A Friend

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Disclaimer: I don't own Ninjago, just the story.

"Father, I do not why I have to go to school," a young android said to his father.  "My intelligence is far superior than everyone else's."

"I want you to be around kids your age," the android's 'father' said.

"But I am not a normal kid!  I will never be a normal kid!  Plus, everyone thinks I am weird."

"Trust me.  Someday, you will find someone who you can relate to.  You just need to give it time."

Zane never thought he would ever meet anyone like him.  He had heard that an android had started attending Ninjago High over a year ago, but he never got the opportunity to meet her...not until detention.  That android's name: PIXAL.  Seeing her there made Zane feel less alone in the school.  Now, he's training to be a ninja and she knows about it.  She's usually just hanging out with Seliel and Lloyd's mother while the others are training, but Zane still likes the fact that she's there.  He's been hoping to get the opportunity to talk to her, but she doesn't talk to many of them.  Skylor is the person she seems to be the most comfortable talking to, but she has started to get comfortable talking to Seliel.

The 'team' he's supposed to be a part of hasn't really been coming together.  Jay and Nya are dating which makes it easier for them to work together and the same goes for Kai and Skylor now.  Kai and Nya can also work together since they're siblings.  Getting everyone else to work together has been a bit more of a challenge.  Nya has managed to get Kai to start being friendly with Jay and Nya, herself, has been getting along with Skylor since they're the only elemental girls.  Lloyd isolates himself a lot from everyone.  Yes, he's supposed to be the leader, but he never seems interested in being an elemental master.  Although, that might be because the person they will fight is his father.  Jay and Nya have tried to be nice and approach Lloyd about it, but he just brushes it off.  The only person he seems to have long conversations with is Kai.  There is some hostility between Cole and Kai.  The two haven't really gotten over it since their fight at school, even though it has been a week since they found out they were meant to be a team of ninjas.  Cole is the person who has been the biggest challenge for them to become a team.  He carries the attitude that he has at school to training.  He isn't the nicest to anyone, especially Jay, and he's always trying to show off his muscles which everyone has been annoyed by.

And then there's Zane who can't seem to find a way to fit in with the others.  He can't seem to find his place in the madness.  The team are the closest thing to friends he's ever had!  He wants to try to find a way to bring them all together, but that seemed impossible with how different they all were.

It was currently lunchtime at school and Zane was watching PIXAL who was sitting under a tree, presumably waiting for Skylor.  He knows how creepy he may seem by watching her, but he's trying to figure out what to say to her.

After a few minutes, Zane decides to just go up and talk to her.  "Hello PIXAL," Zane said.

PIXAL jumped a little.  She was startled because she didn't expect for anyone to just walk up to her.  She looks up and sees Zane.  "Hello Zane," she said shyly.  "Is there anything I can help you with?"

"I was just wondering if I could talk to you."

"Oh."  PIXAL wasn't really good with talking to people.  That was the reason she only talked with Skylor.  She was hesitant to start talking with Seliel too.  Everyone just ignored PIXAL anyway which she didn't mind.  It was a shock to her that someone actually wanted to talk to her.  "What would you like to talk about?"

"I've just never met anyone who was like myself.  Who is your creator?"

"I was created by Cyrus Borg.  That is why my last name on the attendance is Borg."

"You were created by the brilliant inventor, Cyrus Borg?"

"Yes, I was.  Who is your creator?"

"His name is Dr. Julien.  He may not be a well known inventor, but he still has a brilliant mind."

"I see."

Zane sat down next to PIXAL.  "You do not like to talk to us much.  Why?"

PIXAL didn't really want to answer the question, but Zane was most likely going to keep pushing the subject.  Maybe he could understand it more.  "I just do not want anybody to think that I am weird because I do not understand human emotions or jokes or sarcasm."

"Those things baffle me as well.  I have learned a little, but I find it to be a very complex topic.  Maybe we can figure it out together."  PIXAL looked up at Zane as he continued.  "I have never had any friends, but I would like to make some.  Would you be interested in becoming my first friend?"

"I would be honored."  PIXAL smiled at her new android friend.  She brought her voice down to a whisper.  "How are things going with the team?"

"Not great," Zane sighed.  "It is hard to get everyone to work together.  We are all just so different.  We cannot find anything to really bond over."

"I may have an idea."  Zane looked at PIXAL curiously.  "My father knows this game designer, Milton Dyer.  He is coming over today for a meeting with my father.  If we head over right after school, I might be able to get something to help them bond."

"That sounds fantastic!"

"Meet me here when school ends."

"I'll be here."  Zane stood up as Skylor approached.

"Zane!  I didn't expect to see you here," Skylor said in shock.

"I was just leaving.  Bye PIXAL."

"Bye Zane," PIXAL said.

After Zane left, Skylor turned to PIXAL.  "What were you two doing?" she asked.

"Just talking," PIXAL responded.

"Really?  You weren't doing anything else."  Skylor smirked.

PIXAL caught onto what Skylor was thinking.  "We are just friends.  Nothing more."

"Whatever you say."

After school, Zane and PIXAL met up at the same tree they had talked under durning lunch and walked to Borg Tower, the headquarters of Borg Industries.  They had managed to get to PIXAL's father before his meeting with Milton Dyer was over.

"PIXAL?  What are you doing here?" Cyrus Borg asked.

"I am sorry, father, but I was wondering if Milton Dyer could help us out," PIXAL said.

That was when Borg noticed that PIXAL had not come alone.  "Who is your friend?"

"This is Zane.  He is the only other android at school."

"It is a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Borg," Zane said and shook his hand.

"It is a pleasure to meet you too, Zane," Borg said and turned back to his daughter.  "What do you need Mr. Dyer's help with?"

"We know some people who are having trouble getting along for a project and we were hoping for a way to get them to bond."

Before Borg could respond, Milton Dyer spoke up.  "I think I can help you with that."

After they got what they needed, they started to head to the monastery.  "How did you come up with that excuse on the spot?" Zane asked.

"While the rest of you have been training, I have been working with Seliel on believable excuses to use to explain your guys' absence if there is an emergency," PIXAL explained.

"That is some excellent thinking."

"We thought it would be useful."

When they got to the monastery, everyone was waiting for them, even Lloyd who is still doing his month long detention.

"What took you guys so long?" Kai asked.

Zane turned to Master Wu.  "Master, we were thinking of a way to help the team bond, so that we can work together more."

"Bonding is very important for the team," Wu said.  "Were you able to find something to help?"

"We believe so."

PIXAL pulled a game console out of the bag that Milton Dyer gave her, as well as a video game.  "My father was having a meeting with a game designer and he was generous enough to give us this."

"What game is it?!" Jay asked excitedly.

"It is a new one that is not out yet called 'Prime Empire.'"

"We have to play it!!!"

"I'm not much of a gamer, but I'll play," Nya said.

"I'm in!"  Everyone turned and saw that Lloyd spoke up.  They were surprised that Lloyd was willing to do something with all of them.  "What?  I like video games."

"That sounds fun," Kai said.

"I'm not much of a gamer, like Nya, but I'll play," Skylor said.

"I'll join," Seliel said.

"What's the harm in playing some games?" Cole added.

They all walked into the monastery and hooked the game console up to a TV that Wu had and started playing.  For once, there were no fights, no isolation from anyone, no bragging.  They were just a bunch of teenagers playing video games, but that doesn't mean they are friends...yet.

A/N: I'm sorry that I've been slow with updates recently.  I will try to start being faster.  Anyways, I hope you enjoyed!

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