When you meet the others (re update)

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This is a re update because some people couldn't see the last chapter.


You and Kai have been dating for a couple months now and he thinks that it is a good idea for you to meet his team.

You and Kai walk through a path to a big monastery

"Kai, I don't know if this is a good idea" you say nervously

"Don't worry, they're gonna love you!" he says and opens the door. You walk inside and look around

"Wow! It's amazing!" you say and turn to Kai

"Ya, we built it after the defeat of the overlord" Kai says and leads you into a big living room like thing. You see a bunch of people and hide behind Kai. Your not usually shy, but for some reason you felt nervous

"Hey guys" Kai says and waves

"Kai, welcome back" a man with a white beard walks up to him

"Sensei, this is Y/N" Kai says and steps aside, motioning to you

"Uh, hi" you say and wave a little

"Y/N?!" you hear Cole

"Cole?!" you run and hug him

"Y/N! I haven't seen you in years" he says

"Cole! Its been so long!" you say and feel tears burn at your eyes. Cole lets you go and you see tears in his eyes too

"How do you two know each other" Kai asks and you can hear the jealously in his voice

"Calm down Kai. Cole's my brother" you say and everybody gasps


After a few months of dating Zane, he insisted that you meet his brothers and team, you happily agreed.

You and Zane walk in the doors of the monastery and into a big living room

"Greetings brothers" Zane says and everyone turns to you and Zane

"Hey Zane, is this your girlfriend" a boy in blue comes up to you. Your database tells you that his name is Jay Walker

"Greetings Jay Walker" you say and shake his hand

"How do you know my name" Jay asks

"My database told me that your name is Jay Walker" you say and smile

"Wait, database?! Your like Zane, aren't you" a boy in green asks from his spot on the floor

"Yes" you search your database for his name

"Lloyd Garmadon" you say once you've found it

"That's awesome!" Lloyd says

"Yes, Zane has found someone like himself" a man with a white beard says and comes to shake your hand

"Hello Y/N, I am sensei Wu" he says and shakes your hand

"Greetings Wu"


You and Lloyd have been dating for a few months now, and neither one of you have told your parents. For some reason he thought that it is a good idea to tell his team.

You and Lloyd walk into the living room of the monastery

"Hey guys, I'm back" Lloyd says and everybody shoots up

"Lloyd!" they shout and come over to you and him

"Who's this" a boy in black asks

"This is Y/N, my girlfriend" Lloyd says and you see him blush

"Hi" you say and wave

"So your the famous Y/N that Lloyd won't shut up about" the boy in red smirks

"Well unless there's another Y/N that I don't know about, yes I am" you say smugly

"Ok Y/N, this is: Cole, Kai, Jay, Zane, Nya and our sensei: sensei Wu" Lloyd says and points to them as he says they're names

"Hello Y/N, you are welcome here anytime" sensei says and shakes your hand

"Thanks" you laugh a bit


After you and Cole started dating a few months ago he kept bugging you about meeting his team. One day you finally agree.

"Ok I'm just going to warn you, they can be really annoying" Cole says and scratches the back of his neck as you both stand in front of the big doors of the monastery

"Let's go" you say and push the doors open. Cole takes you to the living room to meet the others. The first one to notice that you two are in the room is the boy in white

"Welcome back Cole and......" he says, searching for a name from you

"Y/N" you say and everybody turns to you

"Your Coles girlfriend" the one in red asks

"Yes that's me. Why so surprised" you ask and cross your arms

"You might want to stop while your ahead" the girl in red whispers to boy in red

"Anyway, Y/N this is my team: Kai, Jay, Zane, Lloyd and Nya. I'm the leader" he says

"I am the sensei, you may call me sensei or sensei Wu" the old man with a white beard walks to you and Cole

"Hi" you say and shake his hand

"Welcome" he says


You and Jay have been dating for a few months and he wants you to meet his team. You agreed, but where honestly quite nervous.

You and Jay walk into a huge fan of living room and see lots of people.

"Hey guys" Jay says and everybody turns they're heads

"Are you Y/N" the boy in black asks

"Yep! That's me!" you say and smile

"I'm glad that Jay found someone elts. I'm Nya, by the way" the girl in red says and comes up to you and Jay

"Hi Nya, I'm glad he found me too" you say and grab ahold of Jay's hand, you see him blush

"Well uh, Y/N this is my team: Cole, Kai, Zane, Lloyd, Nya and our sensei, sensei Wu" Jay says. They all wave in turn and you wave back. The man with a white beard walks up to you

"Hello Y/N, I am sensei Wu" he says and shakes your free hand

"Hi Wu, Jay has told me great things about all of you" you say and look to the others

"Oh I'm shure he has" Kai says and crosses his arms

"He probably told her about all of our most embarrassing moments" Cole says and crosses his arms too

"Oh you bet he did" you laugh and the others give a death stare to Jay, who is giggling nervously.

Hey guys and girls! I think I've got planes about what I'm gonna do next but if there's something specific that you want more or less of than feel free to PM me message me or comment!


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