Chapter 17

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The sun was up , the birds were chirping and sleeping beauty laid in his bed ,snoring . That was until his alarm went off , catching Jay off guard and causing him to wake up with a start. Glancing the digital clock next to him , Jay scratched his eyes sleepily as he looked at the time, 6 am " Too early " Jay murmured before falling asleep again.


"Good morning myself " Nya greeted herself as she yawned , stretching. The raven got out of her bed , and dragged her feet to do her daily routine, which was to go to the washroom/toilet/bathroom , change her clothes , take a swimming bag and go downstairs . After doing all of that she got out of her room , the bag in her right hand , Nya dragged her feet once again , until she reached the kitchen and sat on her usual seat . "Good morning "


Lloyd lazily walked out of his room. Passing Kai's room , he saw Jay's room , closed. A small smirk started to appear on his lips. He stood there peacefully for a second. 
"WAKE UP JAY , BEFORE I CALL NADAKHAN AND TELL HIM THAT HE AND NYA GET BE BED BUDDIES! " He banged on Jay's door like a crazy manic . When he heard a small 'thud' and a 'ow ow ow' he walked away peacefully , satisfied with what he just did .

"Who does he think he is !? Wake up before he call's that son of a bit** "he murmured to himself. Jay cursed under his breath when he got of the floor , where he had fallen because of Lloyd. Ruffling his hairs , Jay went to the washroom. After some time he came out and out of his room. Jay saw a 'free' breakfast on the table " Probably Lloyd's. I think I deserve his breakfast. After all , He woke me up " And with that Jay sat on the table and started to devourer the yummy goodness.

"That was MY pancake!" Jay heard a whine. He looked up at Lloyd and stuck his tounge out "I saw it , I ate it and soon it will be digested" Lloyd huffed and sat next to Jay , arms crossed in front of his chest. Jay looked at the blonde when he was done "Think ya can tell Cole and Kai I am going for swimming lessons? " "Sure to the person who just ate my breakfast"


Nya waved one last time before she walked outside of her house. Nya hummed to herself. Swimming always made Nya relaxed. Adding the fact that Jay would be there , Nya would be able to ask him why he didn't call her.. Nya shock her head , she wasn't getting too addicted to him now , was she ?

Once standing outside a bus stop , she waited. Nya waited for some time , a bus came. After at least 25 minutes , the bus stopped at the next bus stop. Nya got off ans walked for a few minutes and stood outside a building . Nya got in after talking to a person who was like the care taker of the building. 

As soon as she stepped in , Nya smiled to herself. She was always the earliest there. It gave Nya time to relax , and to whatever she wants to do. The girl walked near to one of the edges , near the changing room for girls . She took her shoes off and sat on the edge , dipping her legs in . The girl smiled a warm smile to herself. Being the elemental master of water , she liked being around water more than anything. Before she even knew. She fell asleep to a deep slumber.


"Wake up,Nya" a soft voice said , shaking the girl a little. Nya woke up and looked at the person waking her up. She smiled looking at him "Hey Mike. I didn't like .. fell into the water or something .. right? " Nya asked scratching the side of her neck when she got out of the water. Mike shock his head in answer , Nya nodded and went to the changing room and changed into her swimsuit (which was a blue and red one-piece ) . When the raven got out her eyes landed on a certain brunette who was busy talking .. or flirting.. with other girls. She walked pass him and sat on the edge , than slowly got into the cold water . When Nya looked at Jay he wasn't there , and had swimmed to the other edge. Letting out a small sigh , Nya looked at him swim towards Mike.

She sighed and looked at the fresh water underneath her . If only her life was as clear as the water.

"We all know your just trying to get his attention." A girl , who looked ALOT like Nya, spoke . A smirk on her lips when Nya rolled her eyes in annoyance. " Of course. You are trying to find someone to replace your last boyfriend. You both have broken up." Nya's eyes widened a little . 'How can she ..? When did she ?' Nya shock her head as if she was shaking her thoughts away.

"That guy who's attention she's trying to get was also her ex..! "A voice which Nya recognized within a second as Bella's . Nya now went in deeper in the water , until it was til her nose. Her eyes and nose only the thing which were being shown . "I don't think Nya knows , but Jay and I are dating. So she'll 101% fail " Bella giggled evily . Nya always thought her as a evil witch. 'Maybe she had manipulated his mind in thinking that they both never broke up ? ' Nya breathed deeply from her nose. 'Or may be she's an evil witch and she kept a spell on him ? Of course it is possible as there are elementals. ' Nya smiled inside the water at her own small joke.

" Hey Babe , whatcha talkin' about" Nya gulped in as she heard a very familiar voice which she didn't want to hear. ' Nadakhan. That's how Delara knows '

"Oh" a smirk appeared on his lips when he saw the raven in the water. "Missed me ? " Nya got her whole face out of the water(now the water reached her chin) "Hell no" she glared at all three. She didn't want her fine morning to be ruined by them .
"Awe. Is someone mad ? "Delara asked , keeping a hand over Nadakhan's "thats not gonna ruin my mood" Nya spat at her .

~time flies by as the lazy author thinks about chocolates and cakes~

Nya got out of the class as she and Mike talked . Nya glanced back to see Jay coming out . She bit her lower lips as her head ran with thoughts. "I need to talk to Jay . Be right back" with a small wave she ran back to where Jay was standing "Jay . Can we talk for a moment ? " Nya asked . Jay shock his head in a 'no' in answer and walked away leaving Nya heartbroken with a sad face. The raven dragged her feet to Mike who understood within a second that there was something wrong.

"Whats wrong? "He asked , concerned. "That question is for Jay" both of her hands were clenched together in balls. "I just don't feel right.. Jay never ignores me... "

"And?"Mike rose an eyebrow for her to continue when they both had seated in his car. "And I like him alot. Like him when he gets flirty,like him when he's annoying , like him when he's confused and angry. I just ... " Nya told him as she pulled the safety belt and Mike did the same thing . He started the engine. "You just love him to much and you got addicted to him" he continued for her . Nya nodded telling him he was correct.

"Just tell him that you like him " Mike told her as he drove. Nya looked at him as if he was crazy " and then let him leave me with a broken heart again ? No way .You every single reason why I don't wana be with him again " looking at Mike, she said. "Ah. Right,right,right" Mike nodded, remembering all of her reasons.

"And worst of all.. he's with Bella now.. " Nya murmured to herself as stared outside the window. 

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