••• Forty-One •••

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"You and that sick husband of yours killed him!" A voice shouts, pushing past the doors of my house that I had mercy to open. As she waves her hands around, treating the domain she has entered as if she owns it, Taylor screams at me, claiming Gavin was murdered by Nixon, that I helped, and that she will get the authorities, that she will take the matter to the police and bring me to justice just as Nixon was. "Who knows, Nixon was probably going to kill you when he got tired of you." My anger rises. "His last wife died, murdered in their house, and I bet that was because he got tired of her, of her whore attitude, and wanted a new, fresh, and young girl to fuck over his desk."

My hands turn to fists as Taylor looks to the entrance of the marvelous house the man she speaks so much hate of built. "You were just another whore who he knocked up and before he could get tired of your loose pus-

"Enough!" I shout, my voice stern as I can see from the windows at the other side of the room a group of four warriors lurking, waiting for me to give them the sign to pounce and protect their Alpha. "You have stepped into my domain and you know that means you are at my mercy here."

Taylor scoffs, rolling her eyes as she leans against the railing of the stairs. "Please, your 'domain' means nothing to me but some fancy house that mom and dad are impressed with. Who even says domain, some cave man would say so, some ruler of a kingdom. The only kingdom you will have to rule is that of your little whore-to-be of a daughter and yourself."

I hold my head high, restraining myself from pouncing and attacking my sister. Months ago I would have been able to shut her up, a fight to take place, but now I am close to giving birth and laying a hand on Taylor means putting my child in harms way. I have warriors ready to attack, but if they attack, Taylor will only have problems. I could call the authorities, see if she breaks anything, tries to attack me, and with my ties to the police department due to my title I could put Taylor behind bars. But what would jail do to help her? Only fuel her anger. I could put her behind bars and watch her light dim, but that would mean her life destroyed more than she has already destroyed it.

"You have no right to say anything about my family," I snap, posture straight as I know my warriors are ready to strike. "I did not kill Gavin and you owe nothing to Gavin. Why would you care for his death, for the death of an older man that was using you for a good lay? Why do you owe him anything?" I question, crossing my arms. "Gavin was in with a bad crowd and knew no one in his line of work would last lone."

"Nixon killed that little bitch from before, a woman by the name Lillian. I did my research, I found out about the beautiful blond who won over every person she met. She was an angel and Nixon just needed a replacement when she died, when he killed her."

"You know nothing of Lillian," I hiss, glaring at Taylor as she walks over to one of the paintings hanging from the wall beside a small collage of Nixon and I, from our wedding, moments where we laughed, parties we attended, and one of us at the Christmas party we held the night before he left. "I am close to calling the authorities, Taylor, and believe me, you do not want a criminal record this young."

"You couldn't place me behind bars, Lily, you're just a little weak mother-to-be."

I shake my head, smirking as I think about all the authority I now hold. The moment I married Nixon I knew I would have much influence, but the moment I became Alpha, I received so much more. "Be careful what you say, Taylor, for you know nothing of which you speak," I warn, watching as the warriors only grow closer, ready to protect me. "You should know when a muzzle is needed."

"A muzzle?!" Taylor scoffs, rolling her eyes as she looks to my stomach. "That child will come out a whore just like its mother."

"ENOUGH!" I snap, my blood boiling as I can feel myself loosing my stability to the anger that is growing within me. "I do not intend on hurting my own flesh and blood, Taylor, but if you continue, you will not go home without your hands in cuffs and put behind bars."

Taylor cocks her head to the side, hands on her hips now as she looks to the wedding photo on the wall of Nixon and me.

It happens fast, how one moment she is standing in clear view and the next the picture of my wedding is on the floor, taken from the wall and glass shattering as I hitch my breath. Taylor looks to me next, about to charge, only for Terrance to tackle the young woman I once would call my sister. Taken to the ground, they avoid the glass, Taylor screaming for him to get off of her as she kicks and claws her way. She's human though, nothing more but a mere human with a werewolf on top of her, holding her down because she attacked his Alpha. Her eyes meet mine and I can only see the flame of anger and hate reflected.

