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As of Aug. 31, 2017

Sup people, I got tagged again by kimcgray95 , so here you go!

Where were you three hours ago?

Eating breakfast, lol.


I don't wanna be lame but I have no idea what to put here. Hmm... okay, I don't actually read much for fun. Like, I enjoy writing, but I'm super picky about what I read... Shocking, I know.

Bad habits

Hmm... hard to pick them out. Oh, I crack my knuckles way too much. I know it's bad but I JUST CANT HELP IT!!
I also have a tendency to walk around looking out windows for no reason. It's not necessarily bad but it annoys people for some reason.

Favorite color

It used to be yellow, but now I think it's blue to stay. :)

Can you drive?

Basically. I have a permit.


April 16th. Sometimes it falls on Easter!

Pet peeves

Biggest one: PEOPLE PUTTING THEIR FEET IN MY HAIR. I know that sounds weird but when you have hair my length and wild hooligans everywhere you'd be surprised.
Another peeve is literally a pet one... when my cat lies on my work and won't stop rubbing my face.

Last person you hugged?

Hehe, my mom before bed.

Zodiac sign?


Something you miss.

The house I was born in, being a toddler, and the early 2000s in general.

Song stuck in your head.

Umm... nothing right now really. I guess the last song I was humming, La Da Dee by Cody Simpson.

Eye color.

Dark brown.

Favorite quote

Man, that's really hard! (See quote book for top 100.) Okay...

"Doubt is a pain too lonely to know that Faith is his twin brother." - unknown

Somewhere you would like to visit.

I'm not very well travelled, so..

New York City
And someday, Universal Studios ;)

Do you like your name?

A while back I actually didn't so much, I guess it just seemed too flowery for me (well what did you expect). It fit as a little kid, and then it didn't so much. But recently I've come to appreciate it more (and also with the help of a certain fictional princess). I actually do think it's quite fitting because it's me. And it means 'the day's eye' or 'eye of the day'. (Whatever that is. The sun?)
And it is kinda unique. It's been years since I've met anyone with the name Daisy.

Favorite season

That's hard too. When one ends I'm always ready for the next one for one reason or another...
Guess I'll pick summer because I'm not gonna lie, I love being lazy.

Type of phone you have

iPhone 6s. It was a total surprise gift!

Something you're excited for.

Right now, the weekend!!
Bigger picture, Super Mario Odyssey. Also a big concert I'm going to in November.

Biggest fear

To be honest, I have no idea. Becoming a totally broke hobo with no future, I guess. (Probably won't happen.)

Favorite band

Hmm... I'm gonna say it's a tie between Owl City and Avicii.

Favorite animal

Hm... gonna have to say horses :) Oh, and dolphins is an honorable mention.

Though really, any baby animal with giant eyes is enough for me.

Favorite person

How am I supposed to answer that...?
Probably my four-years-younger sister, given how much time we spend together.

One food you hate

Quinoa. I don't know what it is, but I just hate that stuff. (Barf)

Favorite movies

Alright, this I can do.

Entire Star Wars everything
Lord of the Rings + Hobbit movies
Wreck it Ralph
I also spent a fair amount of my childhood with Shrek.
Also, nobody judge me but I really enjoyed the old Gettysburg movie.

Now, I tag:


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