Hospital Visit

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Welcome back to the general one shots!

This one is going to be a sort of continuation from "Ninjago: Time Fracture" Independent book on my profile. You don't need to read the oneshot to understand however, as it has loose ties into it.

With that out of the way, I hope you enjoy!


"So can you take us home?" Jay asked, hopeful.

James Sighed, and looked back at the console. "No I cannot. I can't control the TARDIS as well with an external time breaking force. Having that crystal in here is breaking the TARDIS as it is. The chance of landing the TARDIS in the correct time and place with the Time Crystal in here would be like spinning a globe, walking ten meters away and throwing a dart on Edinburgh first time" James said.

"So how do we control it?" Nya asked, taking a closer inspection of it.

"It's based on subconscious thoughts, so both of you thinking of home should home it to your home! If you're both not, however it can convolute it and take you elsewhere." James replied confidently.

"It's best you try and get a move on before the TARDIS decides to bugger you and the crystal out of here all the way to the nearest space-pub to down a few pints." The two looked at him dumbfounded. "Okay, do it quickly before machine goes boom. happy?" They both nodded.

"Alright then, here goes nothing." Nya started, closing her eyes and thinking of home. Jay did the same. The crystal started glowing, while the TARDIS started blaring and red lights came on. It interrupted the both of them.

"Don't stop. I can handle it, Just focus on getting home!" James ran over to the console, starting to press the buttons, and flick levers, trying to get it under control.

The portal opened up, and the two looked back at James, who was struggling with the controls, sparks flying.

"Don't stop, just go!" He yelled to them. They ran through it. The portal closed behind them.

James looked at the console, trying to hold it, before it landed itself, and shut down. He looked at the door, trying to see outside.

"Alright, where have you brought me now?"

James started walking to the door carefully, looking out of his one way glass door he had for the front. He noticed nothing unusual outside, just a road with cars passing, however he decided to grab his sonic, just in case. It had been made from a Nebula Crystal, a rare (four in each universe) crystal which allowed for the use of opening doors, hacking into things, ect, ect. Combined with a handle of a gold games controller accurately decided to name the device, the "Sonic Nebula." He put it in his pocket just in case.

He opened the door of the TARDIS, before leaving and closing it after him, the glass not reflecting into the small police box to show the "Bigger on the inside" element. He'd rather people not come after him for that sort of technology.

He looked around, taking in his surroundings, adjusting his dark green bowtie to ensure it was correctly placed in the center of his collar. It was nighttime, he could obviously see. However the moon shape, and the stars in the sky told him that he was in Ninjago, but around twenty years back from what he was used to. He noticed that Ninjago city hospital was just next to him, almost like it was planned from the start.

"Okay, but why was I brought her-" Before he could finish monologuing however, His ears rang as an explosion went off. He fell to the ground, hearing car alarms and screaming from all around him. He looked up to see that one of the floors of the hospital had exploded. James wasted no time, running up to one of the back entrances of the building, and tried the door.


Without taking a second thought, James brought his Sonic Nebula out of his pocket, and aimed it at the door, and pressed on it. The sonic made a zrrrr'ing noise, and the door unlocked just like that. James shoved the sonic back in his pocket, and ran inside. He saw patients and doctors scrambling for their lives.

"THIS WAY" He yelled to them, pointing at the door. The people started running towards the door.

'Time to investigate', James thought. He made his way up the stairs, pushing past the people who were trying to get down. He made his way up several floors, until he reached the 32nd floor, with only the doors separating him from what lay ahead.

"Alright, brace for impact." He said to nobody in particular. He opened both of the doors wide, preparing for the look.

He saw people scrambling to get up, and others trying to get away, badly injured. He knew they wouldn't be able to get down on their own, neither he had the time to get them all down. He yelled down the stairs.

"I need help up here! People need assistance getting down!" He heard distant yelling down the stairs, before some people yelled back up.

