••• Fifty-Two •••

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Laraxis has decided to fire at the field, a mass covered in tar and lit on fire flung towards the warriors as screams erupt in the air. I stand, watching in the distance as my Beta shouts for my men to not fear the King who now attacks us on the field. We all watch as the bodies of men and women we knew are crushed beneath the rock, bodies broken as the mass rolls across the field, taking their bodies with it. Looking away, I hold in vomit which tries to make its way up my throat, the sound of painful screams filling the air as I try and regain my strength to look back to the field. 

"They are forming in around us," Fiona comments as she stands beside me, gazing off to the field as I look up to see Alpha Penelope's troops in a dome shape, trapping in my men as they begin to slaughter more of our men. "With the palace now attacking, you need to decide if you want to stay here and watch the battle or make your way into the palace."

The witches have created a larger gap in the palace's defensive shield, beginning to fire into the palace itself as guards begin to burn. I stand in amazement as I watch one witch create a sign with her fingers, sending the sign off into the palace as it erupts around the guards under it, crackling like fireworks as the guards catch on fire. Placing my attention back on the battlefield, I notice a group of wolves begin to leave the dome and circle around, beginning their charge to us. "Fiona, can you make sure those wolves do not get close to us," I order, motioning to the cluster of warriors charging full-speed towards where our group of witches are attacking the palace. 

Nodding, Fiona takes a step forward, the wind beginning to pick up around us as she lifts her hands up and focuses on the wolves coming towards us. I notice how her eyes become pitch black, how the tips of her fingers turn a dark shade of purple, and how she sends the wolves flying off their feet and suddenly catching on fire. They roll around, trying to put out the fire as Fiona takes a step back, a smirk tugging at her lips as she watches the wolves burn to death. 

At the other side of the battlefield, I spot Zion and Alpha Penelope, watching in horror as the wolves have died without a fight. Sybil is uneasy, tugging at Zion as an argument begins to unravel between the three of them. 

Another piece of rubble lit on fire is fired from the palace, flying once again towards the battlefield as I turn over to the witches, watching as they have almost taken down half of the shield. "Is it time yet?" Fiona asks me, anxious to enter into the palace. "Our men can handle their army. We still have another wave of warriors to send out and we can take them out." 

"What do you think?" I look to my Beta, wanting his opinion as he looks to the battlefield, thinking over his options carefully. 

"They are limited on their men. We have another wave of strong and energized warriors while their army is exhausted by now. If you think it is time to enter into the palace with a few of the witches and some warriors, then it will not hurt our cause out here." 

Beginning to gather up a set of ten warriors and seven witches, I turn back to my Beta, "Remember, do not kill Zion or Sybil. Bring them to me if-

"They are leaving the field," Fiona interrupts, pointing towards the disgraced past Alpha King and his wife. A group of ten warriors are with them, all shifting into wolf as Sybil climbs on top of Zion's wolf and they run off with the warriors. "Where are they headed? Are they leaving?" 

Shaking my head, I look to the direction of which they are leaving. "Let's get moving," I order, our small group beginning our way to the front gate. I know we will be able to get into the palace, we will be able to enter through the front gate. "They are headed for the palace as well. We will met them inside." We head off, Fiona ordering her witches holding up the shield to continue attacking until they spot a sign from her when she gets inside the palace walls. 

The witches with us put up a shield around our group traveling to the palace, the royal guards sending fiery arrows our way as they shatter against the shield. Our pace begins to pick up as we watch the shield become torn down further. Soon enough we are before the lake at the back end of the palace, circling around to the other side to the main gate. Looking up, I spot Laraxis standing on a balcony beside Elijah, the king looking down to my group in fear while Elijah offers me a slight nod. 

Just as we arrive at the front gates of the palace, the tall gate door of the palace is shut, the guards on the palace walls all pointing their weapons down to our group as we stand on the road which leads up directly towards the palace. "Can we get the gate open with magic yet?" I ask, looking over to Fiona as she looks around the palace to see how much of the palace's shield has been torn down. 

Fiona creates a sign with her fingers, closing her eyes as she begins to whisper some unfamiliar language. The witches holding up the shield inform us to brace ourselves for impact. Taking hold of one of my warrior's shoulders, we get into formation to prepare for what will happen when Fiona casts her spell. Fiona swings her arms open, a wind breaking out as we are knocked off our feet, the sound of wood cracking filing the air as I cover my face as I watch the front door of the palace gate shatter apart. As the palace is open to us now, royal guards stand ready to fight us, weapons drawn as they form a line around the gate. Fiona casts the same spell she used on the wolves in the field, their skin catching fire as they are unable to put it out. 

