Distractions|Jaya|Season 1 & 2

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Yup, starting off strong with season 1 Jaya! Well, late season 1 to be honest. Could be early season 2... Basically after they started dating XD.

Onto the story!

Third POV

"Oh come on! I want a rematch!" Kai threw his arms in the air, almost losing the grip on his controller.

"I already won three times. Just admit you've gotten rusty," Jay smirked, only earning a glare from Kai in return.

"Could you please keep it quiet? It's well past midnight already," Zane said in an annoyed tone, shushing the two.

"Zane's right," Cole walked in from the kitchen, holding a slice of cake in his hands. "Sensei is going to train us to death tomorrow if we wake him up."

Cole was right. It wasn't every day that the Ninja had a day off, so this was a rare opportunity for them to slack off all day- after excessive morning training with Sensei Wu, of course.

While the other three played video games, Zane sat on the floor with his eyes closed. He claimed to be meditating, but they all knew that he was charging his battery, even though he wasn't connected to any plug.

Nya, on the other hand, was curled up in the corner of the couch next to Jay. Since the guys had their day off, this meant that she had to cover for them as Samurai X. She was exhausted when she eventually arrived home and was locked in her room all day. And when she decided to come out of her room and join the guys in the living room, she ended up falling asleep in the first thirty minutes.

They continued playing, rematch after rematch, this time more quietly. That was until they heard loud footsteps coming their way.

"Can I play?" Young Lloyd beamed from behind the couch, making all of them jump.

"Shouldn't you be in bed now?" Cole raised a brow, taking a bite out of his cake.

"I was bored," Lloyd shrugged his shoulders, plopping down next to Cole on the floor.

"Well go back to bed then," Kai shot back, keeping his eyes on the TV.

Lloyd groaned. "You guys are no fun," he rolled his eyes, standing up. He was ready to pout but contained himself. He left, with a mischievous grin on his face.

"Finally," Kai sighed.

Another five minutes passed, everyone sitting in pure silence. They expected Lloyd to be asleep right now, much to their relief. Or so they thought.

"Can I play now?" He suddenly appeared behind the couch again. Before they could say anything to him, he raised his hand, quieting them.

"It's fine," he said, "I get it. You want your peace." This even caused Zane to smile at him, noticing his maturity.

He went to approach Nya, wearing a mischievous smile on his face yet again. He suddenly felt a grip on his wrist. He looked up, only to find a glaring Kai look at him.

"Don't even think about it," Kai threatened him, taking the marker out of his hand.

"I wasn't going to draw on her face," Lloyd defended himself, pointing at Nya. It was a wonder she was still asleep. "She actually cares about me, compared to you," he folded his arms.

"I'll cut you a deal," he continued. "If I beat you in a match, you'll let me play with you guys."

Kai hesitated to accept the offer, but Lloyd's stubbornness won him over. "Fine," he said. "Jay, since you like beating me in this so much, why don't you go and teach him a lesson?" Kai narrowed his eyes, handing his controller to Lloyd.

Jay couldn't help but chuckle along with Cole, seeing Kai would even give up his pride just to get rid of Lloyd.

"Okay then," Jay smiled, "You ready to lose?"

"In your dreams," Lloyd smirked.

They both started playing, and Jay seemed to be winning. Lloyd was way better than they ever expected him to be, making them glad that they chose Jay to fight him.

That didn't mean that it was easy. Jay had managed to win the first round, Lloyd winning the second. Turns out there were some tricks and moves even Jay didn't know about.

The final round had just started and Jay seemed to be winning. Kai gave Lloyd a teasing smirk, as Cole cheered Jay with encouraging whispers. Even Zane seemed to join in on the fun, occasionally opening one eye to look at the screen.

"Come on.." Jay said, his eyes locked onto the screen.

Everything was going well. Jay was sure to win this.

That was until Nya suddenly shifted over in her sleep, her head now resting on Jay's shoulder.

The other guys didn't seem to notice, but Jay certainly did. With his face flushed red, he couldn't resist but take a quick look at his girlfriend.

She looked peaceful when she was asleep, or at least more peaceful than she is while she's awake. Her messy bangs hid her face from this angle, so he wasn't sure if she was still sleeping in the beginning.

She was still curled up in her blanket from before, and seemed to completely ignore all the sounds around her. Jay wondered how she was still asleep.

