chapter 22

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"Bears&Hugs" Nya mumbled as she stood outside the said shop . It was a shop with soft toys, romantic-ish and family stuffs. Nya shurgged and went in . Her eyes landed on a familiar man who stood on the cashier. A girl was next to him poking his cheeks repeatedly.

"Hi!" Nya exclaimed with a small wave, when she stood infront of them. "Uh .. hi, how may I help you? " he asked and looked at the other girl who was poking him "would you stop that ,Aoi?"

"Okay this may be extremely awkward. " Nya shivered a little as she didn't want to do this . The guy rose an eyebrow before Nya took out a piece of paper and read it out loud awkwardly . "Your red , I'm blue ,It Your like my dose. And I bet I'm yours too .Where do you think you saw this , Baby Blue?" Nya finished to see him digging inside his pocket searching for something. When he found it he gave it her "Here."

"One question, Morro . Did Jay tell you how many did he kept? " Morro shock his head. "Nah. He didn't. Altho he did tell me to not tell you how many he kept. " he smirked at the end just to get a nudge from Aoi on his shoulder "fine . He didnt. I just made it up"

Nya nodded and thanked him. She walked outside and read it

I'm guessing you asked Morro how many did I keep?
Well Hallelujah . He dosent know and I'm not telling.
Now where were we? Ah yes. The next riddle.

This specific person knows everything about you,
This person has known you for a long time
You have shared with them your break up with me
You have shared with them your break up with Nadakhan
I wonder who this special person is?

"What?" Nya mumbled "the only people who I've shared these things are Seliel and Mike."
"Unless.. if he's talking about my diary. Nah obviously it's Seliel. Shes my buddy." Nya walked ; one things she surely was happy about was that the shop was near Jay's place, who's was near Nya's.

When Nya got to the house,  she ignored her two sister's greeting her and walked to Seliel,  hands crossed. "What?" Seliel asked confused. Nya stretched her hands out to her "paper, please" Nya spoke. Seliel rolled her eyes and huffed before shoving it in her hand. "You could have first asked me if he gave it to me or not. Btw. Good luck with the ending of this 'maze'" at these words , Nya looked at her .

"You know where he hid all these? " Seliel shrugged in answer "I helped him with all these. Now I'm gonna zip my mouth before I spill le beans "
Nya nodded in acknowledgment. Skylor popped her head from behind Nya reading with her as she ate a chocolate

Please tell anyone who's reading this with you to back off.

After reading this Nya looked at Skylor who looked back with a small smile . "Hehe.. sorry"

Now. Pinch Seliel for telling you that she helped me hide all of these papers .

Nya looked up to see Seliel not there and chuckled , knowing she also knew about this.

Ok. Now back to the game. The bar where you got drunk because of 'Mike you were right.. nad is a bad boy'

Take 8 steps to the left and 5 forward. From there look at the item next on your right.

"Skylor , do you thin--" "Yup! I can give you a ride!" Nya narrowed her eyes "and you read even tho Jay said not to. " Skylor scratched her neck. "Nah.. I.. fine.. I did.."

Time skip to the bar because I'm lazy.

The raven stood on the specific stop where the two broke up (or in other words Nya finding Nadakhan is cheating on her)

"Take 8 steps to the left" Nya mumbled as she did so "and 5 forward. And look at the item next to you."

"Huh? But there is only a street lig- Jay. You idiot.. " Nya shock her head when she saw a paper sticking with a ':3' drawn with dark blue pen on the front. "Found what ya need? Now where do ya wana go next? " Skylor asked energetically.

Good job kitten. You saw me!
Now I want you to go to the place where we broke up. I have something to tell you. See ya there!

"See ya there..? Oh Jay had planned to tell me.. and.. he isn't here... time to go that ... place.. where I haven't gone in.. since we broke up" she sighed and stood next to Skylor who teleported them to the next place.

((Please don't tell me you all forgot that they were elemental :') ))

Nya told Skylor that she will be doing the rest from here on her own , so the amber teleported away. It sended shivers in her spine when she walked up on the stairs. Memories of the past hitting her hard on her stomach.

She opened the door of the roof-top and walked inside .She felt scared and weak for some reason. She closed her eyes , it felt like yesterday that Jay broke her up.

" hey jay ! " nya said excitedly .Jay looked at her " nya , I want to tell you something "

"so do I want to tell you something ! Jay we are going to have a ba-" " Nya Smith , I hate you"

Nya opened her eyes breathing heavily. She looked around "I should get over with this.. and get out of here.."

Her eyes went to a book . She sighed and picked it up and opened it. 

On the first page specific letters were circled with blue. She quickly wrote them down on her mobile. mobile read it " go to page thirty-six" Nya did as she was told. A gasp escaped her mouth when she read what it said and what was next to it. 

Nya, will you be my yang? 

She looked at the half piece knowing the other was with Jay. She collapsed to her knees and hugged the book tightly as she spoke "yes.. yes.. just come back to me.. I need you.. " 

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