Tagged - More About Me

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As of May 25, 2016

So I was tagged by ArtisticDaisy. Let the questions begin!

Do you like someone?

No, not seriously. I don't know many guys in the first place. In real life, anyway...

Do they like you?

No answer

Middle name?

Sigh...okay, my middle name is Bernadette 😉

Single or taken?

In reality, single. May mentally be dating fictional characters.

Last person you texted?

In real life, my mom. On Wattpad, TacticalCat 😀

Last song listened to?

Last real song...I think it was 9 Crimes by Damien Rice. Unless you want to count 'Colors of the Wind' from Pocahontas.

Battery percentage?


Best girl friend?

My younger sister, also a story writer and gamer. (ZoraChampion )

Best guy friend?

A friend of mine called Jake. He lives about an hour from me, so I don't see him very often.


Mario & Peach ❤️

Why I joined Wattpad?

No reason in particular, actually. I first discovered it a couple years ago when I stumbled across some Star Wars Rebels fanfics, and I started reading around offline. I wanted to get an account someday, and that someday happened to be a few months ago, when I got my email address. I had started writing my first book, Luigi's Mansion, without the intention of ever sharing it to the public. But then I registered and realized I already had a book going for me.

Current lock screen?

This artwork of Rio de Janeiro from the latest Mario and Sonic game:


April 16th...Easter sometimes!

And I'll tag some random people:


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