Where is Jay?

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Disclaimer: I don't own Ninjago, just the story.

A little boy was in a junkyard with his father.  His father was teaching him about inventing.

"Do you want to try to turn it on?" the father asked.

The boy nodded excitedly and turned on the lamp that his dad taught him how to make with stuff found around the junkyard.  His eyes lit up because it actually worked.

"You're a natural!" the father told his son.

"Teach me how to do more, daddy!" the boy said excitedly.

"Not tonight.  It's getting late, but I'll teach you more tomorrow."

A woman walked out of their trailer home and saw the two together.

"Mommy!  Look what I did!" the boy said excitedly and showed his mom the lamp.

"Great job, sweety!" the mother told her son.  "Why don't you go to bed and you can work with daddy more tomorrow."

The boy walked inside with his lamp and went to his room.  He loves learning how to invent with his father and feels like he's lucky to have such great parents.

As Jay was running, he realized that he didn't really have anywhere to go for the night.  He didn't want to go back home, not after what he just found out.  Of course they aren't his real parents.  He's the master of lightning and there was no way Ed and Edna ever had powers.  He didn't know where he was going to go.  He stopped to consider his options.  Kai and Nya live in Ignacia.  Seliel lives in Nom.  He doesn't really know about Skylor.  PIXAL lives at Borg Tower.  Zane lives with his dad in a small apartment.  He doesn't know if Cole would be ok with him coming over since they just became friends recently.  Lloyd recently moved into the monastery with his mother to make sure his father had no chance to get to him.  Master Wu already lived there.

Another thought came into his mind.

Master Wu said that they inherited their powers.  He most likely knew that Jay was adopted and didn't say anything.  He didn't bother telling Jay the truth.  At this point, he was tired of all the secrets and lies.

None of the options he had seemed reasonable.  He wasn't sure where he was going to go, so he just continued walking.  Hopefully, he would find some place.

Ninjago High School

The next day

Nya met up with the others in front of the school after the final class for the day was done.  There was one member of their team who she hadn't seen all day and it worried her.  She hoped that the others had seen him.  "Hey guys," Nya said as she caught up with the group.  "Have any of you seen Jay?"

"I haven't seen him all day," Lloyd said.

"I hope he's ok," Cole added.

"If we knew where he lives, we could check up on him," Skylor said.

"I know," Nya said.  "He told me once.  You guys head to the monastery and I'll go check up on him."

"Are you sure, Nya?" Kai asked.  "We're a team.  We can all go."

"I think it would be best if I just go."  Nya waved and walked away while the others started going to the monastery.


"Why did you call me here, Master?" Samukai asked.

"I want you to capture an elemental master," Lord Garmadon said.  "The master of lightning to be exact."

"Why do you need him?"

"That machine that I had you Skulkin build will allow me to leave, but I need a power source.  What better power source than the master of lightning?"

"How do we find him?"

"His powers were passed down to him just like the other elemental masters. I have an idea where he could be."

Sea of Sands

Nya was walking in the Sea of Sands towards where Ed & Edna's Scrap N Junk was located.  After walking for a bit, she found it.  She walked into a junkyard and saw a trailer inside.  She walked up to the trailer and knocked on the door.  An elderly couple answered the door, but Nya noticed that it looked like they were hoping for someone else and put on a fake smile when they saw her.  "Hello," the elderly woman said.  "What can we do for you?"

"Hi," Nya started.  "I'm Nya.  I'm looking for Jay.  He wasn't at school today and I was worried about him."

"Oh.  You're Nya."  Jay had told his parents about him and a girl named Nya dating.

"I'm sorry," the elderly man said.  "But we haven't seen him since last night."

"Last night?" Nya was really starting to get worried now.

"We told him something that we had been keeping from him that we were hoping he was ready to hear.  We don't know where he went."

Nya was starting to think of his favorite places to go.  "I might have an idea."  She proceeded to walk out of the junkyard to go where she thinks Jay might be.

The monastery

Kai looked at his phone after hearing a text come through.  "Turns out Jay wasn't at home," Kai said.  "According to Nya, something happened between him and his parents last night.  She said she has an idea about where he might be and is going there."

"Why didn't he come to one of us?" Cole asked.

"Maybe he did not want to be a burden on us," Zane reasoned.

"We're all worried," Lloyd said.  "Let's just hope he's ok."

"What could his parents have told him?" Seliel asked.

"I think I might know," Wu said to the members of the team that were there.

Ninjago City

Nya was walking down the streets of Ninjago City.  She knows what Jay likes and what helps him to calm down sometimes.  After walking for a bit, she reached her destination.  She walked into the arcade and it didn't take long for her to find Jay.  He was playing Fist to Face 2.  "Hey," she said when she reached her boyfriend.  She was trying to sound happy because she knew that whatever Jay found out was hurting him.  "Are you ok?"

"Yeah," Jay said with a fake smile.  "Why wouldn't I be?"

"I went to the junkyard and your parents said that they told you something last night that made you run away.  You also didn't come to school today."

"I should've known," Jay said which confused Nya.  "I should've known when Master Wu told us that we inherited our elemental powers."

Nya gently grabbed his arm and he stopped playing the game and looked at her.  "What should you have known?"

Tears started forming in Jay's eyes.  "I'm adopted."

Nya's heart broke to see Jay like this.  She hugged him as he started sobbing.  Luckily, not many people were in the arcade at the time.  Nya started rubbing soothing circles on Jay's back and whispering in his ear.  "It's ok, Jay.  It's ok."  After a few minutes, Jay finally calmed down and Nya released him from the hug.  "Are you feeling better?"

