Vampire Lloyd x Arielle - Vampire's Pet

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Lloyd's POV:

Mortals sure are amusing. They get scared of everything easily but their blood is really tasty to drink.

"Yo Lloyd." I saw Kai walking towards me and I sighed.

"Kai what have I always told you to call me..." I told him sternly.

"Jeez can't your best friend have some fun around here?" He said sarcastically as I rolled my eyes. "I get your the Vampire leader and all but do I really have to call you Master.... it's awkward...." he said and I sighed more.

"Do you want me to rip your limbs...." I growled while my fangs showed.

"No sorry Master..." he said sighing.

"Next time you won't get off that easily. I will rip your limbs." I said while glaring.

"Hmph. Can't a vampire ever get a rest around here..." He mumbled and I just looked outside the window staring at the humans.

I smirked a little as I loved seeing humans running in fear from us vampires.

"Kai tell me. How long until we finish turning every human into vampires?" I asked.

"At this pace we should be able to finish in 5 months." Kai informed me. "Of course, some humans are fighting back against us." He stated.

"Those humans fighting against us are the government's pets." I hissed and growled. "I will have them turned into vampires or I will have them dead." I said while glaring out the window.

"I'm just saying but if they get their hands on you and kill you, it's game over." He stated and I glared at him.

"We have the upper hand Kai. Also there is no way those government pets will get their hands on me." I told him before going back to looking outside the window. I then growled lowly. "The pets are here already- oh what's this? They have a girl within their group. It looks like the government doesn't care for the safety of that lady's well being" I said.

"Want me to send Jay and Cole out there? It's about time they get their fill of blood... Pixal, Skylor and Seliel noticed them starting to get thirsty." Kai said and I chuckled a little.

"It's already been three days for them? Hmph alright then. Let them take care of the government pets. But tell them to leave the lady be. I want to have a small chat with her." I told him and he nodded before leaving.

I looked back outside and smirked a little. "That lady looks like she holds such delicious blood in her... I'll drink from her once I get my hands on her." I said while licking my lip slightly.

Jay's POV:

God damn it. This thirst is killing me already. Where's a human when I need one......

"Hey Jay. Orders from the Master himself. We get to drink from the government pets. But there's a lady with them and we have to leave her alone." Cole said as he came over.

"So just drink everyone except the lady. Alright finally some blood to drink." I told him while licking my lips.

"come on then. The pets are already here." He said and I nodded as we both headed out.

I saw the government's leader himself and smirked a little. "Well well... the weak bastard himself" I said.

"Listen you vampire scum. I'll never tolerate this. Leave this land and never return!" The leader shouted and I rolled my eyes.

"And why would we do that? Oh and my question is why do you have a lady within your male army." I said with a smirk.

"Hmph. Good eye vampire. This lady is our next sacrifice after we get rid of you vampires and your leader!" He said and I heard Cole growl.

"So you government bastards sacrifice ladies...? Sounds like you humans are the cruel ones here. Sacrificing ladies is ruthless." Cole stated.

"How else are we supposed to keep God happy? These ladies are keeping God happy and as long as we sacrifice them to him, we'll be forever in his care." The leader stated and I growled lowly while my fangs showed.

"Rotten humans......." I hissed before attacking the leader and biting his neck and starting to drink his blood while he screamed in agony. After I got my fill, I let him go and saw that he had died while I drank his blood.

"Oh whoops. I must have over done it with the blood~" I smirked as I watched the army back away from us. Of course I saw Zane and Nya behind them as me and Cole got them cornered with the two behind them.

"I wasn't the only one who needed a refill of blood~ Cole's starving too~" I told them with a smirk.

"Tell me brothers... three days aren't enough to wait for the next human to get blood from?" Zane said while he looked at me and Cole.

"Well don't blame me. I use up most of the blood I drink while with Jay." Cole said before he attacked one army man and drank his blood dry before letting him go since he was dead.

"Why don't we kill the rest~ me and Cole got our fills so we are good~" I said as the others nodded.

The four of us killed the rest of the army pretty quickly and once we finished, I walked towards the lady and smirked at her while she got into a defense position.

"Now now~ I won't hurt you~ Master's orders after all~" I smirked.

"What do you vampires want with me." She said while giving me a glare and I laughed.

"Wow a lady like you glaring. Isn't that unlady like of you" I said jokingly before I felt a chill down my spine.

"Jay enough jokes....." I turned and saw Lloyd behind me and I jumped.

"W-WHOA MASTER I DIDNT SEE YOU THERE!!!!!" I said in shock.

Lloyd glared at me and walked towards the lady and I just shook.

"Man he's more edgy then usual." I mumbled before getting and death glare from Lloyd and I just hid behind Nya.

Arielle's POV:

I watched the vampire go towards me. I shook a little as I saw him smirk at me.

"Well well~ a lady like you should be thankful that us vampires saved you~" he said while smirking.

"I-I don't even know you!!!" I said while shaking.

"My name is Lloyd~ Lloyd Garmadon~" he stated. "From now on you'll be staying with us as well as becoming my pet~" he smirked and I just shook more.

"Wait! Your pet! No way! I'm not becoming anyone's pet! Those government idiots killed my parents with either a virus or as a sacrifice! I'm the only one who isn't affected by the virus! They sacrificed my mother and killed my father with a virus!" I told him.

"Oh you mean that human killing virus. My aren't you resistant~" he smirked.

"Oh shut up!" I growled.

"I may be able to save you though. If you become my pet, I can guarantee you will stay human and stay alive as long as you mortals stay alive." He told me and I gulped a little.

"R-Really...? How can you be so sure...?" I asked and I saw him walk towards me closer before he grabbed my waist and chuckle somewhat darkly.

"How can I be so sure? Hm~ how about I say that I have an interest in you my sweet little pet~" he whispered in my ear before kissing me on the lips.

I was shocked but I kissed back before blushing hard. By the time I pulled away, he had taken me to the Vampires palace. I didn't even realize that he was the leader of the Vampires.

"My pet~ you know I'm feeling a little thirsty~ I'm gonna drink a little blood from you if that's alright." Lloyd said and I shook.

"U-Uh... w-why my blood-" I get cut off when Lloyd came at my neck and bit down on it and started sucking my blood.

I started crying in pain a little as he sucked on my blood and once he finished, he licked on the bite wound and gave me a smirk.

"Sorry if that hurt you my pet~ I didn't mean it to hurt~" he said and I wiped my tears away.

"H-How am I your pet... your just gonna use me for blood aren't you... and then kill me..." I told him and he just looked at me shocked a little.

"Don't you know... being my pet doesn't just mean I'll be taking blood from you. You are loyal to me. But of course... it also means I have my love interest set on you..." he said as he made me look at him. "No matter how much blood I drink from you, I do it with care so that it won't kill you." He said.

I look at him before I felt him kiss me again. I could feel him bringing me closer to him. I shouldn't fall in love with him but I'm his pet now. I guess it's not as bad as I thought it was now since he said that. As I kiss him back, I feel myself just falling for him. I really am a Vampire's pet...

(Seraph of the End is my new favourite anime and that's been giving me so much vampire vibes XD)

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