for me. I walked over to the teachers desk signed my name in one of the slots and grabbed my book and walked out. I waited a minute or two for Zane to come out of the classroom, and once he did he had this goofy little grin. He stole my goofy little grin!

"What happened with you? I haven't seen you like this since they added iPads in the library!" I exclaimed as we walked to our next class. Zane smiled, "I'm going to go to tutoring before and after school now" he said which caught me off guard.

"What! B-But you're an A student! You just schooled Ms. Borg-"


"What?" I asked.

"Ms. Borg's name is Pixal" He responded back to me.

Oh good grief, "Zane, buddy do you know how crazy you sound right now for saying her real name? It sounds like you're in love with the women or something!" I shouted for our ears only.

His pale face turned so red it almost looked like a tomato, "You do have something for her don't you" I asked him.

"That information is classified" He told me with a smile as he entered his classroom. I felt like I was going to explode. Why won't he tell me what was going through his head!

After hours of school later, I walked all the way home to the scrapyard. My parents weren't home thankfully so I had this place to myself to finish up homework and have some time alone. I finished the two hour long of my AP Calculus homework and got onto my laptop that was in my backpack and went over to twitter. 

Yes I have Twitter, but that's the only thing that I can use to Dm her. With a hop skip and a click I was on my message board with a notification from Samurai X.

'You there?'

I responded with, 'yeah'

'I have a question for you'

'Go for it'

'What am I to you?'





'You're the peanut butter to my jelly'

'Is that what we are?'

'To me it is'

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