"You took him from me," she screams, her eyes watering as I hold my head high. "You and that dead husband of yours, you took the man I loved from me like some sick savages from the wild. I loved him and he died without justice." Terrance gets Taylor to her feet, holding her hands behind her back as he pulls out a pair of handcuffs, waiting on my approval to call for the authorities. "Nixon deserved the death that awaited him. Another murderer and criminal dead at the hands of a long-awaited justice, and here you are, with this new so-called lover of yours. What were you two doing before I got here, planning some satanic ritual?"

"Call the authorities," I order one of the warriors entering the room, her green eyes meeting mine as she nods and gets out her phone, reporting Taylor as an intruder on private property and destroying property. It doesn't matter what Taylor is arrested for though, it doesn't matter if she murdered someone or has just spray-painted the side of a building because with my title, I could lock her up for a very long time. Will I? No, for that is a misuse of power and not needed whatsoever. What I will do is try and get her help for the short temper she has and have her learn the proper way to deal with people you dislike. She has a life before her and I believe that if she gets help, her life could turn around for the best and one day she may thank me as our children grow up together. It is much to ask for, but it is worth the risk.

"Mom and dad are done with you," Taylor snaps, spitting at me as she finished her comment. I simply turn around, leaving the room as she doesn't bother saying another word.

As the sirens come in the silence of the evening and soon enough the windows let in the illuminating lights of the police, I watch as an officer that is also part of Crimson Lock comes to the front door, Terrance handing over Taylor as the officer doesn't bother for any statements. The corruption of justice is seen right here, how your loyalty is simply what defines your morals, impacting them as Taylor will witness first hand that I now help run the city because the vast majority belongs to Crimson Lock. Nixon left me with so much more than a title and pack to run, but a town to practically own and have the final say in much of what they do.

As the night comes and the house becomes silent once more, I find myself sitting in the office of the house, looking to the guest sitting in front of me as he taps his fingers to some song. "Tell me, Lily," Elijah begins, resting his chin on his hand as his eyes scan the books upon the shelves covering the west wall. "Well, first, I must ask because simply it is something I have been wanting to get off of my chest the moment we met, but in your opinion, do you think Nixon could of ever harmed of pregnant woman?"

"Why do you ask?" He's got my full attention.

"I know Zion stopped by a few weeks before Nixon perished, paying you a visit as he wanted to kill you." Elijah smirks. "Zion had spoken with me afterwards, telling me he did not mind having the blood of a human woman and her unborn child on his hands, but what mattered was having Nixon live through pain for the rest of his life."

"The point of this conversation?" I ask, not liking where this conversation is going.

"Zion had it in him, enough of those corrupt morals, to try and kill a pregnant woman. Zion's soul was damned enough to intend to do so, yet, do you think, Nixon ever would?"

"You're asking me if I think Nixon would ever have enough of a damned soul to kill a pregnant woman?" I ask, watching Elijah nod as I shake my head. "No, Nixon would never try and kill a woman he knew to be pregnant."

Silence, the atmosphere tense.

"Sybil was pregnant."


"And why are you now telling me that Sybil was pregnant?" I ask, crossing my arms as Elijah learns against the wall, looking outside to the pack lands that stretch beyond the forest.

"Zion announced the news to his Senate just five hours ago and plans to release the news to the public within the end of the day," he informs, meeting my gaze. "He was to have a little boy, Sybil just over a month pregnant. I just found out in the Senate meeting and flew here right away."

"Because the moment that the news is released it will act as a catalyst to the plans that we have," I figure out, piecing it together as to what this means for our plans. "So we will have more packs that are against us." Elijah nods. "What does Zion plan to do when he announces it?"

"State the facts. He does not think you to be too big of a risk, seeing that you are human and pregnant. He thinks you won't try another because of your child." Which would be wise. I care for my child's safety and know that these plans will only put her in grave danger, but that is why I have already begun to take precautions for her safety. I have met pack members that I will have around her at every moment I cannot, plans for the worst if I do not make it out alive after she is born, plans that will protect her, keep her out of the harmful hands of Zion. If worse comes to worse, there is a werewolf family from the pack that will be taking her in, to raise her with the values and morals that both Nixon and I would want her to have. Nixon no doubt would have wanted her to train, to become a strong wolf, and I could not agree less, but my values for her come in the form of academics, of strategic thinking, and of being a realist and logically-thinking individual. But most of all, we would want her to be happy, enjoy life, live to the fullest, love her life, and never turn to the darkness of the night that Nixon had once fallen into and that I may just fall into.

