When your best friend says somthing embarrassing about you to him

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This was requested by EmmaClaireHamm! Thank you!


You and your best friend are at her house. She wants to meet Kai so you text him to see what he's up to:

You: hey wats up

Kai: the sky?? lol. Just watching a movie with my brothers. How bout u?

You: not much. I'm at B/F/N's house, spending the night. She wants to meet you, can you come over??

Kai: the one who's house you went to when we first met??

You: you bet

Kai: be right over. luv ya

You show B/F/N all of the texts that Kai sends you and she bugs you about them until Kai gets there. He climbs in through the window

"Hey Y/N, hi B/F/N" Kai says and sits on the floor with you two

"Hi Kai" she says and waves like a maniac. Lets just say that your best friend is a perky, bubbly and jumpy person

"Kai I'm gonna warn you, she's a freak" you laugh. You get a laugh from Kai and a playful punch on the arm from B/F/N. "I'm gonna grab a F/S/D (favourite soft drink), you two want anything" you ask

"I'll have a Dr.pepper please" B/F/N says

"I'll have a F/S/D too please" Kai says. you go to the kitchen, grab a dr. pepper and two F/S/D. You walk back into B/F/N's room to hear her telling Kai about the time you blew up your and B/F/N's volcano

"What?!" Kai laughs

"Ya! she didn't have the patience for me to finish my part of the speech so she pressed the 'erupt' button and it exploded everywhere!" B/F/N laughs. A bright red blush creeps over your cheeks. You walk in the room, not exactly ecstatic that she told him about that

"I'm gonna kill you later" you say in a spookish tone

"That's my girl" Kai laughs and puts and arm around you

"You too bud" you say and he presses a finger to your cheek; it makes a finger print and than resumes being bright red. Kai and B/F/N burst out laughing, you growl.


B/F/N is over at your house, having a sleep over. She is the only friend you have, other than the guys and Nya now. She also knows that you are a nindroid. You hear the communicator that Zane gave you ring and flip it over. A holographic Zane pops up:

Zane: hello Y/N. How are things

You: great thank you

B/F/N: oh is this Zane!? Hi Zane!!

Zane: greetings. Who is this

B/F/N: I'm B/F/N!! Y/N's best friend!!

You: Zane would you like to come over

Zane: I would love to

B/F/N: Yay!!! I get to meet him!!!!

You shut the communicator and look at B/F/N. She looks at you, mouth and eyes wide. She squeals and smiles like the Cheshire Cat

"I can't wait to meet him!!" she squeals and squeezes your arm. Zane gets to your house and your mother sends him up to your room

"Greetings Y/N and B/F/N" he says

"He even says the 'greetings' thing like you!" B/F/N whispers into your ear, you nod your head "hi nice to meet you in person" she says and shakes his hand

"It is pleasant to meet you to. Y/N has told me many things about you" Zane says and B/F/N looks to you

"Y/N!" your mother yells up the stairs

"I will be right back" you say and rush down the stairs "yes mother" you ask

"I am going to the grocery store, I will be back in about a half an hour" she says and hugs you

"I will see you when you get back mother" you say as she closes the door. You walk up the stairs and to your bedroom, you hear

"Ya she was so scared she couldn't stop short circuiting for two days" B/F/N says. You walk in the room

"Actually it was 1 day and 23.54 hours" you say

"Close enough" she says in a huff

"Close enough is not perfect" Zane says and kisses your cheek.


You and B/F/N are at your house. Your parents are away for the night and you asked her to stay with you. Of course she said yes. Your parents said that you two are not allowed to have boys over but B/F/N wants to actually meet Lloyd.... I guess what your parents don't know won't hurt them...... Right? You text Lloyd;

You: wacha doin'???

Lloyd: just beating my brothers at fist-to-face 4!!!

You: NICE!! B/F/N wants to meet you. Can you come over after you win??

Lloyd: yep I'll be right over!!

You and B/F/N wait for Lloyd. In that time you beat her at two video games and she beats you at two board games.

Lloyd finally gets to your house. He climbs up the fire escape and into your window

"Hi girls" he says

"Hey Lloyd" you say and hug him, a light pink blush creeps onto his cheeks

"Hi I'm B/F/N" B/F/N says and holds out a hand for him to shake

"Lloyd Garmadon" he says and shakes her hand

"So you are the Gold//Green Ninja. I thought Y/N was lying to me" B/F/N giggles and looks at you

"Yep that's me" he says and does a heroic pose

"Y/N!" you hear your mothers voice from down the stairs

"Oh no" you say under your breath. You panic and run..... fall down the stairs "yes mom" you ask

"Honey I left my purse in the kitchen, could you grab it for me" she asks and you breath a sigh of relief. You run to the kitchen, grab your mothers purse and hand it to her.

