When Your baby says its first words

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So, the age range of your child is about 7 months to 9 months now.

Also, after this chapter I won't be able to update until about Sunday. I'm not going to have Wi -Fi until then!

~Later My Crazy Awesome Mini Ninjas!!!

~Lia Out!!


You, Kai and Phoenix are in the living room. Kai is bouncing Phoenix on his knee while you look for your necklace that fell off in the living room

"Kai, are you sure you haven't seen my necklace?" You ask

"No, I haven't seen it, sorry Y/N" he says and stands up, holding Phoenix, the small boy giggles and looks around

"M.... m-mommy!!" He giggles, you stand up immediately and look at Phoenix, he's pointing at something shiny under the coffee table. You pick it up and smile; Phoenix found your necklace, and said his first word!

"Phoenix!" Kai exclaims. You rush over and hug them both

"Good job little man" you smile

"Mommy! D-daddy!!" He yells

"That's right Phoenix".


You, Zane and Fawn are in the kitchen. Your cooking the new recipe that Zane taught you, he's reading a book and Fawn is playing with a little doll on the floor next to Zane

"Zane, am I doing this correctly?" You ask and turn to Zane

"Yes, it looks like you are making great progress" he says, looking up from his book. Fawn crawls over to you and you pick her up

"How's my little girl?" You ask her, tickling her stomach

"Y/N, do not let the pot boil over" Zane says, pointing to the stove. You turn the stove heat down and turn back to Zane

"T. . . Th-ank ou d-daddy" Fawn says, struggling with her words

"Fawn! Zane! She said her first words!" You exclaim, hugging Fawn tightly, she giggles

"Yes, I heard her. You are welcome my daughter" he smiles and kisses her forehead

"{giggle} daddy, mommy" she says again as you and Zane tickle her.


You and Lloyd are in the living room with Asher. Lloyd is reading comics while you and Asher watch a 'The Lego Movie' on the couch

"{gasp} Asher, look! It's Cloud Cuckoo Land!!" You scream, trying to get him excited. It works and he taps Lloyd

"D-daddy!! Look!!" He points to the T.V.

"I see, can you tell me where that is? Your mommy just told you" he says and looks to the small child

"Uh, C-Cloud Cuuuckoo Land?" He asks slowly

"Correct! Great job buddy" Lloyd says and ruffles his hair

"Asher!" You scream and hug him, he looks startled

"Y/N, don't scare him" Lloyd says

"Don't tell me what to do" you smile and continue to hug Asher, he giggles and hugs you back.


You and Cole are dancing around the training room while Eclipse giggles on the floor near the speaker. You pick her up and spin her around. Eclipse giggles when you pass her to Cole

"Who's daddy's little girl?" He asks, probably not expecting her to answer

"I a-am d-daddy!" She screams, you both stop dead in your tracks. You stop the music and you both stare at her

"Eclipse, who's your daddy?" You ask, making sure you weren't just imagining that she talked

"Daddy!" She yells and points to Cole

"Right, and who's your mommy?" He asks

"M-mommy!!" She screams and holds her arms out to you, you take her from Cole and spin her again

"That's right baby!" You say happily

"Careful Y/N, she might puke" Cole says as you stop spinning. You and Eclipse giggle and Cole smiles at you both.


You, Jay and Nixon are in Jay's work room. Your sitting in a chair, playing with one of Jay's smaller inventions, while Nixon sits on Jay's desk, playing with a toy hammer, as Jay works on a bigger invention

"Jay, what does this button do?" You ask and point to a little red button on the robot-like thing that you're holding

"That, love, will make the little robot sprout arms and legs and walk around" he says

"Really?!" You ask, hopeful

"No. Don't press it, the robot will let off a nasty stench that is supposed to stun an enemy when in battle" he explains

"Oh" you put the robot down and turn to them

"Now, where did I put that wrench?" Jay asks himself

"Ov-over t-theere daaddy" Nixon says, pointing to a wrench sitting on the other table

"Nixon!" You scream and rush over to him

"Nixon, your lots of help my little boy" Jay smiles and grabs the wrench

"T-th-thank yyou daddy" Nixon smiles back at Jay

"Aww, my boys" you kiss Nixon on the forehead.

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