"There are rumors going around," Elijah begins, drawing my attention once again. "Zion has had a distant relative within the palace walls lately, a young face, fresh blood, and perhaps someone to replace him." I raise an eyebrow as Elijah crosses his arms, looking back outside. "Zion has no heir and is taking measures to secure what he believes to be a good future for the kingdom and he is doing this by finding the next King, someone who holds the same beliefs as him."

"And if Zion steps down from the throne, what does this mean for us? That he becomes an easier target and we can place him in checkmate quicker? Do we win the trust of the new King?" I ask, picturing someone just like Zion to take the throne, perhaps even worse than Zion. "If Zion steps down, what do we do?"

Elijah smiles, a sly smile, one that tugs at the corners of his lips, one that lets me know he has been thinking this through with the same thoughts that I have. "If Zion steps down, we have an easier shot to take to put him down, but with this new blood, this fresh blood to ascent to the throne, new minds are easy to corrupt and we could easily influence this mind."

"But this male could be smart if Zion is picking him-

"No one, whether the wisest man on earth, my dearest Lily, could prevent power and whispers in the dark to corrupt him. The crown is simply a metal chain placed around the mind, easy to pull, to guide. Like a puppet with strings made from fake gold. This new King could wear the chains that we control, that we pull, that we train like a lost puppy until it replies on us for its next meal. If we get him in the palm of our hands, that War Lord Alphas we could have on our wise, would simply be pawns."

I like the sound of that.

"Who is this possible next king?" I ask, Elijah's smile only widening as he meets my gaze.

"A man by the name Laraxis."

Five weeks later and here I am, looking at myself in the mirror as I run a hand through my blood red locks. Falling to my shoulders, I grab a lock, wrapping it around the hot rod as I take in a deep breath, looking at my appearance in the mirror as my body is covered in a simple black robe. The room still hot from the shower I just took, my feet are sore from standing, my stomach growing for breakfast, and a small kick felt from my daughter. Just two weeks and she will greet the world where she will only know kindness and compassion as her mother hides from her a world of demons that her father and mother once danced in. And today I dance not with a man that passed away many months ago, but with darker demons as plans are to be put in place and new packs made between a select number of people.

Crimson Lock has once again become a force to be reckoned with, showing every pack in Zion's kingdom that although a female human runs the pack, I can control more than they think, be capable of more than they think, and that I may come to be more feared than the previous Alpha Nixon Maxwell. Nixon Maxwell's pregnant, human wife is the hurricane that the packs have been expecting for some time. What happened exactly that established my name in the world of wolves? Crimson Lock was attacked by one of the biggest packs in Zion's kingdom, the pack wanting more land and wanting to serve justice to the pack whose past Alpha killed the deceased Queen, and in return, I ordered my warriors to fight back. Sure, I did not one bit of fighting, but it was how the fight ended that left my name burned into the minds and flesh of those who survived. My warriors won the battle, bringing me the surviving warriors and Alpha of the pack that had the gut to attack Crimson Lock. What did I do? I picked up the gun Nixon left behind for me, a silver gun with the silver bullets loaded in, shooting the Alpha of the pack right between the eyes, and for the five surviving warriors of the pack who had watched their Alpha die before their eyes, I ordered my men to declaw them, their wolves howling in pain. Next, the crest of Crimson Lock was burned into their flesh, scaring them as I ordered my men to let them go back to their pack. A victory for Crimson Lock.

A victory for Nixon.

Grabbing my clothes for the day, I change fast, heading downstairs as I grab a fast breakfast, my guests to soon arrive. It has been five weeks and much as happened. For Crimson Lock, besides the current victory, we have established a larger territory, pushing small packs out of their lands, creating a new map for the werewolf world as Zion does nothing, simply mourning Sybil. Unlike me, Zion has not moved on and has tried to do things with his life. Nixon died and I mourned him, I still miss him, I still cry, but I have made myself stronger at the same time while Zion allows his Senate to run his kingdom while he boards himself up in his palace. Zion rarely sits upon his throne...a throne that shall belong to another man by the end of the week as a ceremony has been planned.

