••• One •••

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The town is small. That's to say the least. I expected with a name like Newton it would at least have some mainstream business, but not for thirty miles.

The bridge is the first sign that you've entered Newton besides the brick sign with the holiday wreath in the center. For the most part, I know I already don't like it. The signs on the stores, the older trees, the white blankets of snow covering the ground, and the locals out walking just give off a bad feel.

Our car drives past a hill, one where you can tell the wealthy live by the massive houses leading up. Mansions cover the hill, gates seclusion them from the outside world as few lights are turned on. For the rest of the town, there's small shops, middle class houses, and a thick forest on the east edge where the high school is. A forest surrounds the town, thick and endless as you could get lost even in the middle of the day when the sun is bright. The neighborhoods of the town may seem middle class at first, but the more you inspect them, the architecture, the colors, and even the window, you get the hint that this town is on the wealthier end. As we enter a neighborhood, I see the Christmas lights up and bright as ever, the holiday decorations around the pale houses, and new cars parked out front. I still wish I was back home, in my room, chatting with old friends as the familiar sounds of the busy city filled my room.

Then I spot it, the house I've only seen in pictures. It's a neat one story with a tall living room ceiling, massive windows, older yet good taste, and a porch swing before the cherry red door. Maybe I'll like it here. Mother fell head over heels for this house the moment she saw it, calling up father right away to have him check it out. Four weeks later and here we are, pulling into the driveway.

By sunset we have most of the boxes unpacked in the house, the boxes stacked on the wooden floor as my mother pulls back the newly placed curtains in the living room. The leather couches were placed in the room two hours ago by the fireplace, a rug in the room, and the coffee table as well. The living room is complete until mom will want to decorate it like usual.

Walking down the hall, I ignore the clinging of pans from the kitchen caused by my dad and head into my new room.

The walls are a pale peachy color, a pretty color, the carpet soft, and my bed by the window that looks out to the backyard. It's a nice home no doubt, only, it's not the same. I'm used to a smaller space as we lived more in towards the city, but now we live in a town where you cannot see the nearest city lights at all.

"Hey, Lily, do you have a blanket to spare," my younger sister asks from the doorway, popping her blind head in.
Grabbing a brown throw blanket, I toss it at my sister and go back to looking outside. She didn't want to move, just as I still want to pack up everything and drive back to the airport.

Looking outside, I inspect the backyard, the tall fence surrounding the property, a pool placed closer to the house as I know it will be fun to use when the snow is gone and the sun is out, and behind the fence lays a forest. The trees create a dark shade in the night, a creepy feeling running up my spine.

Pulling my windows shut, I turn away, beginning to unpack my clothes and place them in the small closet. Henry would love this place. Henry's the oldest of the family, in his early twenties, and an international student for business in Spain. Henry has always loved the woods due to him loving to hunt with my dad for deer or dove. He's the poster child for perfect, graduating first in class, his girl friend still in love with him as she's moving next week to be with him in Spain, and he's always the topic at family gatherings.

Laying down on my bed, I close my eyes, thinking about my new life that awaits. Maybe I'll like it here? Maybe I'll detest it? I'm only here till next year, when college starts and I'll be moving out as I have my mind set on colleges out of state.

Soon, days turn into a week and I'm standing at the front door of my father's boss's house for a meal. His boss, Ted Adams, is a healthy male in his late fifties with a wife and two teenage boys. Ted is a marketing manager where my dad now works and his wife had him invite us over for dinner. One thing I don't mind looking at here is the luxurious house he lives in. Three stories tall, more like a Californian type style with the roof and walls, and massive windows. If anything, I would hate doing chores here.

Looking down the street, I spot other houses of the same size and wealth, many with Porsches or Ferraris in the front driveway. One house does catch my eye, one that is flooded with beauty. The grass is green like the rest, a black Ferrari before a walkway, a modern yet elegant house. It's two story yet massive compared to the rest, windows that reach new heights, a massive French double door, and-

"Lily, come on," mom whispers, pulling me by my arm as we enter the house.
If anything, my jaw drops a bit by the interior of the house, how anyone could live this large.

Dinner was great, the fish was cooked well and the family was not awkward. The family's sons were mature and polite, asking questions of context that were not imposing, their mother very kind, yet, something got me off.
It was the way they talked about the town. As if something that wanted to tell us so badly could not be told. Maybe a town secret? A past to the town that they like to keep more private. I read this town has been around for nearly a century, the town city hall as old as the town, renovations gapping this year as it needs to look it's finest.

"Well, Ted and I are taking a cruse next month to Fiji then Belize while the boys are still in school," Mrs. Olivia Adams added to when my mom asked about an upcoming plans.

"My, that sounds wonderful. Eric and I went to Fiji for our honeymoon. Truly a wonderful location," my mother replies, taking a sip of red wine as I cut into the ease berry cheesecake.

