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Disclaimer: I don't own Ninjago, just the story and my OC's.

"That should do it," Jay said.

"I hope this works," Zane said.  He sounded scared.

"It will."  Jay put a comforting hand on Zane's shoulder.  Zane turned on Rosie's power switch and she turned on.

"Dad?  Master Jay?" Rosie said confused.  "What happened?"

"You got damaged in a fight," Zane told his daughter.

Rosie recalled in her memory files what happened and her expression immediately became terrified.  "Where's Justin?!"

Jay looked down, trying to hold back tears.  Zane saw his friend's expression and spoke for him.  "He hasn't woken up yet.  He's hurt pretty bad."

The door to Rosie's room opened and Max, Juliet, and Mason walked in.

"You fixed her!" Juliet exclaimed excitedly and went to hug her best friend.

"Does anything feel wrong with your circuits that we need to fix?" Zane asked.

"I'm fine," Rosie said.

"We'll leave you guys to talk," Zane said as he and Jay left.

"Have you guys seen Justin?" Rosie asked sadly.

Max sighed.  "We have and it doesn't look good.  Alex is with him now."

"Where are the others?"

"They're meditating with Master Lloyd," Juliet said.  "They were pretty freaked out by what happened."


"Because they were the ones who found you two," Mason said.  "With them as the three youngest members, it was hard for them to see you guys like that.  Although, we had to clean up the mess they made."


"All of our parents forgot to assign someone to watch them and they made a huge mess before they got your message," Max said.

"There were burn marks in places, stuff was frozen, and there were also things that were torn up," Juliet said.

"Obviously we shouldn't leave three 12 year olds home alone again," Mason said.  Max, Juliet, and Mason laughed a little, but it turned back to serious.

"I wish we had seen your message sooner," Max said.  "I was with Alex playing mini golf and we didn't look at out phones right away.  When we finally checked our messages, we saw yours and started to head in your direction and then we got a panicked message from Harper.  We went to the prison as fast as possible."

"Mason and I saw your messge and Harper's when we got out of the movie theater and also went to the prison as fast as possible," Juliet said.

"We had turned off our phones during the movie," Mason added.

Rosie looked down sadly.

Juliet saw the sad look on Rosie's face.  "Are you ok Rosie?" Juliet asked concerned.

"I'll be fine," Rosie said.  "I just need to see Justin."

"Woah," Max said.  "I don't know if that's such a good idea."

"Let me go Max!" Rosie said angrily which actually scared Max a bit.  No one had every seen Rosie like that.  He moved out of the way of the door and Rosie went to Justin's room.  She opened the door and saw Justin laying on his bed unconscious with Alex watching over him.

"I'm going to kill Nathan," Alex said angrily.  She knew Rosie was the one at the door, but didn't look up.  "He did this to him."

Rosie got closer to the bed and saw him bruised and covered in bandages.  "I can't believe that he got hurt this badly," Rosie said sadly.

"He shouldn't have.  Nathan should've never broken out."

"I wish I could've helped him."

Alex finally looked at Rosie.  "It's not your fault.  You were damaged."

"If I only I could use the mech better."

"What do you mean?"

"Justin had to save me in our first battle because I got overrun and couldn't fight them off and then at the prison, I was easily taken down.  Maybe I'm not meant to be part of the team."

"Rosie, that's crazy.  You're an important member of the team.  You might've had some issues with the mech in the first couple of battles, but you'll get the hang of it."

"But I've already been training with it for two years."

"And sometimes you just need a little extra help.  Your mom or my mom could probably give you some extra training if you ask."

Rosie nodded.  "Maybe."

"They're fixing up your mech for you right now."

"Really?  My mom and Master Nya are fixing the mech?"

"Of course.  They want to make sure it's ready to go for when we find Nathan and his dad."

"And Yuying."


"She was helping them.  She's the one who took me down."

"She's all yours when we find them.  Nathan is mine."

Juliet opened the door.  "Hey Rosie," Juliet said.  "I think the others would like to see that you're fixed."

"Yeah, ok," Rosie said.  She looked at Justin and squeezed his hand before going with Juliet.

They walked into the living room where everyone else was.  "Rosie!" Felix yelled as he ran up to hug his sister.  "I was so scared that I had lost you."

"You can't lose me that easily," Rosie said.

PIXAL walked up to her daughter and hugged her.  "I'm glad you're ok," PIXAL said.

"I'm fine mom.  I heard you were working on the mech."

"Yes.  I fixed it along with Nya."

"Thank you both."