The scent of burning flesh meets my nose as we enter into the palace, another group of royal guards approaching, only for the witches to cast spells left and right. One guard becomes torn in three pieces, another is burnt immediately to ashes, two others are sent through portals to wherever the witch decided, and the others are attacked by the warriors of my pack, screaming out in pain. 

We rush through the courtyard of the palace and to the entrance of the palace itself, the engraved wooden doors shut as we approach them. The witches are able to use spells to break it down easily, flinging it open as the doors unhinge and fly across the marble floor of the palace, shattering a marble pillar on their way. "Find the king,. If anyone is able to get their hands on Zion or Sybil, bring them to me," I order, our group breaking in two as I send Fiona off to lead her own group. "Let's go." I lead my ground up a spiraling staircase in a tower, emerging onto the second floor as we open every door we see. Every room which holds someone in it, the witches cast a spell, their bodies falling limp as we make our way to the next room. 

A sitting room lays before us, four women cowering in the corner as they hold one another close, afraid of what will happen to them. Once more, the witches cast their spell as the women make no more noise and fall limp. We head for the next room, one filled with musical instruments and no one present. "This palace will take forever to search," I mumble, aggravated as we have run across fifteen people here and there are more people here that are not Laraxis. "What is the most secure room in this palace?" 

"The Senate Chambers," one of my warriors informs, "it's where the Alphas and Alpha King gather for meeting. Needs to be made secure in case of attacks. I have been there before, when Alpha Nixon was still alive." 

I motion for the warrior to take us there, our group taking a staircase to the first floor as we walk down a new hallway covered in ancient tapestries. A large door lays before us, the witches working their spells again as the door opens and we enter into the circular room, ready for any attack. 

"Welcome, Alpha Lily Maxwell," a voice calls out from the balcony of the room, drawing my attention up to see the King standing there with Elijah. "I was wondering when you would find me." 

"I had a feeling you would be cowering away somewhere," I comment, holding my head high as King Laraxis comes down to the first floor, looking to my group of witches and warriors. 

"You teamed up with witches. Smart...yet foolish, for witches can never truly be trusted." 

"We want the same thing, I trust them enough for both of our dreams for this kingdom to come true." 

Laraxis looks over to Elijah, still relying on Elijah for guidance. We still have him in the palm of our hand. "You are foolish to want this. To want to tear down the structure of this kingdom," Laraxis informs, walking over to the throne placed at the center of the room. "You think all of this will somehow bring back Nixon."

"I am not stupid. I know that Nixon cannot be brought back to life just by attacking a palace," I snap, walking forward to Laraxis as he shakes his head. 

"This is all too ambitious of you, Lily, for you to wage war on a kingdom just to get back. You have a daughter who is still alive, you should be with her rather than willing to risk your life for a husband who will never return." 

"I know what I am fighting for," I reassure, my voice harsh as Laraxis shakes his head. Just as I am about to lead forward at the king, I hear gunshots and screams of pain as my eyes are drawn back to watch the witches and warriors who were just with to be shot down. 

Elijah stands behind their bodies, holding a gun as I see silver shells on the ground. Blood begins to spill onto the marble floor, creating a puddle from the bodies as I look over to the king and back to Elijah. How could he? Was he ever on my side here? 

"You wanted something so bad, Lily, a fairytale ending, and now that you have no chance of it, you feel like you have nothing now. Your life has been one of ups and downs and now, you are here, willing to make their raid on the palace your last hurrah." 

"You have no idea what you are talking about," I hiss, my jaw clenched as Laraxis gets up from his throne. 

"You lost Nixon. You only ever wanted to raise your daughter with Nixon, not by yourself-"

"You do not know me."

"You did not want to become a single mother and widow. You wanted a life to spend with your husband and daughter as you led a pack together. You think you have nothing now...just as Zion once thought." Laraxis stands a foot away from me, looking down to me as I hold my chin high, my hands in my pocket as I feel the silver blade in my hands. "Zion could have given up like you after Sybil died. Hell, he did, for he renounced his title and was ready to end his life, but he got Sybil back. Sadly, getting someone back isn't as easy as it seems. Why did you not ask Fiona to bring Nixon back?" 

