Field Trip: Ripley's Aquarium

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Thank you MelodyVT1 for this request!

Your child is now about 12 years old and is in grade 7.

A/N: I don't know if anyone knows what Ripley's Aquarium is, but, as you can probably tell by the title, that's where the kids are going for their field trip.

The picture above is a bunch of pictures I found of some of the things you could see at Ripley's. If you've never been or even heard of it, just imagine a regular aquarium.

Also, a coach bus is like a school bus, except for the fact that it's way comfier and it has a bathroom in it. They are also bigger, meaning that they have way more seats. Schools will usually get one if a class is going on a field trip and it takes over three hours to get there. Just incase anyone got confused about what a coach bus is.

~Later My Crazy Awesome Mini Ninjas!

~Lia Out!!

Eclipse, Asher, Fawn, Phoenix and Nixon were all very excited to go to school today. That's an unusual thing for them, but, today something special is happening... All of the grade 7 classes are going on a felid trip!!

A new aquarium called 'Ripley's Aquarium' had just opened in Ninjago and the grade 7's got lucky enough to get to go on a trip there.

The five children rush out the door of the Monastery and onto the bus, waving and yelling goodbye to their parents once they've sit down.

They get off the bus and run into their classroom just as the bell rings. They take a seat and wait for the coach bus to arrive.

A few minutes after morning announcements, the bus finally arrives. All of the seventh graders rush into the two busses, trying to get as close to the back as possible.

Fawn and Eclipse get the seat fourth to the back on the right. Asher, Phoenix and Nixon shove into the seat fourth from the back on the left.

The bus ride is long and loud, but all of the kids are louder then ever when they arrive at the aquarium

"Now, now, everyone calm down!" The first teacher demands

"We must do the attendance!" The second teacher yells over the screaming children. The third teacher calls out every child's name one at a time.

Then, and only then, are the kids allowed to begin heading inside the aquarium. As soon as the classes are inside, they begin to walk the path around the aquarium

"Hey guys, look over there!" Nixon gets the attention of the other four and points to the shark exhibit. The shark exhibit is one that you get to walk through a glass tube to see. The Sharks and fish swim over and around you

"Whoa, do you think we're going over there?" Asher asks

"Probably, seeing as we're going through the whole aquarium." Eclipse answers his question and crosses her arms

"That would make sense," Phoenix rolls his eyes at Eclipse and Asher

"Uh, guys, we should get back to the group..." Fawn looks longingly to the seventh graders who continue to get farther and farther away

"Fawn, you can't tell me you don't want to see the sharks," Nixon looks at her expectedly

"Well, of course I do. But can't we wait until we get there with the class?" She looks to Nixon

"Nope. Let's go!" Nixon grabs Fawns arm and the five run to the sharks exhibit.

Once they arrive in the long glass tube, they're completely mesmerized by the many sharks and colourful fish

"Look at that one!" Fawn smiles happily and points to a cute pink fish

"I told you this would be fun!" Nixon laughs at the smiling Nindriod

"Hey, this was my idea!" Asher boasts

"Was not!" Phoenix points his finger at Nixon "Nixon was the one who saw the shark tank in the first place!" Asher and Phoenix begin to bicker

"Would you two quit fighting, you're acting like little children." Eclipse says, her eyes never leaving the shark that's swimming over the glass tube

"Whatever Eclipse. Don't act like you're the mature one now." Phoenix crosses his arms

"Yeah, we all know Fawn's the most mature one." Asher adds

"What?!... You two are trying to start something! Quit it!" Fawn looks away from the pink fish and glares at the two smirking boys

"Yeah, don't be nuisances," Nixon looks at them too

"Fine..." Phoenix's smirk grows wider and he turns to the fake undersea volcano "watch this," he holds his hand out and, suddenly, flames fly out of the volcano. The flames scare the fish at were around it and they swim away. They soon stop, leaving only bubbles to float out of the volcano

The people around the five kids gasp, some let out a "wow" or "cool". Phoenix crosses his arms in satisfaction

"Phoenix!" Fawn's eyes widen "you know the rules! We're not allowed to use our powers around people unless it's an absolute emergency!" She scolds him

"Fawn, what are you worried about? Nobody saw." Asher motions around them

"Guys, I'm with Fawn. Something could have gone seriously wrong." Nixon adds, worriedly. Eclipse nods and the two others sigh

"Fine, I won't use my powers again." Phoenix looks to Asher

"What? I didn't use my powers!" He defends himself. All eyes turn to Asher. He crosses his arms "fine, I won't use my powers..."

The five children continue to run about the aquarium, avoiding their class like it's a game.

"Eclipse, Asher, Nixon, Fawn and Phoenix!" The first teacher calls out. The five turn and look at the three angry teachers

"Where have you been?!" The second teacher asks

"Uhh..." They look to each other, no one wanting to speak up. Fawn, being a Nindriod and all, is the first to come up with a good excuse

"We were going to the bathroom. We went in a group because you told us not to go anywhere alone, and when we came out we couldn't find the class again. I'm sorry 'mam," Fawn hangs her head

"Why didn't you tell one of us?" The third asks, with a softer tone then the other two

"Because it was an emergency!" Nixon blurts out. The others looks at him

"We're really sorry, it won't happen again." Phoenix hangs his head as well. One after the other, they all lower their heads

"Now, lift your heads. The trip is almost over, make sure to stay close." The three teachers turn and the class follows. The five share a group high-five.

They all ended up having a great time on their class trip.

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