World Six A

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Super Mario Nintenguard mission log: outside of the Waterway entry of the Landanpit's Palace and the game is on.

Mission start

Phase one


Ovaleyes is the first to go in and send out scanner drones to see if there's soldiers waiting at the end.

Ovaleyes: Four lightweight tank suits, no problem.

Pulls out for Seeker bounce bang grenades and throws them.

Tank suit A killed

Tank suit B Killed

Tank suit C Killed

Tank suit D Killed

Ovaleyes: All clear!

Super Mario did I being him along?

Luigi:As a effort to being us out of our norm.

Mario: Like ripping those out of the arms of their love ones.

LilyBel: Next floor my.


Making her shorts count LilyBel like her Doomdady rip and tear the guards like tin foil there's enough ammo to spare.

Mario: I'm glad I didn't let her bring the BFG and the chainsaw.

Luigi: To M?

Mario: Over M.

While the Crimson missed made by the Hound Slayer lines down the so-called King Puma sees that he got some wild cards in the game and may have to dust off old classics.



As they went to the next floor Ovaleyes take the lead, to be Cannon father when the three heavy tank suits open fire.

Ovaleyes:Now it my turn.

Then Ovaleyes draw out his own firearms with very powerful armor piercing rounds and fire at all three at their faces, then looked at Mario with a very irritated look has he and the other Advanced to the next floor.

Ovaleyes: going to get him back one day, don't know how I may have an idea or two for now.


As they got to the next floor their very big robots like Giants.

Ovaleyes: they so remind me of the Mountain.

Mario:Guest I have to pull out one of, these.

Then Mario pull out a power star and random through like a freight train.

Ovaleyes: if that doesn't kill them I don't know what will.

Mario: well that's the first of the three that I brought will use them if necessary.

Rebecca: You just want me to save my energy for the throne room do you mario?

Mario: guilty as charged.

Then they head to the next floor


The throne floor

Phase two

Mario: Ok this is the last floor they will gave us all they hot from here on out.

Ovaleyes:And I may have the solution but you may want to put your O2 masks on.

Mario: Do what he said, oh boy.

And then without delay Mario Brothers put on their O2 masks as Ovaleyes pull out what looks like a smoke bomb and throws it and when it hits the floor it smoke-filled the whole floor and whoever took her with it really felt like they got there M kicked.

Mario: Wwhhhyyy??!!

Ovaleyes: hey you played your ex machina so I played  mine.


As the remaining soldiers are too high to put a fight the Ovaleyes pulls out what seems to be a decontamination box in front of the throne room door and went to Smoke Clears out of the box Rebecca goes in and push the door to the throne room open making her parents into the room.

Puma Landanpit: Ah the plumber is here, I always wonder when you show up.

Rebecca: no more games Landanpit, Where Casey!?

Puma: don't worry she's unharmed.

Then a cage slowly lowers from the ceiling with Casey in what seems to be a very stereotypical wedding dress as Ovaleyes and the others enters the throne room.

Mario: Ok Rebecca this is it you go-

But when Mom is about to finish that sentence his mouth dropped as Ovaleyes sees what Puma Landanpit was on as he's getting up and came down the steps.

Ovaleyes: yes Mario I see it too the Iron Throne is literally, a toilet.

Then Rebecca reacted quickly when Arrow goes after Mario and deflect it with her plunder staff but the arrow knocked off Rebecca's hat showing her true hair color as remote cameras comes into scene to capture this moment.

Puma Landanpit: ladies and gentlemen of Landfill-4 and all that are watching on the Panem Network I'll give you our guest of Honor Rebecca Peckmin, the successor of the Starreel bloodline!

Then Rebecca smacks her forehead.

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