"I don't have to answer to you." 

"Why did you not make it fair, Lily? Why did you not also bring your husband back like Zion was able to do? It could not have been out of jealousy that you do this, for you would only have gone after Zion." 

"Stop," I snap, taking a step back, only for my boot to land in the puddle of blood. 

Laraxis tilts his head to the side, raising an eyebrow. "You wanted a fairytale ending, one with Nixon and you together forever. With Nixon dead, he is living eternally in peace while you are still suffering in this fucked up world. You are fighting here for a cause he believed in, yes, but you have no intention of returning home. Your new fairytale ending is one of Nixon and you living together peacefully in eternity." 

"Fuck you," I snap, my hands moving fast as I take the blade from my pocket and slide it across Laraxis' throat, making a deep cut as blood spills from his throat, his body falling forward to the floor as I look over to Elijah, my hands coated in my blood. "What the hell did you do? You killed the witches and warriors I brought with me!"

"Let's go," Elijah states, giving me no reply as he holds out his hand for me to take. My boots stand in a puddle of blood, my hands covered in the dark crimson substance, placing the blade back into my pocket as I take Elijah's hand and walk over the bodies. 

"You told Laraxis all of that," I comment, pulling my hand away from Elijah as I become aware of the position he has put me in. He killed my protection and he holds a gun now. He told Laraxis my backstory, the heartache of my story. 

"I needed his trust." 

"You already had his trust." 

I take a cautious step back, worried as Elijah stands too close to me. My muscles are tense as I look to Elijah's fingers lightly wrapped around the trigger. "This world is full of darkness, Lily, friends betray friends, spouses die, and children can never be safe." 

My heart skips a beat as I know what Elijah is here to do. "You leave my daughter alone." 

"Why? You are already giving her away to someone else. The world is cruel to girls, just look at you. You were once daddy's little princess and then Nixon got hold of you." 

"My daughter is innocent, she has done nothing to you," I state, fear filling up my chest as I want to protect my daughter now. I have to protect her, she is all that the world will ever have left of Nixon, she is the next leader of Crimson Lock. 

"If your daughter grows up to be anything like Nixon or you, she will be one of darkness. She is a Maxwell by birth, something tainted already, and I will not watch this kingdom become torn apart once more by someone seeking revenge. Your line stops with her." 

I lunge forward before he can pull the trigger, tackling Elijah to the ground as I shove the barrel of the gun away from me. I slam my foot on his arm, holding it down as he pulls the trigger, a bullet lodging itself into the wall as I knock my head against Elijah's. Slamming my foot once more against his arm, I find myself pushed off of his body and his body lands atop of mine. I work fast, knocking the gun out of his hand as Elijah smirks. "I am a werewolf. I don't need a bullet to kill a weak human." 

Elijah wraps an arm around my throat, beginning to cut off my airway as I reach for the blade in my pocket, only for him to take hold of my arm as my head becomes dizzy. I think of my daughter, finding the strength to loosen my hand from his hold as I land a fist to his jaw. Rolling to my side, I gasp for air as I grab my silver blade and slide over to Elijah. Just as he is about to land a kick to my rib cage, I push the blade just above his top rib and slam it deeper into his body as he gasps out in pain. 

Pulling back, I watch the silver have an effect on him, his veins turning back as blood begins to trickle out of his nose and eyes. Elijah begins to choke, crying out as blood spills out of his eyes, gasping for any form of air as I get to my feet, grabbing the gun he held before as I see there are five more bullets. Looking down the Elijah as he begins to twitch, I decided he is not worth a mercy kill, allowing the poison to make his death painful as I watch his final moments, his body motionless as I lean down to check for a pulse. With no pulse found, I pull back from his body and look to the Senate Chamber, the marble floor covered in crimson red blood, bodies sprawled out across the floor as I leave the room, knowing it is time to find Zion or to rejoin with Fiona. 

A loud boom sounds throughout the palace, drawing my attention to the throne room as I begin to walk back to the main room of the palace as I can smell smoke in the distance. I come across a mirror in the hallway, no longer shocked at the woman staring back at me as I see my boots covered in blood, my hands and arms covered in drying blood, my neck red from being choked, and my eyes bloodshot. 

My work is almost done here. 

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