Overlay of Evil - BruiseShipping

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Heyy, sorry not to post it before, but only now I could think about something! Hope its good! This is the 5th one-shot theme!
For: Jay-Lightning
Challenge: Overlay of Evil
Pairing: BruiseShipping (Cole x Jay)
It's settled during Day of the Departed, Cole is still a ghost and Nya and Jay never got back togheter

The Ninja were visiting the Ninjago Historical Museum, in the villain section, when Cole saw a portrait of a ghost, with a blade under it, in a glass box.

--Hey Dr. Saunders, who is this? -- He asked, but there was no answer.

--Guys!? Where are you!? -- He asked, but again, no response.

"No... they forgot me... they didn't notice I wasn't there..." Thinking this, Cole was very worried, and sad.

--Cole... Cole.... Cooooleeee.... -- A scary voice was calling him

--Wh-who's there?

--it's just me, Yang... Come here Cole... And bring me this Blade...

(sorry, I only watched day if the Departed twice, and it was a long time ago, I don't remember exactly how it happened to Cole take the Yang Blade to Yang... I tried to do this part similar, but I this it's very different... hope it isn't bad)

Cole, almost hypnotized by Yang's words, did what the other ghost wanted him to. He was moved by sadness and fear.

Arriving in the Temple, Cole found himself in a trap, but it was too late. Yang threw a spell in him, and now he was his "slave". Like all the other students. Using the blade, the Temple's owner brought back to life the worst villains the Ninja had ever faced.

The team had split over after the Museum, each one going to celebrate the Day of the Departed with their own family, or light up a lantern for those they've lost, but all of them were attacked by the "new" bad guys, so after defeating them, they came back to where they were togheter.

--Hey, where's Cole? -- Asked Lloyd

--Oh My First Spinjitzu Master! COLE! Did someone saw him getting out of the.... -- Jay didn't need to end the sentence. Everybody knew: they forgot about their friend, after he involuntary turned invisible. Jay felt specially bad, since The Master of Earth was his best friend, and crush.

--I know where he is. -- Said someone

--MORRO! -- Lloyd had fresh memories about what happened last time they were together, and so did the others

--No. He's here to help. He'll show you the path, go save your friend. -- Sensei Wu told them, getting out from wherever he was.

After some time walking, they finally made their way to "Yang's Hounted Temple", which was "flying" (I don't know the right word, but I think you understood it XD) after Skybond's happenings.

Walking in, they were fast surrounded by the old ghostly students, so they started fighting. Jay was doing good, until Cole came towards him.

His normally chocolate-brown eyes were now red, and something more was different, but the blue boy couldn't say what it was.

[Jay's P.O.V.]

This wasn't Cole. No, no, no. Not the one I knew, the one I called best friend and had a crush on. He was... evil.

--Come here, or are you too scared? -- he provoked me

--This isn't you... what happened Cole?

--Happened? Nothing... can't you see? Is just me. Not that you care... you forgot me. Or you forgot it too? You just made me show the true me -- That entity said again, with a creepy voice, and tried to attac me. I was sad, but also determined to bring him back to normal

--Cole.. I know you're somewhere in there ... so please, hear. I'm so sorry for that... I didn't mean to hurt you. It was an accident, and from now on I'll pay more attention. I know this isn't you, it's just an overlay of evil, placed on you by Yang. Fight it. You're strong, I know you can. I don't want to hurt you -- Cole's eyes were now switching from red to brown, as he tried to control his self once again. Now, the other Ninja had defeated the ghosts, and were now all watching.

--Cole -- I continued, tring to not care about the eyes on me, but I was very nervous about what I would do -- we need you back... I need you back... You are important for our team, and for me, because I love you Cole. -- Saying that, I dropped my weapon and kissed Cole.
It was like the world stoped. For a moment, nothing happened, but soon I felt he kiss back, and I opened my eyes to see that all the evil spell put on him was now gone.

It's like in the fairytales... A true-love kiss...

When we broke apart, he whispered to me:

--Thank you for all you did, for all you said... You're the best

I knew I was madly blushing, but I didn't cared. I felt safe in Cole's arms.

--I know you were saying the truth in every single word... And I... I Love you too Jay. -- He pulled me to another kiss, but we were interrupted by a scream, before it:


But Yang was cut by Nya throwing water in him, making he disappear and all his students free.

--Now that everything ended, and you saved me, I have a question: would you be my boyfriend Jay?

--Of course yes! -- We locked lips, this time without being interrupted by anyone, only hearing some "Awwws" and "Don't they make a cute couple?".

YEYY!! I wrote it!! And believe me when I say: it was very difficult. I didn't know what to write, and even after having the idea, I couldn't put it in the "paper" ( also known as tablet XD)
I hop you liked it!!
Oh, and thank you sooo much! THIS BOOK IS WITH 100+ VISUALIZATIONS!! I'm just sooo happy!!
Well... guess I said all things I needed. See you in the next one!! :)


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