Lloyd, Cole, Kai, Zane, Skylor, and Seliel went off to the side to talk.

"How did meditation go?" Cole asked Lloyd.

"I think it helped them," Lloyd said.  "They were pretty shaken up about what happened."  Lloyd sighed.  "They're scared."

"Scared?" Kai said.  "Scared of what?"

"They didn't realize how dangerous this job could actually be and after seeing what happened to Justin and Rosie, they're scared that it could happen to them."

"We can't really blame them," Skylor said.  "This is a dangerous job."

"We just need to find a way to help them with their fear," Zane said.

"We'll find a way," Seliel said.

Juliet and Mason had also gone away from the main group to talk.

"I still can't believe what happened," Juliet said.

"They're ok now," Mason said, trying to be reassuring.

"How can you say that when Justin is still unconscious?!  I'm worried about my cousin."

"He'll be ok.  All of his wounds have been taken care of."

"But was it really worth it?"

"What?"  Mason was confused now.

"Is all of this really worth it?  Is fighting for Ninjago worth the risk of one of us getting hurt."

"Juliet, there's always risks and there always will be, but if we don't protect Ninjago, who will?"

Juliet nodded.  "I guess you're right."  Juliet and Mason hugged before heading back to the others.

Lloyd looked around at everybody who was in the living room and noticed the people that were missing: Justin (duh, he's in his room unconscious), Alex (watching over Justin), and Max!  Lloyd looked around for his son, but he wasn't there.  He looked out the window and saw Max training in the training yard.  Max looked upset and Lloyd thought it would be a good idea to go see how he was doing.

"Hey Max," Lloyd said as he got out there.

Max stopped and looked at his father.  "Hi dad," Max said.

"Something on your mind?"

"It's nothing."

"When someone says it's nothing, it's usually something."

Max caved in.  "It's just the leader, I should've seen Rosie's message sooner.  I should've been there sooner.  Maybe then my best friend wouldn't have gotten hurt."

"You can't blame yourself."  Max didn't respond and instead returned to training.  "I was the leader of my team and I know what it's like.  If something goes wrong, you blame yourself before you blame anybody else when the truth is, it's nobody's fault."  Max stopped and looked back at his father.  "I will agree that for next time, check your phone more, but I think that what happened to Justin and even Rosie was unavoidable.  You wouldn't have gotten there fast enough anyway."

"We will stop them," Max said with newfound determination.

"I know you will."  The two started to head back inside.

After Rosie had talked to the main group for a bit, she decided to head back to Justin's room.  When she got there, she was shocked at the sight before her.  Justin was awake and looking back at her.  He was trying to sit up, but Alex wouldn't let him.

Rosie was so happy in that moment.  "Justin!" Rosie yelled happily as she ran up to her boyfriend and hugged him.  "Don't ever scare me like that again."

"Hey," Justin started.  "You also gave me quite a scare during the fight."

"But I can be repaired."

The others heard Rosie yell and came running to Justin's room and were happy to see him awake.

"Justin!" Nya exclaimed as she and Jay went up to hug their son.

"We're so glad you're ok," Jay said.

Max walked up to Justin and gave him a bro hug.  "How are you doing buddy?" Max asked.

"A little pain here and there, but other than that I'm good," Justin said.

"It's good to see you awake cous," Juliet said as she hugged Justin.

Zeke ran up to him.  "Please don't let me find you somewhere unconscious again," Zeke said as he hugged Justin.

"I'll try," Justin said and everyone laughed.  They all filled Justin in on everything and then left Justin and Rosie alone.  "You know I was scared when I saw Yuying rip some wires out of you," Justin told Rosie.

"And I was scared when I became operational again and found out how badly injured you had gotten," Rosie said.

"It's nothing a ninja can't handle."

"You are always so cocky."  Rosie laughed a little.

"You better believe it."  They both laughed and then Justin's expression got serious.  "I wish our date could've gone better."

"It was good up until the breakout."  Rosie looked Justin in the eyes.  "Although, there was one thing we were missing."

"Oh yeah."  Justin raised an eyebrow.  "What were we missing?"

Rosie smiled.  "This."  Rosie locked lips with Justin and they shared a passionate kiss.  After a minute, they broke away.

"I think that makes up for it."  They both laughed again.

"I'll let you rest," Rosie said as she started leaving.  "Call me if you need anything."  Rosie left his room.

Justin looked at the ceiling with a smile on his face, thinking about the kiss.  "Yes!"

A/N: I hope you enjoyed!

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