Captured!! Part. 3

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~In The Forest~

"Do you hear anything?" Jay asks, looking around

"Maybe we could if you'd shut up for two seconds!" Kai's wife yells

"Don't talk to my husband like that!" Jay's wife screams

"Try to stop me!" Kai's wife screams back

"Girls, calm down!" Cole yells

"We will find the children, do not worry" Zane's wife says, beginning to walk again

"I hope you're right..." Cole's wife sighs and follows her.

~In An Unknown Place~

"Okay, is everyone ready?" Asher asks




"Let's do this!!"

They wait patiently until The Overlord reenters the room

"Pests" he mumbles

"Uh, mr. Overlord..." Fawn looks up to him shyly

"Yes?" He prompts

"I have to go to the bathroom...." she looks to the ground

"{sigh} alright" as soon as he opens the cage Nixon, Phoenix and Asher jump on him

"Eclipse, now!!" Phoenix screams. Eclipse stands up and looks into the Overlords 'eyes'. He soon stops struggling and the boys get off of him

"Go distract Fangtom while we escape" she demands, he nods and floats off.

They take their chance and run out of the building and into the forest

"Where do we go?!" Nixon panics

"I don't know..." Phoenix looks around

"We need to get away from here" Eclipse says, they nod and begin running.

~With the Parents~

"Wait, do you hear that?" Cole stops and listens to the forest

"No, wha-" Kai's wife gets cut off

"Shh, it sounds like..." As Jay's wife begins to speak five small bodies collide with their fathers

"The kids!!" Cole's wife finishes

"Are you alright?" Zane's wife asks

"Yeah mom, we're okay" Fawn answers and hugs her mom

"Eclipse, what happened to you?" Cole asks, looking at her fangs

"Oh, uh, Fangtom bit me..." she answers, avoiding eye contact

"I'm so sorry Eclipse..." Fawn let's a tear run down her cheek

"Hey, it was to protect you" Eclipse walks to Fawn and wraps her in a hug "what are best friends for?" She smiles, Fawn looks up and smiles too

"Thank you, for protecting me".

"We should get you kids home, I'm sure you're exhausted" Lloyd picks up Asher and puts him on his shoulders

"{yawn} yeah" Asher holds onto Lloyd's hair as they begin to walk out of the forest.

Both parents put their child to bed, glad that they're home.

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