"We are on our way!" Good.

James went back into the room, counting the casualties, before he got interrupted by an unusual sound. A child's screams and cries.

His attention was immediately brought to that, and he ran through the wrecked rooms, and through the corridors, until the sound got louder and louder. However, as he approached the source of the cries, he heard sobbing as well. He walked on to find one of the rooms, where the sound had been originating from, had the ceiling mostly collapsed, and rubble blocking any feasible way of escape, with it looking like it was about to go.

"Hello? Anyone in there?" He called out. The sobbing stopped.

"Hello? We're trapped in here!" A female voice yelled out. "I've looked all around, and can't find a way out!"

James used his sonic to scan the room.

"Two minutes until the room totally collapses, so I have to be quick." He looked at his watch, and set the stopwatch bit on it off.

"Is there any way you can get to see me?" He yelled in. He heard shuffling around the room, until he was greeted by a face in one of the gaps in the walls of the wreckage. He noticed the woman had blond hair, and looked extremely tired.

"Can you get through?" James asked, singing to come on with his hands. The woman was taking her time. James looked down at his watch.

30 seconds had passed.

"I can try, but hold something for me!" Before James could question it, a baby was handed through the gap in the wreckage. He grabbed onto it, holding it close. The woman then tried to get through, but was failing.

"I can't... Get through!" She said, giving up and starting to cry. James looked at his watch again.

30 seconds left.

"What's your name?" James heard her call, sounding like she was trying to keep the sobs in. It was only fitting.

"James, it's James." He yelled back, trying to figure out how to save her still. He wouldn't give up on her.

"Listen here James, make sure he gets a good home, don't try and take him to his father. The attack here was planned and I knew they would eventually find me. Take him somewhere safe, where nobody will find out about him." James shed a tear.

Planned? Why was it planned? Who is this person, and why were they the reason for a terrorist attack?

"Why are they after you?" He called.

"They know of my power, and what I am capable of. They wanted to get rid of me, and now they have. Make sure he is safe! I can't go knowing he will go too!" She called, worry laced in her voice.

"I'll find him somewhere safe. What's your name!" He yelled.

"Libber, it's Libber Gordan."



Libber Gordan....

Libber Gordan....


James looked down in his hands at the child, realisation setting in of who he was holding. He started panicking, grabbing the sonic and scanning to find some way of saving her. He just had to. Libber couldn't have gone like this, could she? However, his sonic scans drew blank, and he threw it at the nearest wall in frustration. He yelled back in.

"There must be something I can do, to save you!"


"You can keep him safe! I am done for, but make sure he is not too!" Libber yelled out, seemingly having accepted her fate, and was waiting for it. James didn't want her too.


"Go James, Go!"

Before he knew it, his watch went off, beeping loudly, and the roof completely collapsed on the room, leaving it quiet, pushing James back. James held the child close to him, afraid that letting go would be the end of the small one. The breeze from the shattered glass gave James a kick of reality of the situation.

"Libber? Libber?!" He called out, hoping, begging to get a reply, and it was all just a sick joke, and he was getting pranked. However, no reply was given to him, and he knew her fate. She had been crushed to death by the rubble. He held his head down, giving his respects to her, whilst also shedding a few tears. He then looked down in his hands, to see the baby bumbling, as if he was unaware of what was happening around them.

"Right, let's get you somewhere safe... Jay." He touched baby Jay's head, trying to keep him calm. However, as if he realised, he started wailing.

"Nononono, please don't cry!" he softly spoke, trying to calm him down. However, his endeavours didn't work. He had an idea.

He walked over to where he threw his sonic. He picked it up, and tested it to make sure it still worked.

Not broken, at least some good is present

He pressed the sonic to his head, thinking telepathically what he wanted. Suddenly, the sonic started emitting sounds emulating a lullaby from a crib mobile. Jay went quiet, and after a minute of rocking him to the sound of the tunes, fell asleep. James let out a sigh of relief.

