Prom Night Part 5

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Disclaimer: I don't own Ninjago, just the story and my OC's.

"Max?  Max!"  Max snapped out of his thoughts as Mason called his name.  Mason sighed with relief as Max turned to face him, finally acknowledging him.  They were currently on the Bounty.  Max and Mason were on the deck.  "Look, I know that there is probably a lot going through your head, but right now we need you here with us.  We need you as our leader."

Max nodded.  "I know.  I'm sorry."

"It's ok.  Just get your head in the game.  Your prom isn't quite over yet.  You should get in your gi.  Rosie is already putting on her armor."  Mason left Max on the deck and went to the control room.

Rosie was in the training room on the Bounty, getting her armor on.

"You ok?" Juliet asked as she entered.

Rosie jumped a little.  She hadn't realized that someone had entered the training room.  "I am fine," she responded.

"It's just...I know how much you care about Justin.  That's why you started dating him.  I also know that you aren't the best when it comes to emotions which you must be feeling a lot of different emotions right now."

"Like I said, I am fine!" Rosie snapped.  "I will do what I need to in order to get him back.  He will come back to us as well as Alex.  We will not lose anyone."

"You know, sometimes it's ok to show your emotions and if any emotions confuse you, you can always talk to me about them.  We are best friends."

"I know.  Although, it seems like there is more on your mind than you are letting on."

"Oh.  I-It's nothing."  Rosie heard Juliet's stutter.

"What is wrong?"

"Mason almost kissed me."

"What is wrong with that?"

"Nothing.  It's just..." Juliet sighed.  "I don't know.  I really like Mason, but kissing him?"

"Are you having second thoughts?"

"No!  Of course not!  Us becoming boyfriend and girlfriend was a long time coming, but I've never kissed anybody before.  What if I mess up the kiss and he doesn't want to be with me anymore?"

Rosie put a hand on Juliet's shoulder.  "Juliet, Mason is not that shallow.  He likes you for you.  He would not break up with you because of one kiss and I guarantee...he is just as nervous to kiss you as you are to kiss him."

"Thanks Rosie."  Juliet gave Rosie a small smile that Rosie returned.

"Of course.  Like you said, we are best friends."

"Yeah.  Let's head to the control room.  The others are probably waiting for us."

Ninjago City Rooftops

Justin and Alex teleported with Aaron and his goons onto one of the rooftops in Ninjago City.  Immediately after, a couple of goons knocked the twins onto the ground.

"What are we doing here?!" Justin hissed.

"Well, since your friends destroyed our last headquarters as well as the machine that allowed me to easily combine your powers, so we had to find other ways to complete our goal," Aaron said evily.

"You won't get away with this!" Alex hissed.

Aaron walked up right in front of Alex.  "But you see, I will.  You can do it willingly and it would be a whole lot easier.  I meant what I said back at your school.  You could rule Ninjago if you wanted to.  You could rule by my side."

"Uh...I think I'll pass."

"I knew you would say that, but I still wanted to give it a shot."

"Leave my sister alone!" Justin yelled.

Aaron put his hands up defensively.  "I'm not hurting her right now.  Just making an offer."

"We would never agree to any offer you make!"

"I know.  You guys have too much of your good two shoes parents in you.  No matter.  Your twin power will be Ninjago's downfall."

Justin and Alex looked at each other while Aaron laughed maniacally.  They were both scared, but they knew their friends would come for them and stop Aaron.

The Bounty

Max was the last one to enter the control room.  "Do you guys have anything?" he asked.

"Rosie managed to slip a tracker on one of the goons during the fight," Felix said.

"We're currently trying to locate it," Harper said.

"I think I found it," Rosie said as she narrowed in on the location.

"Isn't that the roof of the hospital?" Zeke asked.

"I believe so," Mason said.

"Wow.  Ninjago just can't catch a break, can it?" Juliet asked and everyone shook their heads.

"Max, what's the plan?" Mason asked.

All Max could think about was what Alex had said before she and Justin went with Aaron, 'we trust you.'  Those words echoed through his head.

"Max!" Mason had to yell his name to get his attention again.  "We need your head in the game!  It's the only way we'll be able to save them!"

"I'm sorry," Max said.  "I just keep on thinking about what Alex said before she and Justin were taken again."

"What did she say?" Juliet asked curiously.

"She said, 'we trust you.'  I'm not sure what she meant by that."

"I have been thinking about that too," Rosie said.  "I figured that there was a meaning behind those words."

"What did you come up with?" Zeke asked.

"I believe that they said because they want us to save them if it is possible and if it is not, I believe that they want us to do want is best for Ninjago."

"And what would be best for Ninjago?" Harper asked worriedly.

"Killing them," Rosie said sadly.

"NO!!!" Max snapped and everyone jumped a little at his sudden outburst.  "We will not let it come to that!  We are going to save them!  Whatever it takes."  Max put his hand out.

"Whatever it takes," Rosie agreed and put her hand on top of Max's.

"Whatever it takes," Juliet joined in and added her hand in.

"Whatever it takes," Zeke added and added his hand in.

"Whatever it takes," Mason said and added his hand in.

"Whatever it takes," Harper agreed and added her hand in.

"Whatever it takes," Felix finished and added his hand in.

"Ninja-GO!!!" they all yelled and they broke from the huddle to go save the twins.

A/N: I hope you enjoyed!  Sorry for the late update.  I have gotten so busy with schoolwork.  As you get older, it really doesn't get easier.   I am also doing the Ninjago Flumptober challenge if anybody would like to check it out.

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