6-2& 6-3

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Location: The Tanuki house.

When Christian is having a hard time getting up in her hair is more of a mess from the tossing and turning last night from her being engaged to Kenkapaw with Sura Mao and Funnoia.

Christian: Man what a night still can't get the idea of me being out of my head I know it doesn't fit back at my world and even if Kenkapaw will remove if he want to but it doesn't seem to be right time for it.

Moments later after she got dressed Christian came downstairs where Stella is waiting for her if some friends.

Stella: morning.

Christian: Morning Stella.

Stella: Still having bad sleep?

Christian: try having the dream where you're the one of the three who's married to the emperor's grandson and then tell me about it!

Funnoia: I'm as shocked as you as of those who also witnessed it.

Stella: Now I know Bowowowga came up with some stuff but it's within the Harlem laws.

Christian: I'm not for bothering to those that are vially blue blooded!

Then Christian heads out in a huff leaving Stella and Funnoia with a concerned look on each other's face.

Location: Marketplace rooftop.

While practicing her wall run jumping Christian Bonemen search for a bit after blow off some steam and cd, folk down below and money if she'll end up like a grandmother on the throne being a mean to an end for aire?

Christian: am I really the one to be the ruler or just a reproduction Factory?

???: Why don't you ask the when you see him.

Christian trying to see who happened to be a different kind of danger that seems to be more human.

Christian: And you are?

The Ninja man: here to escort you to the emperor.

So like that Christian follow the ninja man not knowing that Ryfang saw the whole thing and find something off about the Ninja and so does Ovalsan and Riddick when the colony picked up what seems to be strange energy signature between the village and the palace.

Location: Random Forest on the way to the Palace.

As Christian is being taking a seat with a Ninja X she feels something off about the Rockies she sitting on but when Ovalsan and Riddick rush to warn her it was too late.

The rock set up  seems to be a cage trap trapping Christian inside while what's going to be ships that have the Insignia of the new founding Federation on the right side as N.F.F trooper come out of the painted door to carry her away but when Ovalsan and Riddick try to intervene they get an electrical shock through the system by the ninja who happened to be General Super Mario in disguise with the taser remote in his right hand as N.F.F ship close it's Hannah doors and takes off.

Ovalsan: Why general, Why?!

General Super Mario: I don't want any more heat from the N.F.F then we have now.

Riddick: this is  unexcusable!

General Super Mario: I kept my word to return her home and is that what a Nintenguard hero is a hero of it word.

Ovalsan: But not like-

Then Mario send another jolts thought Ovalsan then leaves as Ryfang came out of hiding from the Tree Tops.

Ryfang: how could you let this happen?

Riddick: we didn't know the general was in on this and I don't know if the princess was on it as well.

Ovalsan: this is an upset printeractive but we will do what we can to set things right and that's my word as a Nintenguard hero because am a hero of my word.

Ryfang: You better do.

Then Ryfang vanishes as Ovalsan and Riddick see the constellation now shining brighter in the day time knowing things just got real.


Three days later those if the Nintendom Princess Peach and Daisy with General Peppy on now just at the Grand shrine with Inmao in one of the guest rooms tell Riddick comes in and then Ovalsan in some unusual armor.

Location: the Grand shrine guest room

Riddick: so that the Ovaleyes armor I heard so much about.

General Peppy:Whenever Ovalsan is in that get up you know thing are going to get crazy like the constellation be in the daytime.

Princess Peach: and Mario is so going to get an earful from me when this is all over.

Inmao: then let us proceed to the channeling chamber.

Then then without delay they go into the channeling chamber.

Location: the channeling chamber
As Inmao and her get into the channeling chamber the door behind them clothes instantly.

Inmao: don't worry I have the key in hand.

Once once everyone had taken a seat the channeling ceremony begins as the candles suddenly go out with no sign of wind.

General Peppy: I know there are those that believe this stuff but is this a bit too far Ov-

With three triangle blinking on Ovaleyes visor he knows with Riddick for different reasons that higher forces are at work when Inmao's face turned into someone they know on a personal level.

Riddick: Kelly...nice to see you here despite the current circumstance.

Kelly: as much as I like to see you on the better terms I was too unpleased with Mario's actions that he made behind Peachs back.

Peach: I know what Maya is unforgivable but he didn't know that Christian is engaged.

Kelly: which is why I took the liberty to sign the mission approval form to fix the damage that he caused we have some extra Clauses so he won't get in the way.

Then Kelly hand the signed form to Peach so the others can see for themselves but what Peach found in the fine print could be a bit extreme even if there is no choice in the matter.

Peach: Ah is sending him with that role it's been much with his O.P C.O?

Kelly: Riddick will due well as his voice of reason.

Riddick: I will be more then please of this role.

Pappy: I won't Envy you because he can twist arms and other crazy methods.

Daisy: yeah there's been many rumors surrounding him when he officially came into the game, like the one where he used unorthodox interrogation means on a very scary and cruel principle.

Peach: and that's just a tutorial and publicly humiliate the person in question and it's accomplice with malicious intention even if they deserve it.

Peppy: I'll do what I can to keep General Mario from Nelly in fact the meeting that me and Daisy will be the best diversion so Riddick with those are willing to join can slip right under his nose.

Riddick: Hmm good idea and Christian found Family Pool be more than willing to join.

Kelly:So it seem and that it that's it for now I hope I hear from you Riddick Before you depart.

Riddick: I'll have a reminder set up as soon as I can.

As a intensity clears up as a cancer realist themselves Inmao's face turned back to normal as Ovaleyes visor clears up as he regains consciousness.

Ovaleyes: So what did I miss?

Peach with all her courage she can muster up and whispered what he's been permitted for.

Ovaleyes: Oh! Ok but even you know whenever he's on assignment is means can get over the top and that's just sugar coating it to the public knowledge on him.

Peppy: and that's only the half of it.

Daisy: and that's less I personally want to know the better.

Inmao:Whoever that it was it was very strong.

Riddick: well she does have a way with words and that's kind of when someone that's been on the school debate team but that's a long time ago.

Peach: would love to hear about it one day but for now let's keep what happens here stays in here.

After they all agrees Inmao open the door and Peach and the others leave without delay.

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