When you run to him

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Ok so with some help I've made the decision that you will be moving in with them before you get married. Thank you MikeyLover765 for this scenario!!


You sit in your house, hiding from your mother in your room. You just had a fight with her. She punched you in the eye and threw you into the wall. You sit against the wall; bawling.

"Y/N!!" Your mother screams and bursts in the door. You stand up, afraid of what she's going to do now

"You told Cole about me!! And he told your father!!" She screams and pushes you into the wall, only to grab your hair and throw you into another wall

"No I didn't!!" You scream/sob and pick yourself up off the floor

"Well somebody did, because now your father wants to take you from me!!" She screams and runs at you, a look of rage in her eyes. She scratches you down the side of your face. You fall to the floor and feel blood trickle down your face and onto your F/C shirt

"Mom stop!!" You cry

"Stop? Stop?!? Why should I stop?! I gave up my whole life for you!!" She yells and takes you by the hair, whipping you to the ground

"You where never there for me!! I'm leaving!!" You yell

"Where will you go?!?" She yells. But by the time she does your out the door and running to Kai.

You get to the monastery and run in the door, up the stairs and into Kai's arms. You sob loudly

"Y/N, what happened" he asks while stroking your hair

"Kai she.... I......" you try to talk but can't. It doesn't matter though, Kai understands perfectly

"You can stay here, with me" he says. He picks you up and sets you on his bed

"I'll get something to clean your face off with" he says and disappears out the door. You snuggle into his pillow and wait.


Your mother has always called you her daughter and thought of you like one, even though she built you. You have been hanging out with your best friend a lot laity..... The thing is, your mother does not approve of your friendship.

You walk down the stairs and into the kitchen. B/F/N has just left. You see your mother sitting at the table, you bring her over some crackers and cheese and sit with her

"Did she finally leave" your mother asks

"Yes.... I do not understand why you do not like B/F/N" you say and eat a cracker

"It's not that I don't like her.... I just don't want you to get hurt, my daughter" she says and you see her choose her words carefully

"Mother, what do you mean" you ask, a bad feeling in your stomach

"Dear, you don't understand yourself fully" she says, again choosing her words carefully

"Mother, I understand myself!" You raise your voice

"No you don't!! B/F/N will die and because you are a robot you will not!! You will regret not listening to me!!!" She yells.

Tears fill your eyes. Your mother called you a robot..... she never did that

"Mother... How.. how could you!?" You cry

"I'm telling you what will happen!! Not what could happen!!" She yells

"Mother....." You whisper. You run up the stairs

"Wait!! Y/N!!" Your mother yells, but she's to late. You throw some clothes in a bag and jump out your window. You run all the way to the monastery crying.

You run to Zane and push your face into his chest

"Y/N, what is wrong" he asks and he cups your face in his hands

"My... my mother..... she... she..." you try to tell him but cannot

"Y/N, I would like you to stay with us. Stay with me" he says and wipes a tear from your cheek. You smile and hug him tightly.


You don't know what to think! Your parents just told you that they're moving in with Garmadon and Misako at they're monetary. They are going to start a school there. Your mom told you that her and your father had been talking about it for a few weeks...... But you think that it was your mothers idea... They only told you today! The day that they're moving!

"Where am I going to go?" You ask

"Dear, your 18. We left some money for you, you'll be fine" your mother says and kisses your forehead

"You can't leave me alone! Dad?!" You yell

"Honey..... listen to your mother" your father sighs and hugs you

"Dad....." You feel tears spill down your cheeks. You push away from him, grab your suitcase and run out the door

"Wait Y/N!!" Your father try's to stop you

"Let her go F/ N" your mother says

Tears stream down your cheeks as you run down the dark forest path to get to the monastery. You run to Lloyd, who was sitting on his bed

"Lloyd.... my.... my parents.... left me..." You sob into his chest

"Ya, they're moving in with my parents..... why don't you stay with me" he asks and rubs your back. You smile and nod at him. You stop crying and fall asleep.


You and B/F/N haven't been getting along lately. She told you that you need to figure out who your parents are.... She's never said that before! She knows that that's a bad subject for you!

"Y/N, how can you not know who your parents are. Its not like you never knew them" she says in a descending tone

"Stop! Why are you acting like a jerk all of a sudden?!" You yell

"Because Y/E/N (your enemy's name) brought it to my attention that you could be a serial killer.... or something" she says, putting on her lipstick

"What?! B/F/N, we've known each other forever!! And now your listening to Y/E/N?!?" You yell, tears burning your eyes

"Well maybe she's right! We will always be best friends, but you need to figure your life out" she says.

So now your best friend -the girl who you've told everything to- is turning on you?

"Fine, I'll figure my life out! And the first part of that, is getting you out of it!!" You yell. B/F/N looks hurt, but she hurt you too. You grab your clothes and shove them in your school bag, jumping out the window and running away, tears falling down your cheeks.

You run through the forest path and to the monastery. You run to Coles room, he was drawing. You burry your face in his chest, bawling and getting his shirt wet

"Y/N, babe, what's wrong" he says and holds you close

"B/F/N.... Cole, she...... she....." the words get stuck in your throat and you start to bawl again

"Y/N, I think you should stay with me" Cole says

"O......ok..." you say and start to fall asleep on his chest.


Your parents haven't been getting along lately. They have been fighting and you've had to listen to it all.

Your parents burst into your small bedroom

"Y/N, as you know your father and I haven't been getting along lately" your mother says

"Ya, I know" you say and look to your father

"We think it would be good for you to find somewhere else to live" your father says. The words run through your mind and tears fall down your cheeks

"Wha-" you start but know that they're not going to change they're minds. You grab your things and push past them, without saying another word

"We love you honey!!" Your mother yells as you run away from your house. You use the back of your sleeve to dry your tears as you run.

You run up the stars of the monastery and into Jays room, he is working on an invention but puts it down as soon as he sees you crying. You run into his arms and cry into his chest

"Jay..... I..... I didn't have...... anywhere els to go....." you sob

"Y/N, you can say with me...... but you'll have to get used to the mess" Jay says and laughs. You laugh too.

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