8-2 & 8-3

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Ovalsan's log: we are now on Grimwalk and following Garipaw lead to Christian's current location with the tracking talisman in case she's not home.

Location: Christian's home

Garipaw: this is too convenient.

Sura Mao: Yech it could be a trap

Stella: only one way to find out.

Ovalsan: Well I'm sensing something hidden in the Mojo so be careful.

Then Stella  taking the lead with Garipaw on her three Ovalsan on her six and Sura on the nine while the rest standby for backup on the Heart-go and once Stella knocks on the door Ovalsan see some N.F.F troops approaching while Christian open the door.

Christian: Stella what are you doing here?

Stella: well I would normally be returning your-

Then Stella felt Ovalsan Happy on the shoulder and sees what's behind her and it as bad as it looks.

Raggy:Hmm guessing having them send some of them Ben was a good idea after all, anyway I'm Queen Raggy Bonemen and you are in the way of Royal business.

Stella: of what body poaching?

Raggy: She has a defective soul and it needs to be extracted.

Ovalsan: Well I find it completely ridiculous over a book report that should have been taken outside if the weather is nice enough.

Raggy: that's even more ridiculous!

As Raggy rent on Ovalsan  hit his start button and then the signal for backup to come in while the others activate their own guradson's.

Ovalsan: well it's better than sending someone to summer camp due to the school's own poor attention span.

Irritated by Ovalsan little comment she ordered troops open fire.

Raggy: Well that care o-

But then something or someone came out of the smoke they found red oval lighting up and it's no other than the Ovaleyes.

Raggy: that's got to be the most ridiculous thing I ever saw.

Ovaleyes: actually there's more.

As the Smoke Clears Stella with those came in with Riddick and back pain and what seems to be very cheesy power suits and Ovaleyes is very amused.

Ovaleyes: this reminds me of something I won't say what or who Riddick but it is amusing.

Riddick: well there's still some factors of the Guradsons that I have yet data on.

Stella: well at least eyes is with the theme of our home dimension.

Raggy: this got to be the anointing I have ever seen.

Ovaleyes: Well you better get ues to it because a Nintenguard hero, is a hero of it word!

Raggy: Get them!

-Battel start-

Stella really made short work of the N.F.F troops like they never took on a ninja before.

Raggy: I never saw such humiliation in all my life.

Ovaleyes: maybe you should get off the phone and more and open up book or two.

Unamused by Ovaleyes little remark as a N.F.F tank roll in Raggy order to fire but a gold flash deflect the tank shell away from Ovaleyes and the other but she ment for Christian as the golden light dims down to show her true form, Angela Lightwing.

Ovalsan: Ang nice to to meet you here and W-

Ang: Am only here on the prayers of the grandmother of the girl Christian.

Ovaleyes: On her mother's side am I right?

Christian: You Laguna Marine

Ang: I need ms. Boonmen.

Riddick: As much as I  like to meet with one of Ovaleyes's Associates we can't do it here.

Ang: I have the place where we can't be interrupted.

And without delay they follow Ang to where can talk in private.


Location: Grimwalk governing complex throne room.

Raggy: Rrr how can their troops be slotted so easily like that!?


Raggy: close your mouthprocket I already have enough boneheads in my boardroom meetings!

Rocky:But mother you didn't know it would happen like that.

Raggy:The N.F.F had encounter them while helping with the finale of one of that god-awful reality shows they like and how would they know they have Tech like that.

Rocky: maybe we just let her go for once.

Raggy: letting a defective Souls like her go is out of the question!

Rocky: but you need only one air for that new body you have set up for her.

Raggy: Stacy needs to know how to be any bodies of others before she can take my place one day.

Rocky: can she try someone else's instead of her sister?

Raggy: first off we can find one at this time nor have her in a male one so for now, GET OUT!

Rocky does as he order to do and hand out before his mom really blow her top.

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