Why Rosie?

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Disclaimer: I don't own Ninjago, just the story and my OC's.

Justin and Rosie have been left alone for about two days at this point.  They haven't been given any food and water in those two days.  Rosie wasn't concerned about herself.  She was more concerned about her boyfriend.  She didn't need food and water since she is a nindroid, but Justin does and she could see signs of dehydration with him.  It also didn't help that she has no idea how long they had something to drink before they got captured.  She doesn't know how long she was off for.  She wasn't sure what this guy wanted, but she knew that he wanted her for whatever reason.  She was currently watching Justin pacing.  "Justin, please sit down," she said.

"I can't," he said.  "There's got to be a way to get out of here."

"You will not be any help if you pass out from dehydration, so please, take it easy for right now."

Justin didn't want to take it easy.  There needed to be a way to get out of here.  He could see that whoever the person that captured them was wants Rosie and he was not going to let anybody hurt his girlfriend.  He does believe Rosie when she said she has no idea what "secrets" he was talking about which raises the question: Who is keeping a secret about Rosie and what is said secret?  He realized that he was too caught up in his thoughts when he noticed Rosie was starring at him and obviously waiting for him to comply with her request.  He sighed because he wasn't going to win if he argued with her and, honestly, she was right.  He sat down and leaned against the bars of the cage they were trapped in.  "Hopefully the others will find us," he said.

"I am not sure," Rosie said.  "From what I have been able to tell, this place was not on the map that we sent the others.  They probably have no idea where we are."

"Knowing them, they'll be doing everything they can to find us."

Rosie just nodded.  She knew that Justin was right.  The others would do whatever it took to find them.  They don't give up on each other.  Hopefully, the others will find them.

The two of them heard footsteps coming in their direction and turned to see the guy from before.  He was holding what looked to be a half full glass of water.  "Hello," he told them and looked directly at Justin.  "I thought that you could probably use this.  I want to keep you alive at the moment."

Justin stood up and a wave of dizziness hit him.  He used the bars of the cell to steady him.  "How do I know it's not poisoned?!" Justin asked.

Rosie examined the water to make sure.  "It is fine, Justin," she said and reached through the cell bars enough to grab the water and brought it over to Justin.  "Please drink this."

Justin took the water from his girlfriend.  He trusted her and knew that she probably scanned the water to see if it was poisoned.  He took it from her and drank it.

"See?" the man said.  "The water was fine."

"What do you want from us?" Justin asked.

"Believe it or not.  You are of no interest to me."

"Then why do you want to keep me alive?"

"Easy.  The robot girl cares for you."

Justin glances at Rosie and stood in front of her protectively.  "Why do you want her?"

"Do you really want to know?"

"I am pretty sure that is why he asked," Rosie cut in.

"How much do you know about your background?" the man asked Rosie.

Rosie glanced at Justin before speaking.  "My parents created me at Borg industries when they decided that they were ready for a child.  They made it so I was able to feel human emotions even more than their programming allows."

The man scoffed.  "Of course they didn't tell you the full truth.  Yes, you were created at Borg Industries, but no, you weren't created by your parents.  It was a special project that Cyrus Borg was working on."

"How could you know that?" Justin couldn't help but ask.

The man glared at the older teen.  "Because I worked on that project.  Cyrus Borg wanted to try to find a way to give a nindroid with emotions as close to a normal human as possible.  The problem was that the experiment also had its flaws.  Sometimes, it could cause a random outburst of emotion.  Other times, it could cause them to be so overwhelmed that they couldn't think straight.  Until, we made you.  No one was completely sure what made you so different from the others.  It was incredible.  Something allowed you to feel emotions normally.  It was something we couldn't replicate and then that idiot, Borg, allowed the ice ninja and Samurai X to take you home as their own child.  Where did that leave me and everyone else who worked on that project?!  Back to square one!  We lost all of our hard work because he had to give you to your 'parents.'  He always had a soft spot for the ninja and that's what worried us all.  The whole situation gave us more of a reason to worry.  Almost everybody quit, but I stuck around.  No one was ever able to recreate a nindroid to have emotions the same as you.  Not even your brother does.  They just upgraded the emotional capacity of your 'parents' for him."

"We get it," Justin cut in.  "You were screwed over by Cyrus Borg, but Rosie doesn't have anything to do with that."

"Maybe not, but she is the key to understanding the work that was taken from us.  To finally being able to complete the project that me and the team that worked for Borg worked so hard on!  I worked for Cyrus Borg for years after it all went down.  I heard from him about you ninja kids.  I heard him talk about the nindroids that he called his 'grandkids'  fondly until I finally figured out a way to lure you.  When I heard about you kids starting to protect Ninjago, I started preparing.  I got the team back together and hired others all to get you to me."  The man pointed at Rosie.  "I purchased places in Ninjago to make it look like we were some big criminal organization.  I heard about what happened to the green ninja and water ninja.  Their break from the team and I took it as an opportunity to plant seeds for you to see.  I figured that you, lightning ninja, would see and would come.  I figured that I could capture you to get your girlfriend here.  What I did not expect was for her to come along.  That was a pleasant surprise."

"You still have not really explained what you plan on doing to me," Rosie said.

"I want to get into your emotional circuits and figure out why you worked when all the others failed."

"But her emotional circuits are deep inside her," Justin said.  He had looked over her schematics several times with Alex and their parents in case anything ever happened and they needed to repair her.  Granted, he didn't know everything, but he knew enough.  "You would have to take her apart to do that!  It would kill her!"

The man shrugged.  "What's one casualty in the name of science?  Besides, she's not really alive anyway."

"If I wasn't trapped in here right now, I would deck you."

"I don't doubt that, lightning ninja.  Now, I'll be back soon." He started to leave, but glanced back.  "I would suggest you start on your goodbyes."

"Well, I would suggest you don't call it a victory yet," Justin spat.

"We will see.  We will see."  The man left which left the two teenagers trapped it the cell.

A/N: I hope you enjoyed!

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