Broken Heart pt 2

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Flash : Looks like you are very upset
Jay : No I'm not
Flash : We will see


Jay : I can't take it anymore
Flash : That means I was right *sticks out his tongue at Jay*
Jay : *Shots a beam of lightning at flash *
Flash : *Backflips away*
Jay : *groans* *then punches Flash in the stomach*
Flash : *Holds Jay's fist*
Jay : *Kicks Flash and he falls down to the ground*
Flash : *Stoods up*
Jay : *Tackles him*
Flash : *Dodges*
Jay : *Fells to the ground*
Flash : Looks like I'm winning cause you're no match for me
Jay : *Shots a beam of Lightning at Flash while he's attracted*
Flash : *shocked* Jaa-yy stoo-pp thiss-s
Kai : Stop it Jay *Holds Jay's hands then releases them*
Flash : *Stoods up* Eagle power *Raises his left hand in the sky*

Flash has all the abilities that an Eagle has . He was flying . He tried to throw wind at Jay with his wings.

Nya : No Flash ! *Airjitzus up to him and throws him to the ground *
Flash : *Lying on the ground unconscious *
Lloyd : Thank Goodness
Cole : *Carries Flash to the bed*
Skylor : *Helps him*


Jay : Flash ! Are you alright
Skylor : Zane ! Can you scan him
Zane : *Scans Flash* Flash is alright. Just need to throw a bucket of water at him.
Jay : *Was still trying his best to stay away from Nya*
Cole : *Throws a bucket of water at him*
Flash: What happened
Jay : *Explains everything*
Flash : *Points at Cole* So you're the one with the water *Pushes Jay aside very hard*
Nya : *Catches Jay*
Jay : Thanks Nya
Nya : No problem *Kisses Jay on the cheek*
Zane : Attention everyone ! Jay's Dare is incomplete
Jay : Wait ! What
Lloyd : Yes
Jay : Noooo!

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