Say You Like Me - GreenWhisp

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Hii everybody!! I remembered to post this today, yay!! Tomorrow I have a test with 5 "different" subjects, and I should be studying cuz I know almost nothing, buut, I'm here writing this a/n and posting this XD
This is the second one shot For this challenge, and just like the other, this was already written... And well, I think I wrote it back in December, and maybe that's why it is kinda depressing and sad during it...
For: CreggsAndBacon
Challenge: Say you like me
Pairing: GreenWhisp (Lloyd x Jay)
It's settled after Season 5, and I guess that's all you need to know XD

[3rd person's P.O.V.]

Sarturday. It's been 1 week since Garmadon was banished to the Cursed Realm, and for Lloyd, it was one of the worst weeks of his life. He never got to spend much time with his father until after the events of the Final Battle, when all the evil was drained from his blood... So, after years, he finally could have what the other kids had... But no. This had to happen. He knew when he was reading those spell words that he would regret... But it was the only way of saving Ninjago, and as a Ninja, saving the world and many lives should be more important than his own feelings.

And speaking of feelings, there was one more thing that bothered the Green Ninja... His crush on Jay. Yeah, the Jay who loved videogames, comics, telling jokes, cheering up everyone... the same Jay who liked Nya. Well, they weren't dating, but it was pretty obvious that he liked her. At least, that's what Lloyd thought, but for the Master of Lightning it wasn't really true.

He used to like the girl very much, but since the events with the Tomorrow's Tea, he started to fall for the Master of Energy, slowly replacing Nya. But he couldn't let the others know he was bi, nor let his friends know about his feelings for him, because of fear of what they would think, so he just pretended to still be in love with her...

But this didn't mean he couldn't see, talk or worry about Lloyd, after all, they were still friends. So, in this saturday he decided to go to the other's room to talk, after not seeing him all day.

Walking to the green door, he knocked.

--Heyy, may I come in?? -- He said in a happy tone

The one inside was going to say "no", but since it was Jay, he didn't want to refuse, so after whipping his tears away he made it to the door and opened it.


--Hey.. Where's your smile..? I'm not gonna ask if something is wrong, cuz I know it is... so, wanna talk about it? It usually helps... You shouldn't keep it to yourself. You can always rely on me.. -- Seeing Lloyd like that, broken, hurt him so much, so he would do everything he could to see Lloyd smile again.

--I-... 'Kay.. Come in.. -- The blonde oppended the door a little bit more, and right after the other entered, he closed it, sitting in his bed next to the one in blue.

Lloyd was nervous, he never told his emotions to anyone, but Jay was right, it isn't healthy to keep it all only in his mind. So he started, feeling tears running down his cheeks as he spoke.

--I miss my dad so much... I have so many things in my head, that it's difficult to concentrate in only one, and I just want to cry. I wish my father was here to tell me what to do, to help me trough this... Almost all my life, I didn't have a mother or a father, and when I finally had both, he was taken away from me, again. Sometimes I just question myself, like, I know I'm doing my best for the people of Ninjago... But am I doing something good for me? Or just causing more pain in my heart? All the people I loved during my life had just been taken away from me in some time.. And then there's this person I like, which I'm sure likes someone else, and I don't want to loose him, or mess our friendship-... -- He stop in the middle of the sentence when he realised what he was saying and to who.

--Ohh... -- Jay was a bit surprised to hear those feelings, specially that he liked somebody. And that this somebody was a guy. -- uhh, you said you l-like a friend? And who's that? I know him?

--Y-yeah, you know...

--Can you tell me, pleeeaaase? -- He was curious, but also a bit sad... When he saw a frown in the other's face, he was quick to add -- Sorry.. only if you want..

--N-No, it's o-okay I think... But I'm afraid you'll hate me if I say it, and I don't think I can handle any more loss..

--Hey, I won't hate you. Never. No matter who you like, or what you do.

--Here it goes.... It's you. But you love Nya, and there's no reason why you would like me, so please, just don't stop being my frien-

He was cut off but warm lips on his on. He was shocked to see the Master of Lightining there (did you notice what I did here? XD), and after some seconds he closed his green eyes, some tears still falling from them, and returned the kiss.

--It's not true. I've been li- loving you for a long time now... But I didn't know you felt this way. And I'll never leave you, Lloyd, for anything. You're worth it, no wonder you have lots of fangirls and boys out there. And your dad wouldn't want you to be crying your eyes out, locked up in your room. -- Pulling the younger for a hug, he asked -- So, do you want to do something? I still have those cool videogames in my room, and I think Zane made cookies. We can get them and go play, what do you think?

And this way the day went on, the two playing and having fun, Lloyd finally smiling again after days, a warm feeling inside.

Okay.., so I re-read this thing before posting, and I almost cried... I based some parts of this in what I was feeling when I wrote, but changing so it would fit into Lloyd's character... wow, very sad.. I'm so glad I'm better now..
But at least it had a happy ending XD
I hope you all liked it, and maybe Saturday I'll be back with another one (probably not the 3rd with this theme, but with the next one XD)
If you liked it, you could leave a vote, and comment what you thought of it, cuz I just loooveee reading and answering to comments!!


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