"Right then, let's get out of here." he walked out of the corridor, not looking back out of shame. He passed the other survivors, who were getting escorted out by hospital staff. James took a quick trip to the nursery, where he picked up a basket to put Jay in.

He went down the flights of stairs, and managed to get to the door outside, when he heard commotion coming from the front of the hospital, like incoherent mumbling. He snuck over to see people, most likely gang members, armed and dangerous.

"Where is she?! Where is Libber Gordan!?" They shouted at a nurse, holding a gun to her. She bambled on.

"Neither her or her newborn son has been accounted for!" She said quickly, scared for her life, closing her eyes. However, she opened one to see the gun lowered from her.

"Good. Just in case, search the area!" One of them yelled to the others. James knew he had to go.

He ran towards the same door he had come in with, closing it behind him and sonicing it shut. He ran down the road towards the TARDIS, and entered the room. He looked at the console, which was still in its shutdown mode. He put the basket with Jay down, and went over to it.

"Come on, come on! I need you right now!" The machine would not budge. Making no noise, and no indication that it would be active in the next hour. He knew he had to get somewhere, but without the TARDIS, he was basically hopeless. Or almost hopeless.

"Great, the old fashioned way." he groaned, looking down at Jay, who was shivering.

"Right, forgot. Used to extreme cold." He walked over to his coat rack, and put on a long black trench coat over his jumper and shirt, grabbed Jay, and walked out, locking the TARDIS in the process.

James headed to the nearest bus stop, using his sonic on a nearby bus ticket machine to make him a bus ticket of his own, both for convenience, and also since he had no currency equivalent to past Ninjago. He wasn't stealing if it was for the good of others, right?

He waited past several buses, coming and going, until the bus number 52 came by, in which he signalled out. The bus stopped, and he showed his ticket to the driver, before sitting down, with Jay by the window. He sighed, putting his hands on his face, slowly dragging them down.

"What have I got myself into?"

It was 2am by the time he got to his stop, pressing the bell and waiting for the stop. He got off in front of a ruined neon sign, reading "Ed and Edna's Scrap and Junk." He knew the place well, just not in this time stream.

"Well Jay, welcome to your new home." He talked softly to Jay, who had woken by now. He let out soft coos. Although James thought himself to just keep Jay for a bit, he knew what had to be done.

James snuck up to the door, and placed Jay there, before sneaking away to behind an old ruined car. He used his sonic to activate the doorbell. Not shortly after, Edna opened the door.

"Oh my?" She said, before looking around to try and find someone. James ducked down. Ed soon came to the door.

"A child? What are we supposed to do with a child?" Ed said.

"I have no idea dear, but let's bring him inside, he looks freezing!" As she said that, Jay started crying, which alerted Edna straight away, pulling him out of the basket, and hugging him tightly, stopping his crying, and instead started bumbling again. They both closed the door, and went to another room. James saw his opportunity, and ran to the bus stop, where a bus just went past. He soniced it to stop it, and got on.

"Thanks for waiting for me." he said to the confused driver, who was trying to start the bus up again. James gave him a little help with the sonic.

It was 3am before he got to the TARDIS again, entering it, and happy he was greeted by the blue light of the console in full operation. He flicked some levers, pressed some buttons, and pulled down on a space/time lever, dematerialising the TARDIS, and taking it into the time vortex.

James went over to his couch, and just sat down, replaying the day in his head. First Jay and Nya show up from who knows where? And then broke the TARDIS leaving, only for him to go save Jay, and hand him to Ed and Edna. He had no idea how he was going to explain to Jay when he found out, and wasn't sure if he wanted to.

Either way, it was all too much for James, especially since he had no sleep for 30 hours already, so he did the right thing in his mind, and fell asleep on the couch.


Bit shocking there I know.

Hope you enjoyed it! Thanks for reading!

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