⛄️Winter Holidays⛄️

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A day in the life of you and your kids on Winter Break!


"Nixon, be careful!" Jay's wife shouts over the loud chatter in the room. Nixon stands on the shoulders of Phoenix and is setting the star on the top of the Christmas tree

"Mom, don't worry, Phoenix would never drop me!" Nixon states confidently, leaning onto the tree to set the star on top

"Coming through!" Eclipse calls, running by the boys, Fawn close behind her. Both girls carry loads of Christmas lights in their arms

"Nixon-!" Phoenix's foot gets tangled in some of the lights, sending them both toppling over, onto the poor, unsuspecting Asher, who was trying to untangle the many strands of tinsel that were supposed to go on the tree

"Boys!" The five mothers, who were hanging Christmas decorations around the monastery, rush over to the fallen boys

"Are you boys alright?!" Lloyd's wife asks, helping her son out from under the other two boys

"We're fine, mom." Asher states, brushing his pants with his hands, ridding them of the small pieces of tinsel that now litter the floor

"Speak for yourself! I think Nixon crushed my ribcage." Phoenix groans as he stands up, one hand pressed to the left side of his ribs

"Hey, it was you who thought it would be a good idea for me to stand on your shoulders!" Nixon crosses his arms

"Boys, do not fight. It is most important that you are safe." Zane's wife states, smiling gently. The boys nod

"And hey, you got the star on the tree." Cole's wife points to the top of the tree, where the star sits, perfectly placed, might I add.

"We did! Awesome!" Phoenix and Nixon high-five. The mothers smile or laugh and go back to what they were doing

"Great, now will you two help me untangle the tinsel?" Asher asks, the other two nod and they all start to pull and tug at the tangled tinsel.


The girls rush outside with their arms full of Christmas lights

"I don't think that we have enough lights." Fawn states, setting the lights on the ground

"I think you're right." Kai says, eyeing the pile of lights

"I am certain that I saw more when I was in the basement a few days ago. Fawn, come with me and we will search the basement for Christmas lights." Zane says, beginning to walk inside

"Okay dad!" Fawn runs ahead of her father

"Well, we should start to put these lights up." Cole says, leaning the ladder against the monastery near the pile of lights

"Alright, I'll hang them up," Jay says, beginning to climb the ladder. Eclipse had been untangling one pile of lights, so they are all ready to go

"I guess I'll try to untangle this pile." Kai drops to his knees and begins to try and untangle the lights

"I'll help." Lloyd drops beside Kai and begins to help untangle the lights

"Cole, hold the ladder!" Jay shouts, beginning to wobble on the ladder

"I've got you Jay, don't worry." Cole puts one hand on one side of the ladder and the other hand on the other

"I know you've got me, that's why I'm worried!" Cole glares and gives the ladder a strong shake "Cole!" Jay immediately freezes

"Sorry Jay, a strong gust of wind hit me!" Cole calls, a smirk pulling at the corners of his mouth.

"Lloyd, could you come here and make sure he doesn't drop me!" Jay calls

"Sure!" Lloyd stands and holds one side of the ladder

A small "thank you." Is all that's heard before Jay continues on his way up the ladder

"Okay, pass me the lights!" He calls down. Eclipse throws one end of the lights up to him

"It's so cold..." Kai mumbles, continuing to untangle the lights

Lloyd slowly kneels down, picks up and handful of snow and packs it tightly into a snowball. He aims, and throws it at the back of Kai's head. Eclipse and Cole were so content with making sure Jay was hanging the lights right, or that he wasn't going to fall, that they didn't even notice Lloyd.

Lloyd quickly returns to holding the ladder and looks up at Jay, as if he'd never moved from his spot

Kai whips around "Cole!" Cole turns, and a snowball collides with his face

"Kai! What the hell?!" Cole shouts, wiping the snow off of his face

"You threw one at me first!" Kai shouts back. Lloyd's quiet laughing gradually gets louder as the two argue

"Lloyd!" The two shout in unison. Lloyd takes off, away from his angry teammates

"Get back here!" As they run after him, Kai knocks into the ladder


"Uncle Jay!" Eclipse tries to catch the ladder, but it's too late, the ladder falls to the ground, sending Jay with it. Luckily, his landing was cushioned by the fluffy white snow... And Lloyd... Who happened to be in the exact spot where Jay fell when he fell.

"We found more lights-!" Fawn stops and drops her lights onto the ground when she sees what had happened. Zane sets his in a pile with Fawn's

"Jay... Get off of me." Lloyd pushes Jay off of him, into the snow

"Uncle Jay! Uncle Lloyd! Are you two okay?!" Fawn and Eclipse run over to the two

"Brothers, what happened?" Zane asks, walking over as well

"Well, these three decided to have a snowball fight and left me to fall from the ladder!" Jay shouts, glaring at the other three and dusting the snow off of his pants

"Hey, it's Lloyd's fault!" Kai shouts back

"It was not! I was just trying to get you to lighten up." Lloyd says, crossing his arms

They continue to fight.

"Dad, aren't we supposed to be putting the Christmas lights up?" Fawn asks, looking up at her father

"Yes, we are." Zane sighs "Brothers, the Christmas lights still need to be put up." Zane states

"I'll put them up, as long as Cole doesn't drop me again!" Jay glares at Cole

Fawn and Eclipse sigh

"Let's go help with the Christmas tree." Eclipse says, Fawn nods and they run inside to help with the Christmas tree.


I hope everyone is enjoying their holidays!

~Later My Crazy Awesome Mini Ninjas!!

~Lia Out!!

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