"So, Lily, you're a senior from what I hear. What are your plans for college?" Mrs. Adams asks, all the attention shifting to me.

My mom watches me, hoping I keep up my manners as I swallow my dessert. "I want to study physics at Colorado Boulder," I reply, hoping it was a descent enough answer. "I'm thinking of NASA for my job in the future."
Mrs. Adams nods and turns her attention to Taylor, my younger sister.
My hazel eyes scan the dinning room, the high ceiling that seems to intimidate me.

"So, physics? You've got to be smart," Zayne, the older brother of the two comments to me, making me meet his bright green eyes.

"Not really, I just have a passion for it and study hard."

"Modest," Brian, the younger one adds as I shrug. "You've got brains." They're kind.

I decide to ignore the brothers unintentionally as something catches my train of thought. Focusing my attention on the window that reveals the backyard, out there is a  massive pool, fire pit, gazebo, and other items that make it more enjoyable. From the corner of the window, I catch sight of the massive house from before.

One light is on, the one from the balcony on the second floor. On the balcony I see the silhouette of a male, one with a figure I just know is tall and nicely built yet lean, one I know that is strong. The figure just leans against the railing, looking out to the forest, as if in deep concentration. He reminds me of Gatsby, looking out over the parties as an observer than a partake in the events. The only difference that this male has to Gatsby is that there is no party taking place within his property. Maybe he has a Daisy out there? Maybe he's looking at the green light right now? Or maybe I'm just so bored right now that this has become my entertainment?

"Well, Ted and Olivia, it has truly been a wonderful meal and amazing to know your family," my father begins as I know we are about to leave. "We'd better be getting home before it's too late to wake up early."


That's right, I start school tomorrow.
"Oh, don't apologize. It's completely understandable," Olivia replies as we all get to our feet. "We'll see you out."
They saw us out as we walked down the front steps to our SUV, ready to head home.

As they waved, I looked over my shoulder to the house from before, now seeing a room's lights on, a grand piano in the center demanding attention as it looked isolated for years. My fingers itch to just graze the keys, just to press one note and hear the beautiful sound echo through the house.

As we hoped into the car, I kept my gaze on the house until it fades away and we were out of the wealthy neighborhood and chatting about the Adams. By the time we reach the house, I've already pulled off my shoes and let my hair fall loose. Ignoring Taylor as she talks on the phone to some guy, I head into my room, letting the silence envelop me. Tomorrow is school, meaning new people and things to get used to. New teachers, new friends, new rooms. The only thing that won't change is my crazy schedule of music for piano, for, my mother being a pianist before she had me means I have to take up the hobby. It's enjoyable, yes, it's fun to play complicated songs to show off, but it's bad when it takes away from your social life. It will be the death of me one day.

As the night grows darker, I find myself opening up the window, hopping out onto the grass of our backyard. For the majority of the night I locate every constellation in the sky, many times catching a shooting star. There's just something about space that draws me in, how you're weightless up there with zero gravity, how you're free and the universe is endless.

As I close my eyes, my concentration is set upon the year ahead, for finishing school, for starting my dream. I won't let anything get in the way.


"I'll see you tomorrow," Emily shouts as she hops into her car. Today was my first day at school, one I'd thought would be a living hell, but it was actually really nice. I met a group of girls all in the science club that I clicked with (one of which being Emily), and some guys from the music department.

I pull out of the school parking lot, Taylor playing some Ariana Grande song that I want to shut off. Taylor enjoyed herself I'd say, she met some guys and girls that were nice, and she got into band for flute. Our last school was up in Boston, so this one has been an eye opener to see what the small town schools are really like.

I drive past where we were eating last night, the massive houses looking deserted, and just as I reach our neighborhood, my phone goes off. "Hello?"

"Hey, is this Lily?" A voice asks, one I think I remember from today.

"Yes, is this Oliver?" Oliver is a guy from the music department of the school and who I also have in History.

"Yes. So I was wondering if you'd like to come over today. I'm getting a group together just for a movie and homework if you want to come." I take Oliver's address as Taylor hops out, arriving at our house. Saying goodbye, I put away my phone and grab my bag. Emily will be there tonight as well at Oliver's house, saying she was part of the 'study group.'

I pull up in Oliver's driveway in no time, locking my car as I hop out. By the time it's eight we've conquered all of our homework and are dead tired.

"You've got to be kidding me, Oli," Emily shouts as she climbs back up the stairs. "It's all a matter of logic..."

They've been arguing about some physics question from what I've heard to have been four weeks ago, and they won't drop it. They're an interesting crowd, one I find enjoyable to watch.
"Do you mind if I step outside?" I ask, interrupting their argument.