A new face to be the ruler of the kingdom that will arrive at my house in a matter of minutes, sit in my kitchen, and drink a cup of coffee that I have prepared as we chat. Elijah has already spoken with Laraxis, a male in his twenties that will wear the crown by the end of the week as well as the strings that we control. Do I fully trust Elijah? I would be a damn idiot if I trusted him, but I hold respect for him as well as an odd friendship. We became an odd pair of friends as we connected on our hate for Zion. I've met his wife sense, a beautiful woman who has her hate for Zion as well, Zion having made her father going insane and her mother hang herself in her childhood house. Zion has ruined many lives and now it is going to bite him in the ass while at the same time, those that he wronged will hold his kingdom in the palm of their hands.

Taking in a deep breath, I look over my shoulder, already knowing he would be here as he enters the room. He's been here every day since I received the news of Nixon's death. "I said you could leave, you're off duty today," I inform, brewing a single cup of coffee for the expected guest. "You don't need to be here every day."

Terrance shakes his head, leaning against my counter as he looks like he does everyday, his dark blond hair a tad bit messy, uniform of a simple pair of black pants, a hunter green athletic shirt, and knife tucked into his left combat boot. "You are gambling your future and I am not just talking about your life being on the line, but how you will live your life, Lily," Terrance informs, eyes sympathizing with me. "What will your daughter think of you as while she grows up? Will she say that she has a mother that cares for her with all of her heart and runs this pack like a true leader of mercy and respect, or will she say that her mother is a stone-cold Alpha who thirsts for power and has sold her soul to the evil to get revenge?"

"You have no right to talk about my daughter," I snap, "You think that just because you guard my house every day that it gives you the right to talk about my personal life, but you've got that wrong, warrior. You think that because you once took me out on a date that it gives you the right to try and critique my life, but you did not marry me, this child is not yours, and this battle is damn right not yours to fight."

Terrance shakes his head, meeting my glare with his soft gaze. "I miss the old you, Lily, the girl who cared for others, who would laugh, who would smile. You used to play board games with friends, play Frisbee with old friends who cared for you. You were once full of life, letting nothing sour play a role in your life, and then you met Nixon."

"Stop," I snap.

'Nixon changed you, he made you think of life different, he showed you his world filled with demons and at the same time, your own demons began to form, consuming who I once thought you were."


"He changed you and even after he died you allowed him to keep changing you, molding you into who he once was and making you someone who is feared. You think because you are a widow that it gives you every damn right in the world to have revenge. Guess what, Lily, you are playing with things that are out of your control and bigger than you could ever imagine. Elijah knows how vulnerable you are right now, about how much of a key figure you are to helping him get his own revenge as well that you two are pushing your limits for your own selfish needs."

"Leave, Terrance," I order, my words shouted from across the room as the warrior holds his head high to his Alpha.

"I miss the old you, Lily, the happy you, the smiling you, the one that had dreams that made you a better person. I miss the Lily I fell head over heels for."

"People change, Terrance, and it is time you changed you views on what you expect from me," I state, my voice stern, "because I am your Alpha and you need not concern yourself with what I do, to only follow what I say because you are a warrior, nothing more or less to me than a warrior."

Terrance shakes his head. "Your daughter will never respect you in the end if you continue down this path," Terrance informs, his words digging his own grave as he talks of my daughter. "You once wanted your daughter to be taught morals that would allow her to learn the importance of respect, kindness, and forgiveness, but now, the only morals she will learn is that no one matters in life besides you and your own selfish needs. She is the future of Crimson Lock when you pass away, Lily, and if she leads Crimson Lock with your new morals, then this pack is damned."

I hold my head high, hearing a knock at the front door as the puppet has arrived. "You may leave Terrance, and take this conversation as your resignation from my personal guard as well as the future head warrior."

Terrance holds his head high, knowing that what he has just told me has stripped him from many titles. "I only had faith in you, Lily, or at least, in the Lily that once smiled and cared for nothing beyond a simple life."

"I do not give a damn," I inform, no emotion laced into my voice as Terrance nods.

"And that what pains me the most, Alpha: the fact that I know that to be true."

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