She kisses your forehead "now remember what we said; no boys over" she says and you nod. As soon as the door closes you feel all of the wait come off of your chest.

You walk up the stairs and when you walk in the room B/F/N is telling Lloyd about the time that you almost got you and her captured

"No?!" Lloyd laughs

"Yes! She fell and I had to help her up! If it wasn't for me, you wouldn't have your girlfriend here today!!" B/F/N laughs

You walk over to them and sit with them

"Y/N, you never told me you where so clumsy" Lloyd says

"She hasn't shown you yet? I was shure that she would have fallen by now" B/F/N says and you smile a bit

"Actually no I haven't fallen yet" you say and feel the smile get bigger

"Don't worry. I was clumsy too" he says and puts his arm around your waist. Your smile gets even bigger!


You and B/F/N are at the dance studio. You are showing her the dance moves that Cole taught you. Your phone buzzes

"Y/N!! Your boyfriend is texting you" she coos and picks up your phone.

"Give me the phone" you laugh and grab it from her and read the text, with B/F/N reading it over your shoulder;

Cole: hey babe what's up?

You: not much, just at the dance studio with B/F/N

Cole: the one that said 'she's my best friend, break her heart I'll break your face'.... that one??

You: yep that's her!

Cole: she kinda.... freaks me out....

You: first really!?!? and Second; she says 'that's a good thing'. lol. Anyways, you wanna come to the studio??

Cole: I'll be right over

You and B/F/N wait for a while until Cole gets to the dance studio. He comes and stands with you two

"Hey Cole" you say

"Hi Cole" B/F/N says with a devilish smile

"Hi Y/N. Hi B/F/N..." Cole says nervously

"Don't worry I'm not going to hurt you" she says and Cole breathes a sigh of relief "yet" B/F/N laughs. You laugh too. Cole gulps. You realize that your still in your stinky dance clothes. You run to the change room to get into your clothes again.

You throw on your white jeans and your F/C hoodie. You walk back out and hear B/F/N telling Cole about the first time you preformed in front of an audience.

"The whole audience?!" Cole laughs

"Yes! She was so scared she vomited all over the audience. The first two rows where covered! I felt so bad but I laughed so hard!" B/F/N laughs

"Aw well if she hadn't have taken that chance she wouldn't be the amazing dancer she is today" Cole says. he takes you by the waist and kisses you on the cheek

"Aw thanks babe.... but your still in trouble later" you say and grin at him.


You and your bestie are at her house. Her parents are out of town for the weekend and she asked you to stay with her. You and her are watching movies, both of your phones are across the room. Your phone dings. You and B/F/N look at each other and run for your phone sending popcorn flying everywhere

You get to your phone and read your text with B/F/N;

Jay: wat r u doin'?? 😃😀😄

You: I'm with B/F/N at her house😃. U?? 😜😜

Jay: I'm trying to beat the guys at video games😝😝

You: well B/F/N says she wants to meet you can you come over once you beat them??

Jay: yep I'll be right over!!

You: yay!! love ya!! 😘😘

Jay: love you too!! 😊😊

You and B/F/N giggle and in a matter of minutes Jay is at her house

"That was fast" you say as he climbs in the window, falling on the floor once he's through

"Ya, I kinda lost" Jay giggles and scratches the back of his neck "who's this" he asks

"Hi!! I'm her bestie; B/F/N!!" B/F/N says and shakes his hand, while jumping up and down. Jay gives you a look that says: 'she's crazy!'

"Yep this is her" you say, holding back giggles. Your phone rings and you see that your mom is calling you. You walk out of the room and answer it.

Mom: hi honey how're things going?

You: good mom. why'd you call?

Mom: B/F/N's mother just wanted me to check up on you girls and make shure your not partying {giggle}

You: mom we're fine, I promise

Mom: ok dear I love you

You: love you too mom

You hang up. When you walk in the room B/F/N is telling Jay about the first time she met your parents

"What? maybe her parents are worse than mine" Jay giggles

"Yep they actually asked me to stay the night because Y/N was afraid" B/F/N giggles along with Jay

"I wasn't afraid.... I just didn't want you to say no..." you say and sit on the floor with them

"what would've happened if I didn't have the guts to ask you out" Jay asks

"Than you wouldn't have the best girlfriend in the world" you giggle. You kiss him on the cheek. his face goes a bright red, you and B/F/N giggle like mad.

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