When you get sick

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Ok I'm not sure if anybody requested this one.... if you did write it in the comments. and I'm sorry!


You lay in Kai's bed. You can't keep any food down and your head is pounding. The guys, Nya and Sensei are standing around you

"Y/N, what's wrong" Jay asks

"Well she's obviously sick!" Kai shouts

"Ya, and its your fault!! If she didn't have to take care of your sick as* than she wouldn't be sick!!" Cole yells

"Enough! Your just going to make her headache worse" Nya scolds them

"Thanks Nya" you whisper

"No problem" she smiles sweetly

"Boys, you should leave. You are at risk of getting sick too" Sensei says

"Yes Sensei" the guys say. You see Kai look at you before he turns and walks out with the others. You can almost hear him telling you that he loves you.


You lay in Zane's bed. You can't open your eyes but you can feel and hear everything that the people around you do

"Y/N! Sensei, will she be alright?" You hear Zane ask

"Her illness is not as bad as yours. She will not die. but it would be best for you to wait in the hall, Lloyd, please accompany him" Sensei says

"Yes sensei" Lloyd says

You feel somebody bend down over you

"Y/N, I love you, do not die on me" Zane says and kisses your forehead. He sends an electric shock through you. You are able to open your eyes again!


You don't know what Lloyd had. But now you've got it. The sickness doesn't immobilize you at all, but the guys won't let you go anywhere near the kitchen

You close the door to Lloyd's room and begin to walk down the stairs. Just as your about to walk down the first step you sneeze. The sneeze makes your foot miss the step and you fall...... all the way down the stairs

Lloyd rushes to you

"Y/N, are you alright?!?" He asks loudly

"Yes, I'm fine" you say and he helps you up

"Looks like the illness didn't help with your clumsiness any" he laughs. You laugh with him.


Your at a competition with your team. Your starting to get a headache and you think that Cole gave you whatever sickness that he had

You feel your forehead; your burning hot!!

"Oh no" you whisper to yourself

"Hey, you ok Y/N" Cole asks

"Uh, {weak laugh} ya..... I'm ok" you say quietly. He reaches out to put his hand on your forehead. When he does he looks into our eyes

"You are NOT competing" he says

"Yes I a....m....." you say. your eyes get heavy and shut suddenly.


You haven't felt well since Jay got over the flu. You've gotten same symptoms that Jay had. You won't admit it to your self but you think that you've got the flu

Jay is working on his robot while you watch from his bed.

You start to feel really nauseous and run to the bathroom. You vomit into the toilet and Jay rushes in

"Y/N! Why didn't you tell me that you had the flu?!?" Jay asks

"I didn't know!" You shout and stand up weakly

"C'mon, I'll take care of you, my love" he says and helps you to his bed.

Hope you liked it!!

Later my Crazy Awesome Mini Ninjas!!


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