Song Story - Heather (Lava)

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Song: Heather by Conan Gray

I still remember, the third of december, me in your sweater
You said it looked better on me than it did you
Only if you knew, how much i liked you

It was the third of december, when Cole and Kai sat on a bench in the park and enjoyed the first snowfall of the year.

The weather was getting cooler and Cole began to shiver, but instead of breaking this peaceful moment with his secretly crush, he just decided to try not to show it.

Kai noticed anyway, and because of his inner heat, that comes with the element of fire, he gave Cole his extra sweater that he pulled over before.

As Cole gratefully put it on, Kai smiled and said, that it looked better on him.

Cole blushed and this was the moment he decided, that he had to tell Kai about his feelings for him.

But I watch your eyes as she walks
What a sight for sore eyes
Brighter than the blue sky
She's got you mesmerised
while I die

That was the moment when Skylor happened to come by and Cole saw in Kai's eyes how attracted he felt to her.

He looked at Skylor, who stopped at the bench and said hello, and even though Cole has to admit, that she is fairly a true beauty and even though he can understand, why Kai fell for her, he felt like dying in this moment.

Cole cut him self off of the small talk Kai and Skylor had now and remembered the time, after the defeat of Garmadon, when the citzens threw a party to celebrate the ninja.

He remebered this now, because at this time, he watched Kai and Skylor dance and Skylor was also a wearing one of Kai's sweater, because the temperature cooled down at nightfall.

After this, he couldn't stand to watch this anymore, he went back to the monastery, where he wrote in his diary:

Why would you ever kiss me?
I'm not even half as pretty
You gave her your sweater, its just polyester
But you like her better

And in case anyone is ever gonna read this, he gave Skylor a nickname and repeated that one sentence over and over again in his mind, because it was so true.

I wish I were Heather.

Cole opened his eyes again, back in the present and saw, that Kai is now standing besides Skylor and they are telling jokes and are laughing, it was like Cole wasn't even here.

And as Kai grabbed her hand, Cole wrapped his arms around the sweatshirt Kai has given him.

Watch as she stands with her holding your hand
Put your arm 'round her shoulder
Now I'm getting colder

Cole began to shiver again, and this time, not because of the cold winter weather.

He kinda wished Kai never met Skylor.
He kinda wished she were...

He glanced to her and he saw her laughing and how her eyes sparkled in the late afternoon sun and immediatly shook that thought off.

But how could I hate her?
She's such an angel

When Kai turned around to Cole, he looked up and suppressed the goosebumps he always gets, when he is looking at Kai's eyes.

He told Cole, that he should return to the monastery alone, and that he yet will go on a walk with Skylor.

But then again kinda wish she were dead as she...

Cole nodded and watched them, as they went down the path again, holding hands.

...walks by
What a sight for sore eyes
Brighter than the blue sky
She's got you mesmerised while I die

Cole got up then and walked in the opposite direction, back to the monastery, thinking...

Why would you ever kiss me?
I'm not even half as pretty
You gave her your sweater, it's just polyester
But you like her better

Cole mumbled:

"I wish I were Heather..."

Later that evening, when Kai returned, he found the sweater he borrowed Cole that afternoon, carefully folded, on his bed.

On top of it laid something, that looked like a note.

As he came closer he saw, that it was a page, torned out off a book.

He took it and read it whispering:

"Why would you ever kiss me? I'm not even half as pretty

You gave her your sweater, it's just polyester
But you like her better

wish I were..."


Hope you liked it!

And yeah, i really wrote that and used a sweater of mine for the pic XD


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