"A little," Jay said.  "I just can't believe that my par- Ed and Edna kept this from me for 17 years!"

"I might not really understand what you must be feeling, but I'm sure they had their reasons.  When I talked to them, they seemed like they were nice people."

"They are."

"You know, they're worried about you."

"I know.  I just can't face them yet."

"That's fine.  Did your birth parents leave you anything?"

"A letter and a key."

"A key?  A key for what?"

"According to the letter, my birth dad's house."

That gave Nya an idea.  "We should go check it out."

"I don't know.  What if they didn't want me?"

"I would give anything to know what happened to my parents.  There might be something there that says why they gave you up.  I'm sure that they had a reason to give you up.  There's no way that they didn't want you."

"I still don't know."

"How about I play a game with you in here and then we go?"

"Are you sure?"

"Any game you want."

Jay grabbed Nya's hand and dragged her over to a game called Dancy Pants.  Jay steps up onto the platform and extends a hand to Nya.  "Come on."

"I'm not sure," Nya said.  "I'm not much of a dancer."

"You're a cheerleader," Jay pointed out.  "Don't you have to dance when you cheer?"

"Touché." Nya grabbed Jay's hand and joined him on the platform. The two started dancing and Nya was behind Jay. "How are you so good at this game?"

"Practice. Come on. I know you can do it."

After hearing Jay encourage her, she started getting the hang of it and was keeping up with Jay. The two of them got the new high score of the game. "That was awesome!" Nya exclaimed.

"I guess we really do make a good team," Jay said.

Nya turned to Jay. "Now, you have to follow through with your end of the agreement."

Jay put his head down as Nya dragged him out of the arcade.

Nya pulled out her phone and plugged the address that was on the letter into her GPS. They followed the direction of the GPS as they walked. Eventually, they found the place, but it wasn't what they were expecting. "A mansion?" Nya asked.

"My birth father was rich?" Jay said in disbelief. He then turned back to Nya. "I could've grown up rich!"

"But then you might not have that amazing personality that I fell for."

Jay stood in disbelief for a moment at what Nya just said. He knew there was a reason they were dating, but knowing that she fell for him was everything he could've hoped for.

"Come on," Nya said as she started walking up. Jay followed.

When they walked in, they were in absolute awe. It was huge. Jay also immediately noticed the Fritz Donnegan memorabilia. "He was also a fan of Fritz Donnegan!"

Nya noticed what Jay was looking at. "I guess so." She started looking at awards that Jay's birth father had and tried to grab one to get a closer look, but when she tried to pick it up, it only tilted and revealed a hidden room. The two ninja looked at each other before stepping into the room.

When they got in there, Jay immediately noticed the makeup area and a picture of Cliff Gordon with movie makeup on and it started to click in his head. "My birth father was...Cliff Gordon." He couldn't believe it. His idol was his birth father and he never knew it.

"Jay! Come look over here!" Nya called from the other side of the room.

Jay went over to where Nya was and saw some pictures of a woman he had never seen before. "Who's that?" he asked.

"If I'm guessing, I'd say your birth mom," Nya said.

Jay then looked at a couple of pictures of a blue ninja that Jay knew were taken just a couple of days ago because it was him. "He knew." Nya looked over at Jay and saw what he was looking at. "Before he died, he knew."

"It looks like your mother was the master of lightning."

"Yeah. It does."

The two heard noises coming from outside. It was surprisingly loud and they decided to investigate. They went back into the living room and looked out the window. They saw Samukai with a bunch of Skulkin right outside.

"Looks like we have a problem," Nya said and took out her phone to call Lloyd. "Lloyd! We're being attacked by Skulkin!" Jay guessed that Lloyd asked where they were because of Nya's response. "I'll text you the address." Nya hung up on Lloyd and quickly texted him the address. She then turned to Jay. "Ready?"

"Yeah," Jay responded.

"Ninja GO!!!" the two yelled and used Spinjitzu to get into their ninja gis. They pulled up their hoods and stood up against the wall. They snuck over to a side window that the Skulkin weren't paying attention to and climbed out.

They got behind the Skulkin before Nya spoke up. "What are you doing here? Attacking some random mansion?" They acted like they had no connection to the place to try to keep their identities a secret.

"Our master was right," Samukai said. "The master of lightning is here."

Upon hearing that, Nya stood in front of Jay. "What do you want?"

"You'll find out soon enough." The Skulkin started to attack the two ninja. During the battle, the Skulking were trying to separate them, but they made sure to stay together. They kept using their powers because they didn't have their weapons on them. They were also hoping that the others would be there soon because they were being ambushed.

After a while, one of them managed to get a few good hits on Jay and knock him out. "JAY!!!" Nya yelled and moved closer to him. "STAY BACK!!!" she yelled at the Skulkin.

"Our master told us that he wants the master of lightning, but two elemental masters are better than one," Samukai said.

All of a sudden, a Skulkin snuck up behind Nya and knocked her out too. The last thing she remembered was the Skulkin starting to move closer to them.

A/N: I'm sorry that I haven't updated in a few months, so here's an extra long chapter to make up for it. Also, I know this is late, but if you like any of my stories, I would really appreciate you voting for them in the NinjagoFanficAwards

Also, I started a new story called The Truth Seekers.  That story will be updated on Wednesdays and you can go check it out.  It's also a Ninjago story.

I hope you enjoyed!

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