Bubbletea - Lava OS Part ||

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Cole was so surprised by Kai suddenly showing his emotions with this kiss he shoved him away, watching as his eyes widened in confusion, reflecting his own one.

"Kai, what are you doing? Is this another prank?"

"Does it look like?", Kai asked back in a - not very known for him - serious tone and making Cole to look around.

The fans were gone - or probably hiding behind some bushes, stalking them - so he and Kai were alone.

No one was there.

He and Kai were alone.

And Kai just kissed him.

"Kai, I...", suddenly Cole remembered the wet traces in his face, the tears had left and he brushed over his cheeks with his sleeve, but as he looked at Kai's eyes new tears rolled down.

Kai took Cole's hand which still tried to dry them, and closed it his own.

Then he stroke over Cole's cheeks with his own thumb.

"Please, let me explain", he mumbled

Cole just nodded, wasn't able to speak, the words got stuck in his throat at the gaze of Kai's brown eyes, sparkling golden in the late afternoon sun.

"I was an idiot. I panicked. I thought... what if they find out I love you? What would they do? Mock me? Or worse... what would they do to you?  What if they'd hurt you?"


"What if you don't loved me back? So they start to hate you for hurting my feelings?
Also I was unsure myself. I... was afraid, of who I was. I was scared, terrified. My whole life I grew up being an amazing, fabulous, gorgeous...-"


Kai gulped, cleared his throat, his cheeks blushed, making his red jacket competition.

"All my life, I was a flirt for girls. I learned how to flirt with girls. They were easy. One wink and they faint. Show them your muscles, your big car and then get all soft by playing with fluffy kittens and make dumb giggles. It makes them go crazy for you, and I enjoyed it. I enjoyed how easily I could make people fall for me. Girls. And then I found myself falling for you. And it was a battle with myself. Because for the first time of my life I HAD to fight for someones feelings.
I had to and wanted to
But at some point I wanted to give up. Because I noticed that there is a lot of trouble with being famous and gay... And that in the 21 Century pah!", Kai sighed.

"I  wanted you so bad, I knew I had to give up so no one gets hurt. And I talked to Nya about this. And she slapped me, saying I should not listen to what others might say.
Telling me that if I really have interest in you, I should show it to you. Proof that I care for you.
So I invited you to this bubbletea "date" with me. And I thought about so many ways to tell you how I feel, I..."

"And I thought about ways of telling you!"

"And I thought you were just..."

"...polite?", Cole chuckled in his extremly adorable high voice and Kai wanted to hug him and never let go.

"So what do we do now?", he asked, taking both of Cole's hands.

Cole shrugged. "Be together?"

"Stay together?"




And then they both walked back, a bubbletea in one hand.

And each others hand in the other.

Bạn đang đọc truyện trên: Truyen2U.Pro