I climb down the stairs and exit out the back, the chilly air right away sending chills up my back. Every now and then I like to get some well deserved fresh air and get away from the noise.

He's got a big backyard, that's for sure, one that stretches down until another fence meets it.

My eyes follow the fence downward, seeing the tall brick wall of some massive house. I take my time to look at the back of the house, the modern design at the back, the balcony, massive windows, and everything dark, except for one window. As my eyes look towards the odd one out, my breath hitches.

A man stands at the window, watching me as I stare at his home. My skin pales as a feel tugs within my stomach, one that makes me want to react in various ways. His stare never leaves mine as if I'm held in some trace, as if I can never break the eye contact.


I break the stare and look over my shoulder to see Emily with her bag on.
"I'm leaving."

"Same," I comment, turning around as I walk back to the house, and as I do, I stare over my shoulder, seeing the man is gone.

The next two days are a bore. The homework has piled up and the excitement of the teenagers has only grown. Why? One word: Halloween, the one time my parents ever let me out with friends to stay out late in the town.

As I make my way down the deserted hall, I'm constantly noticing the posters on the walls for endless school events and news. Being part of the music program here, it means I stay two hours after school and pray that the food is still warm when I get home.

Turning around, I see Emily, running towards me, her backpack seeming as if it doesn't weight a thing as she runs. "Fast walker, I'll give you that."

"Hey. I was just about to head home," I inform, watching as a smile appears on her face. "Oliver's having another study night and I'll be there in an hour. What about you?"

"I'll be there, AP Chem is killing me."
Our conversation begins with talking about our classes, wondering how we are supposed to keep our grades up for scholarships.

"I was going to head to the store for some snacks tonight? Wanna come?"
I agree, texting my mom I'll be stopping at home later and for a shorter time.

We drive to the store, heading right towards the junk food as the store feels like a ghost town. "Pretzels as well," Emily adds, placing the food in the small basket. Turning down the next isle, we place some drinks in and text Oliver to see if he wants anything. "I'll be right back, we forgot the dip," Emily comments, apologizing with her eyes as she turns down a different isle, telling me to meet her at the checkout line.
Following her directions, I find myself walking down to the front of the store, checking my phone for any calls or texts recently.

Just as I go into a lane, my body collides with a metal wall. I stumble back, looking up to see a refrigerator for sodas, groaning in embarrassment. Once I collect myself, a deep yet soft chuckle comes from behind.

Looking over my shoulder, my eyes widen at the male before me, the male that pulls me in just by those midnight blue eyes, ones that I feel hide dark secrets. Our eyes stay locked for a certain amount of time, as if lost in a different world.

"I take it you don't pay good attention to your surroundings much," he comments, his voice deep and husky, sending shiver down my spine as my knees weaken.

I don't recognize him from school, and I doubt he's in high school due to him looking college aged, yet his eyes tell me that he's older than I think him to be, almost too old. His body is lean and built, no doubt some nice and under that black shirt and leather jacket. He's tall for sure, broad shoulders, tan, chiseled jaw, and carved by God himself. "Well?"

"What?" I ask suddenly, jumping back as I realize I've just zoned out by looking him up and down. A simple smile spreads across his face, one dimple on his left cheek that makes him now seem like the boy anyone would want to take home to the parents, but the minute, he drops the smile, I know he's trouble "Sorry, what was the question?"

"Just noticing your choice in food," he replies, running a hand through his chocolate brown locks, ones I won't mind to feel myself.

I look down to my food, seeing all the food any dentist and doctor would scold me for. "Just living a little, unlike you I clearly see," I explain, taking note of the organic food he has in his hands. My eyes skin across his left hand, just in case, and my heart flutters seeing no ring on that finger.

"Lily, there you- Alp- Mr. Maxwell, pleasure to see you here," Emily interrupts, only to seem weird as she calls the man before me Mr. Maxwell.
"Emily." His voice is monotone as he says her name, not lively like before when it was just us. "I take it you're with..."

"Lily," I add and he nods, getting my name.

"Yes, sir, we're just going to have a study group with Oliver tonight."
The man nods, his eyes cold at Emily.

"Then be wise," he finishes off our conversation as Emily slides past him to me, ready to checkout now as he hand the cashier our items.

I can feel his eyes burning holes in the back of my head, every so often sliding down the length of my body, yet, I don't feel uncomfortable as he does this. I don't feel bad at all. And that frightens me.

By the time we're back in my car, Emily switches off the radio and the car is dead silent. "That man, Lily, Maxwell," she begins as I nod, not liking the tone of her voice. "Stay away from, he's trouble and won't think twice about hurting you."

The ride is silent the rest of the trip as I take us to Oliver's those midnight blue eyes flooding my mind ever second.

So, what do you think about this mysterious stranger that Emily has warned Lily about?
Vote and comment for a faster update. I hope I did not disappoint.

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