He came back to reality feeling someone smack his head.

"Nice job, blabbermouth," Kai said from behind, soon noticing Nya as well.

Jay looked back at Lloyd. "Heyy Lloyd... So as you can see, I got a bit... distracted. Can we possibly have a rematch..?"

Lloyd thought for a bit, but Jay already knew his answer. "I'll let you take Cole's cake tomorrow," he blurted out in hopes of convincing him. He could feel Cole's glare behind him and gulped.

"Deal," Lloyd smiled.

Jay then turned to look back at Kai, who still looked angry at him.

"Can I?" He asked with pleading eyes, gesturing at Nya.

Kai sighed. "You have five minutes maximum. Then come back for the rematch, got it?"

"Will do sir!" Jay exclaimed, Zane quieting him.

He turned back to Nya. He was ready to carry her to her bed, but to his disappointment, her eyes were already open.

She tried to stand up, still holding to her blanket as Jay helped her walk to her room.

She laid on her bed and with Jay's help got tucked in.

Nya nodded her head to thank him and Jay smiled. He looked for any signs of Kai around and gave her a small kiss on the forehead.

He pulled back in surprise, gasping a little. "Woah, you're really hot..!" He said.

Even half-asleep, Nya couldn't help but smirk a little.

Jay blushed a bit realizing her assumption, stumbling upon his words to explain. "Not that way- well, that way too- your temperature, I mean. Are you sick or something?"

Nya coughed a little. "Let's just say it wasn't the best day today.." She chuckled.

"What happened?"

"There was this robbery at the hospital and-" She got interrupted by Jay's laughter.

"Who robs a hospital?" He said between laughs.

"Serpentine do," she shrugged her shoulders, giggling. "Somebody there must have infected me or something. I just feel dizzy, that's all."

Jay gasped a little. "You should get some rest then! Do you want anything? I don't know how to make soup but I could probably try-"

"I'm fine, Jay," Nya said. "Can you just stay here for a bit?" She asked, as if she hadn't heard Kai's warning just a minute ago.

Jay, torn between his two options, decided to stay with Nya. Just like Nya did before, he tucked himself in next to her, but she pushed him away.

"Not here, you dummy! You're going to get sick!"

"I think you don't trust my immune system enough. I don't get sick easily," he reassured her.

"Yeah, but remember the last time you got sick? You sneezed lightning for goodness' sake! We had no power for three days!"

"Things have changed. I've learned to control my powers," he defended himself.

"Whatever you say," Nya cuddled closer to him, shutting her eyes.

Jay soon did the same. He had a few minutes left, after all. But of course, as always, he ended up falling asleep.

It was at that moment that Kai entered the room. "Can we have one game night without them falling asleep?!" He groaned from the doorway, as Cole and Zane's laughs could be heard from the living room.

Lloyd popped up behind him. "So can I play now?"

Kai sighed in defeat. "Yes.."


Nya woke up in her bed, feeling much better than the night before. She got up and stretched a bit, noticing that Jay had already woken up. Without bothering to change, she went to the kitchen where all the guys were eating breakfast.

"Look who decided to wake up," Cole said, looking at Nya. She looked at the clock and realized it was already late noon.

"Ha ha, very funny Cole," she said, trying not to act surprised. "Where's Lloyd?"

"Probably exhausted since he stayed up late yesterday," Kai said. "Are you feeling any better? Jay told us."

Nya nodded. "I feel just fine," she said. She noticed Jay sitting on one of the chairs, as he hid his face between his hands.

"Is he okay?" Nya asked, concerned.

"He's feeling a bit unwell this morning," Zane explained, still focusing on making breakfast.

"I see..." Nya smirked. "So you never get sick, huh?" She placed a hand on Jay's shoulder.

"I'm not sick, I'm just tired-" Jay sneezed, not even getting to end his sentence.

Suddenly the light bulb that was hanging from the ceiling broke to pieces, falling on the table.

"I'll prepare some soup," Zane said.

"I'm getting the blankets," Cole added.

"I'm calling the electrician.." Kai sighed.

"I'm sorry," Jay said. "I guess I can't completely control them yet."

"It's okay," Nya kissed his cheek, making him blush a bit. "Let's get you to bed now, shall we?"

So I'm still a rookie at writing Oneshots. But I'll get better soon!

Hope you enjoyed!

C ya!

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