Identity Theft!

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Mona was about to walk into class when she saw Luigi run passed her crying.

Mona: Luigi!

She ran after him and was I want to catch up to him

Mona: what's wrong?

Luigi: I-I humiliated myself in front of the entire school at the football game yesterday. Not only that but I'm being picked on all the time.

Mona: remember what I told you on the first day?nothing will get better if you keep thinking that way

Luigi: it's not working. I'm just a punching bag

Luigi walked away but Mona didn't go after him

Mona: don't listen to the wrong people...


Mona left class and caught up with Mario peach and Daisy

Mona: hey guys. Where's Luigi?

Daisy: he's not with you?

The four of them saw a Big crowd in front of them

Mario: oh great it's bowser and his goons again

Peach: expect I don't think it's bowser this time

Mona: then whoever is drawing in this kind of crowd is worth interviewing for the school paper

She took out her notebook and Mr. L jumped in front of them

Mr. L: I'm just one of the more promising students at this dump you call a school

Mona started writing down what he was saying

Mario: Luigi?! What are you doing?

Mr. L: names Mr. L the green thunder! You think you can remember that strawberry shortcake? Ha! I'm just joking with you pal. But first how about I add a little flair to my introduction?

He sang this song:

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

King K rool: bravo! Absolutely marvelous!

Mario: seriously?

King K rool: what?

Mario: Luigi stop this right now!

Mr. L: I'm not Luigi! That coward ran off the second I got here.

Mona: I thought he would at least tell us first

Mr. L noticed peach Daisy and Mona and walked up to them

Mr. L: well hello ladies. What are you three knockouts hanging with this red dork for?

Daisy: get a grip new kid!

Mona: But first can I ask you a few questions for the school newspaper?

Mr. L: of course! Anything for a fan especially for a lady

Mario: guys that's Luigi! Mona you of all people should tell that's him!

Mona: sorry Mario. I don't see how Mr. L and Luigi are similar

Mario: Luigi I don't know what your doing or why your doing it but you need to cut it out right now!

Mr. L: for the last time I'm not Luigi.

He stood on top of the lockers

Mr L: listen up everyone your hero Mr. L is running the show now! Your either with me or against me and trust me if your against me well that won't end up very well for you. Get ready for the green thunder baby!

Mario: this can't be good

Mona took out her phone and started filming herself

Mona: it looks like there's a new student at Nintendo high and his name is Mr. L. The big question is what is his goal here? For the first time in awhile i don't know.

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