9-2 & 9-3

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Riddick's log: It about over four hours and it seem that Christian could be out of her sleep sooner then we think.

Garipaw: Been reading the Mermaid book that the Guardsona had scan and I'm kind of skeptical.

Riddick: because there's mermaids where you're from?

Ryfang: rumors honestly.

Stella: many have tried to see what's Beyond the Horizon but never return all those that did seem to became delusional with what ever they escaped from some say there are giant sea creatures near the bottom of the sea.

Ryfang: others say there are strange lands with unusual beasts and natives.

Riddick: how interesting.

Garipaw: we call it the grand fog.

Stella: No one had ever try sailing into that place for years now.

Ryfang: and there's more ships in the storage house than those I can remember that there is a harbor.

Riddick: I could could check it out if perf-

Then someone had launched out of the pool like a rocket, it was Christian who seem to be six older with a fishtail and Garipaw was in ah and wonder.

Riddick: Good air.

Then as Christian mark her descent she goes into a high dive form and make class splash and here are the score results.

Riddick gave a 9.7

Garipaw gave a 9.9

Stella gave a 10

Ryfang gave a 10

Then Christian pops her head out of the water and sees that everyone has a surprise look on their face.

Christian: What are-

Then Christian her voice act deep in the bed and have a tail with the Guardsona around her waist like a belt.

Riddick: Me and Garipaw will let you three have some alone time.

Then without delay Riddick and Garipaw  leave the pool to gave Christian some private time with her mentors.

Stella: how should I put this with what you grew into?

Christian: The Guardsona put me a deep sleep felt like 6 years had passed in the pod it made me learn some new ninja tricks from Sue-O  then and Maria who taught me how to swim with this tail and has switched back and forth between my legs with some of her own tricks like how to use a tridentliance and how to challenge water around me with and without the Triton and learn how to do banter with all the weapons both old and new that I can wield but the third final mentor is hiding his slash her face and well that was it.

When Christian got out of the pool with our land legs she shows what seem to be a hidden blade when she tilts her right wrist.

Ryfang: assassinations in our world is very frowned upon these days even the seamlessly no choice for this situation.

Christian: Maybe Ovalsan nose more about the Assassin thing than we do, first thing in the morning that is.

Stella: like the Publishers of those two books?


Ovalsan's log: Christian inform me yesterday that after a little extraordinary growth in the pool to consult with me on her guardsona assassin Factor and Abstergo press is no coincidence.

Location: Ovalsan's research tent.

When Christian enters Ovalsan's tent he is amused with her looking at the age of 22 to be exact.

Ovalsan: Hmm that must have been some growth spurts you had Christian in that pod.

Christian: The Guardsona does make me the suit that fits the persona of any member of the Nintenguard but even Riddick did Madam even he does know all the factors and when to expect them.

Ovalsan: does he told you that and relay it to me?


Ovalsan: my before I explain please take a seat on What's called the Animus and the Starmander will tell you all that the Nintenguard know about Abstergo.

Then Christian took a sit on the animus then fall into some sort of sleep.

Nintenguard data base buffing: Abstergo/ Templar.

The Starmander: Welcome to Animus space Christian Bonemen I know you have so many questions and solo time so let's begin.

Q: What does the Nintenguard know about Abstergo?

A: Abstergo Institute is a big gun variety company with the desires that are over their heads but they're actually called a Templars trying to pull the world's strength for the game but they're kind of wishy-washy if those that join in good intentions but get locked up by their older Superior for some align with the assassins or don't want change to be in there in a circle.

The Starmander: When the Nintenguard inadvertently encounter them during a classified Mission they were on a galactic scale with culture experiments so the Templar is here when from VR to AI.

Christian: So what do you think their gold with this A.I overload?

The Starmander: what we put together about the presidential Primus that six knowledge the game Power and it's getting tired of what smash has been feeding but we need to know more about it in a spy drones may have found a lead with the summer camp, coincidence?

Christian: and you want me to assassinate the one in charge.

The Starmander: only the one to give them the message well for the rest we must capture those we can to interrogate the means to do so is with Ovalsan and he'll gave you these things once you're out of the Animus you're dismissed.

Once Christina came out of the Animas Ovalsan handed her what look like a sports ball

Christian: So when I throw them they will become a net or something?

Ovalsan: well once it hits the appointed Target it was shock whoever hits them.

Christian: cute.

Ovalsan: Don't worry we'll do our part.

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