When He Gets Into a fight

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Thank you MLPRARITY123 for this request!!

P.S. The next chapter will be 'When you graduate high school'! Just thought I'd let you know!

~Later My Crazy Awesome Mini Ninjas!!

~Lia out!


You had been walking home from school when Ryan -your ex- covered your mouth and forced you into an old abandoned building.

He is standing across the room from you, holding a knife in his hand. You sit by the opposite wall

"What do you want Ryan" you ask, holding in the tears that threaten to fall down your cheeks

"I think you know exactly what I want" he smirks and walks closer to you, looking ready to kill you. You think about calling Kai but he would never hear you, it would just make Ryan angry

"leave me alone!" You scream as he gets to close

"No! Shut up Y/N!!" He yells and gets ready to slice you with his knife. As he swings his arm Kai jumps out of nowhere and pins Ryan to the ground

"Don't touch her!" Kai screams. Ryan punches and kicks, but Kai hits back harder

By the end Ryan is bleeding and begging

"Dude, please {cough} I'll leave her alone" Ryan pleads Kai

"You'd better leave her alone" Kai shouts and hugs you tightly. Ryan runs out of the old building and into the streets

"Thank you Kai" you look up to him

"No need to thank me Y/N, I'll always come for you" he smiles.


Your at the park with your falcon. Zane said that Sensei wanted him to pick up some things at the store, so your playing with your falcon.

She is very cute, flying around and chirping at you. When she lands behind you on the bench someone grabs her, causing an ear splitting screech to come out of the bird

"Hey! Let her go!!" You scream at the tall man who grabbed your falcon

"Why should I?!" He yells

"Because your hurting her!!! Put her down!!" You scream. As the man holds the falcon out of your reach, Zane jumps up and kicks him into face, causing the man to drop your falcon

You catch her, she chirps quietly in your hands. The man runs from Zane and he walks to you

"Are either of you hurt Y/N" Zane asks

"No, thanks to you" you smile, he does too.


Your at school and the bell for the end of the day just rang. You've gotten your bag and are walk out the door. Your headed for home when you feel a hand grab your arm and pull you behind the school.

You look at his face and it's the football teams captain; Jason. He is one of the guys who always teases you

"Leave me alone Jason!" You yell

"Aww Y/N, why would I do that" he smirks and slaps his hand over your mouth when you try to scream for help.

Just as Jason throws you to the ground, Lloyd jumps down from the rooftops and kicks him to the ground

"Leave her alone!" He shouts, Jason runs away like the coward he is

"Are you okay Y/N" Lloyd asks and helps you up

"Ya, thanks for helping me" you smile at him

"Anytime" he smiles back.


Your practicing late at the studio tonight. You thought it was just going to be a normal Friday night, but boy were you wrong.

Your being pinned to the ground by your ex; Duke, yes the one that Coles already saved you from... twice

"Get off Duke!!" You scream and hit him

"No Y/N, that boy will NOT take you from me this time" he shouts

"Duke!!" You scream "Stop it!!!"

As his lips are about to collide with yours he's kicked away from you

"This is the last time I'm going to deal with you" Cole shouts and kicks Duke in the face

"Go Cole!" You cheer

"We can continue this, or you can leave her alone forever" Cole gives Duke a chance to leave, he takes it and runs out the door

"Thanks babe" you say and hug Cole

"He should really stop bothering you" Cole smiles.


Your in the park while Jays picking up a part for one of his inventions at a store.

You see EX/B/F (ex boyfriend). The one who broke up with you for your best friend. He walks up to you

"Hey Y/N, how are you doing" He says and pushes you up against a tree

"I'm doing fine" you say and push him away from you

"Aw babe don't be like that, I know you want me back" he says and gets closer

"No actually I don't, I've already got a boyfriend" you say and he steps back

"Who would date you after I broke up with you" He looks astonished

"The best guy ever" you smirk

"Well he's gonna have to leave you now" as soon as he's done speaking he presses his lips to yours, you push him away from you

He is punched in the face by a flying blue fist, you recognize Jay in the mix

"No one kisses my girl!!" He screams, yep, definitely Jay

Once they're done fighting, EX/B/F has a black eye and a bloody nose

"Y/N! Are you okay?!" Jay panics and runs over to you

"I'm great, thanks to my hero" you kiss his cheek, he blushes deeply.

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