Thunder and Lightning

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Hello, welcome to my third book. This will be a separation of my regular Jaya One Shot series, where I will focus on other things.

I suggest you give my other books a chance if you have not seen them already, but It's not necessary.

Without further ado, let's get into this!

Set after season 11


It had been several days since the team had come back from the Never-Realm, and the team would be relaxing together again if it had not been for that chicken.

That forsaken chicken.

Ever since it arrived in the monastery it has been nothing but a nuisance to everyone, and they all had slowly come to realise that they would be living with it for a very long time, so one certain blue ninja had the idea to try to make peace with it. After all, their elements are both lightning.

Jay wandered the hallways, actively looking for the chicken for once. He figured that the chance he had to make friends with it, was to actually try and use some effort for once.

He had checked most places; the bedrooms, the kitchen, the three workshops. Not one of them had the feathered bird to be seen, and Jay had his suspicions on where he would be hiding.

Jay opened the door to the living room, slowly, and peeked his head in. He saw the chicken sitting on the couch, looking around as if everything was new to him, and in a way, it was.

He opened the door the rest of the way slowly, and it caught the attention of the bird. Jay gulped, before walking slowly over to the couch, and sitting down next to the chicken. The chicken couldn't show much emotion, but if it could it would look confused.

The chicken tilted its head, trying to decipher the young boy's actions. Jay just stared at the chicken, while it stared back. It was the weirdest stare off in the history of stare-offs

"H-hey Chicken" Jay started, unsure if it could actually understand him, or that he was just talking like a lunatic. The chicken however looked as if it wanted Jay to proceed, so he did.

"W-want to be friends?" Jay asked him, slowly holding out his hand. The chicken looked hesitant for a moment, before backed off, and ran out of the room. Jay just looked at his hand defeated, before he came up with an idea.

Without a second to lose, Jay rushed to the kitchen to get some food out for the chicken.

He figured that since everyone else liked food, and it didn't seem like anyone else but Master Wu fed the chicken, that it would be the perfect thing to use.

He looked through the shelves, looking for something that chickens would like. He knew they liked seeds and grains of types, he just had to find some

After the third shelf he looked in, he saw near the back, some wheat grains, in which he got some wheat grains that he could use. He had no idea why they were there; nor was he going to ask.

He walked back to the couch with the bag of grains in one hand, and sat back down. He decided to wait patiently for the chicken to arrive back in the room. He didn't have to wait long before the chicken poked his head around the corner, looking into the room to see if he had left.

The chicken looked disappointed to see Jay still there, but looked at his hand, in which Jay had poured some of the grain into.

Jay was surprised to see it walking towards him at a faster pace than usual, but passed it off as him being hungry. He watched as the chicken jumped up onto the couch, and approached him.

The chicken started hungrily eating the grain from his hand, and Jay just stopped to look at it pecking away at the food in front of him. It really gave him a new respect for the little chicken who he once thought has a nuisance.

It also got him thinking, whether he would be able to train the chicken to use his electrical powers, more in control, to be able to come help them fight crime on the streets of Ninjago.

Was it a crazy idea? Possibly. Was it manageable however? He was not sure. He would have to ask Master Wu later on.

Jay slowly put his other hand out, and stroked the chickens head. It stopped for a second, looking at Jay with his beady eyes, before going back to eating the grain.

Jay took this as an invitation to keep at it, using two of his fingers to slowly start at the top of the chickens head, downwards in a calming motion. He was enjoying the company of the chicken, even if it had no idea what Jay was doing at the time.

Jay was pulled out of his thoughts by the chicken clucking at him. He looked down in his palm to see that all of the grain he had in there had all been consumed by the bird, with it looking expectantly at Jay, almost pleading for more.

Jay was happy to oblige.

They both sat there for a long time, Jay admiring the chicken, while it continued to eat out of Jay's hand, as if it had not been fed in weeks. However all good things come to an end.

The chicken looked up to Jay for yet more grain, and Jay looked back into the bag for the fifth time to see that it had been cleared out. Jay showed the chicken the insides of the bag, and it looked down, more in sadness. Jay felt his heart break a tiny bit.

"Gee, I'm sorry chicken. We'll go get some more for you tomorrow though?" He suggested.

The chicken perked up at this, and instead of leaving like Jay thought it would, it climbed onto Jay's lap and sat down, seeming as if it awaited more petting. Jay was happy to continue.

They both just sat there in peace and content with each other, as if they felt comfortable with each other. Jay heard some taps on the glass, and looked over to see that night had fallen, and it had started to rain. Jay loved the rain.

Jay decided to get a bit bold and give the chicken a small hug, in which it looked surprised at the action, before turning around and snuggling into Jay's body.

Jay turned red. "Hey! Only Nya gets to do that." He joked. The chicken paid no heed. Jay thought of something.

"I feel weird calling you 'chicken,' maybe we should give you a proper name?"

The chicken looked up with hope and happiness in its eyes, as if it felt like it was getting a place in the family.

Jay thought hard for a second, before looking down at the chicken, trying to think of a name that would fit both the chicken, and the element that he resides with.

"What about.... Sparky?"

The chicken looked at him, then shook its head, not liking the idea.

"Well what about Electro?"

The chicken looked in thought, and once again shook his head. Jay looked defeated, as he wasn't good with names. He looked out the window to see the rain was falling more intensely than before, before a flash of lightning lit up the room, followed by thunder. That's It!

Jay looked down to see that the chicken was trying to get as close to Jay as possible, almost like it was trying to hide from the sound. It looked up, terrified, and Jay awed at the sight. It was the second most adorable thing he had seen.

Jay slowly stroked the chicken, trying to get it to calm down.

"What about the name... Thunder?" Jay asked full of hope.

The chicken stopped for a second, and had a thought about it. After half a minute it looked Jay dead in the eyes, and nodded it's head. Jay lit up, and pulled Thunder into a hug, which he relaxed into.

When Jay finally let go, Thunder had fallen asleep on him. Jay smiled, and placed it down beside him, and went to the cupboard to get the movie night blankets out. He unfolded one and placed it on the couch, then carefully placed Thunder there, to get a good night's sleep.

Jay looked down at him, sighing in content. He managed to get Thunder to be nice, and gave him a name, all while becoming friends. Yes it will take a lot more than a few bags of grain to prove his friendship, but that can all be for another day.

He left the room, heading for his and Nya's own room to try to get some sleep. However, he had a feeling he would be awake for some time, thinking of his new feathered friend.

What amazing adventures they will go on next was for them both to decide. They fit well with each other, and no matter how much convincing it will take to convince the others a out his new decision, he knew it would be worth it.

He had already thought of their team name for each other, because of their shared element.

Thunder, and Lightning.


Starting off strong with this book. I hoped you enjoyed!

Thanks for reading, see you soon


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