Chapter 27

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She can't , he can't.. this isn't real..

The same words repeated inside jay's head . His head was inside his cupped hands as he stared at the ground . Jay knew that he won't be able to reason himself , even though Lloyd had told him that they will figure this out.

A sigh escaped jay's lips , catching kai's attention , who had returned from his part-time job and was playing a video game with Cole . "What's up? You seem.. well.. different ? " these words were enough to get Cole alarmed and quickly turned his head towards him.

Jay looked up , directly into cole's eyes and shock his head "everything's fine . Just.. tired.. " "You ,tired? " Cole snorted at the same time Lloyd blurted out " Just ignore it. That's what I do when it gave me a problem 4 years back."

Kai , Cole and Jay looked at Lloyd confused who face Palmed and whispered "never mind.. only if you guys had one than you would minded me. But oh well you don't. " Lloyd rolled his eyes as he grabbed his phone which is always next to him as he cant live without it .

GreeNinja : oi idiot , I meant that just ignore the ying-yang situation


Jay stood up and walked towards the place where his phone stood charging , which was on a table , as Cole and Kai went back to their game. The brunette made a 'O' face when he read the message Lloyd sent .

Sparky☆: oh... but you said ' That's what I did 4 years back ' ? Did you have a ying-yang situation as well?

Lloyd read this and glared at Jay before replying

GreeNinja: nu, i was indicating you to the .. nvm.

Sparky☆: you trust me , you can tell me what you were talking about.

GreeNinja : no is no. So shut it or I won't help you on figuring this out .

Jay was about to reply when he got a message from Nya. His eyes widen but relaxed as he leaned on the table with a soft smile. As much as he was worried at the moment, Jay couldn't live without nya . Even if it was just a simple message , Jay would send her a huge reply , indicating his love for her.

MasterOfWater (A/N : I'm sorry for stealing your username Amy4Walker , don't kill me >< ) : which blue do u prefer ? Light or dark?

Sparky☆ : I like both, dark reminds me of the ocean while light is soft and reminds me of you . Why do you ask ?

MasterOfWater : no particular reason ><

Jay smiled as he chatted with Nya . Although he did feel a dark aura in the room . Jay looked up , slightly scared , just to see Lloyd glaring at him . He quickly backed up , and gave him a scared look .

"W-what Lloyd? " Jay sluttered out . Lloyd continued with his glaring "you should know the answer. One minute your having negative thoughts about her and than the other your smiling childishly and talking to her"

"Oi! That's none of your business. " Jay returned to his earlier position and rolled his eyes as he continued "even if I problem with her, its my problem . Which means I decide if I talk to her or not."

"What the hell is happening in here? " Kai whispered a question to Cole who shrugged in answer.

" light reminds me of you " Lloyd huffed with an annoyed look. Jay quickly looked dead into Lloyd's eyes . "Have you hacked into my phone? " He asked stubbornly

"What if I have? " "than your dead." "Before trying to kill me , you'll have to go past my ultimate shields , Rumi ... and nya " Jay growled knowing Lloyd had won.

MasterOfWater : see you at swimming tomorrow. Good night 😙💙 I'm going to bed early.

Jay glanced at his phone , removing his glare from Lloyd.

☆Sparky☆ : aww.. Kay. Good night kitty 😙❤

Jay quickly went to the other most helpful person. Who's personality was opposite of Lloyd.

☆Sparky☆ : hey Morro , think you can ask your wife a few questions ?

IHopeYouGetKilledRN : wut? And why?

☆Sparky☆ : because she is the only person who I can talk to about on these kinds of questions. . . I mean if she isn't busy .. than..

IHopeYouGetKilledRN : what if I saw we are busy?

Oh poop .. wasn't expecting to be disturbing them in middle of that. Crap, he's gonna kill me the next time he sees me.. oh no.. oh f*ck.. oh hell...

"Jay .. your pale.. I everything alright? " kai asked . Jay looked up from his phone " t-this is the second time your asking me this question . So you know the answer. "

☆Sparky☆ : oh.. uh.. heh? Sry? Um.. perhaps later? Can you atleast ask Aoi if I can talk to her later?

IHopeYouGetKilledRN : I so wish I can murder you right now. She says yes though. And she is telling you to STOP ANNOYING US RN.

☆Sparky☆ : that dosent sound like her at all ..

-IHopeYouGetKilledRN has logged off-

Jay smirked 'I know him so well. But .. this probably told Lloyd that I have more people to ask help from. But more importantly. I can ask him to hack into nya's phone and check what's up with her and that two-faced-f*cking-a**hole. '

Jay looked at Lloyd "hack into her phone for me. Please"

Im going to ask you all one simple question...

This was like a filler chapter. .right? Because I think this didn't have any fluffy jaya stuff. >< I'm sowwy. It's 2:36 AM and I wrote this in one hour . What do you expect? 😅

I hope you enjoyed this chapter.

Sorry again.

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