Chapter 1:Meet the Girls and the Princes

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In one of the houses of Valen Village, there were three girls that were completely different from everyone in the village. No one knows how they met the Garmadon family except them. Garmadon was told that he and Misako were supposed to protect them from danger and raised them as their kids. 1 month later, Misako give birth to her only kid with Garmadon and named him Lloyd. The three girls treated him as a brother and treat each other like sisters. Everyday, Garmadon goes to back to his kingdom just to check on his brother and everything over there.

Misako told the girls to be careful whenever they go out of their house. The girls usually go out to have fun with their jewel charms Misako and Garmadon give them on the same day Lloyd was born. Misako turned one of the charms: a crown into a ring so that no one won't get suspicious about the 2nd girl. But who are these girls with royal charms?

Let's start with the oldest out of all of them. She's active and very tomboyish but have to wear a skirt since she's a female villager. She wants to meet a guy who's competitive like her and knows how to use a sword. She can also be over protective of her sisters that were younger than her but in some occasions, she can be wise to them of their decisions. Her long red hair was in a ponytail as her hazel eyes shine like topaz. A orange royal charm bracelet was on her wrist and give her the power of amber: absorbing people's powers that she touched. Her name was Skylor but her sisters called her 'Sky' for short. Her real name was *1.Sophia but Misako and Garmadon give her a fake name so that no one won't notice her that she's the princess of Amber Kingdom.

The middle one out all of them is pretty adventurous and very clever. She's not active like the oldest but loves going on fun adventures or even meet her true love one day. She loves reading and dreamed about her true love all day thinking of how he looks like. A blue diamond royal charm ring was on her ring finger and according to Misako and Garmadon, it can turned into a diamond tiara. It gives her the power of water and love. Also, she can be really beautiful as a blossom to attract some guy according to Lloyd. Her name was Nya but her real name was *2.Naomi but Misako and Garmadon give her a fake name so that no one won't notice her that she's the princess of the Fireheart Kingdom.

The youngest one and older than Lloyd is pretty kind and generous. She's not adventurous and active like the other two girls and is pretty much sensitive. She admires nature and it's beauty and even thank it for making Ninjago beautiful than ever. She also admires poems or orgamis from her dream boy and hope one day she'll meet him with her sisters. A pink heart royal charm necklace gives her the power of nature and animals and is able to communicate it. Her name is Pixal but her real name is *3.Pearl but Misako and Garmadon give her a fake name so that no one notice her that she's the princess of the Blossom Kingdom.

The three girls often can argue but are able to forgive each other. The part that Misako and Garmadon have to be aware is that they will find out their true identify one day. So the older couple make sure that the girls won't use their powers in public or even interact with any prince charmings whenever they come over in Valen Village.

Besides the girls, there was 3 princes that seem to act like them and have their royal charms that are not accessories. Instead, it was objects the 3 princes seem to like.

The oldest out of the three of them is the hotheaded one and seem to be overprotective of his friends that are Prince charmings. Every time there is a ball, he always tell them to make sure they won't get do anything crazy to the girls they fell in love with. Sometimes, they don't listen to him and the overprotective prince has to end up watching his friends dance with some random maiden they dance. The oldest loves to use a sword and hopes to find a maiden that can be good with it and competitive like him. His red royal charm is his sword and giving him the power of fire. His name is Kai and throughout his life, he's been looking everywhere for his younger sister, Naomi. He misses her and hope she come back to Fireheart Kingdom just in time to marry one of of his friends of Thundra.

The second oldest(tied with the prince of Frostiva) is the prince of Thundra and apparently he's going to get marry to Princess Naomi on the True Hearts Day. He can be goofy and usually is the positive one out of his friends. He's bright hearted and struggles of acting of he is going to be in his wedding with Princess Naomi. All he wanted before he marries her is make sure she is beautiful as a blossom, adventurous as the wind, and clever as a fox. To be honest, he never met Princess Naomi before and apparently according to his adoptive parents, that the last ball, she'll come in there wearing her diamond tiara in order to recognize her. The prince is really excited to see her and hope that she's more than royalty. His name is Jay and his royal charm is his father's ring. His father passed away with his real mom so Ed and Edna decided to take roles as King and Queen of Thundra and parents of the prince. The ring gives Jay the power of lightning and he was the only prince that has his royal charm as a accessory that reminds him of his father.

The next one is also the same age as Jay and is very poetic and smart at the same time who is the prince of Frostiva. He loves writing poems but is afraid of sharing it to anyone. Jay and Kai sometimes read it by accident but seem to like his poems and told him that one day a maiden will like a poetic prince like him. Besides writing poems, he like to make orgamis or cook food that many of the people he knows like. He's a great chef and poetic but sometimes can get carry away from his smart side. He wants a maiden that loves his poems and orgamis he do. Not only he's good at that, he loves to invent too and invent a robotic falcon. His royal charm is his quill that gives him the power of ice. His name is Zane and he's pretty calm as the wind. According to Kai, Zane nevers get mad or even triggered but only if someone takes his quill or his book of poems.

The 3 prince charmings have to go in every village to invite everyone to Jay's last ball before getting married to the Fireheart Princess.

Will the 3 prince charmings ever invite the right girls to this upcoming ball? Will the girls know their true identify?

Little facts.

*1.In Greek the meaning of the name Sophia is: Wisdom; wise.

*2. Naomi is a feminine Japanese name meaning "honest and beautiful".

*3. Pearl in Latin means A Gem of the Sea.

Don't forget to vote and comment your thoughts on this chapter!!!!!
-Sunnyninja13 out!!!!!!!!

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