••• Thirty-Five •••

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"It has come to this pack's attention that the King this pack was once loyal has intruded our territory and intended to murder our Luna," an Elder announces, standing tall among those who sit as he informs Nixon and I of the pack's opinion. "As a pack, we wish to disconnect ourselves from this man's kingdom and become a rogue pack. This pack will not aid the cause of a betrayer."

This is the day that Crimson Lock will decide if we shall become a rogue pack. This is a day where one of the strongest packs in the world will decide if they will break off from a kingdom and form their own set of rules and government. Has it been done before? Three times: once by a small pack of twenty that got swept off the face of the earth due to a rival pack, another by a warlord's pack that once rogue, it fell apart from the inside and an uprising killed off more than half, and lastly by a strong pack, one that is still around four centuries later and rules half of the Asian werewolf packs. Will Crimson Lock meet its fate by going rogue? No. No because everyone wishes to distance themselves from Zion all because he harmed their Luna. This pack will not see a civil war because they wish to do this because they care for their Luna. This pack will not be wiped out because of their strength, the power, and the fear is places in our packs to not mess with them. I know that the treaties will still stay the same, how the packs around will still want to be on Crimson Lock's good side, but it is a matter of Zion wishing to declare war upon Crimson Lock. It's a question of how people outside of the pack will respond and if they will see Crimson Lock as a threat coming after them.

"We believe that not only are we sending a message to other packs about the dark truth of their King, but also a message to the King himself that no one should wear the crown who attacks someone we respect and love." Their words allow the fire I have burning within me to only be fueled, to fuel my hate for Zion as this pack is right, that other packs must know this truth. "And now we await the decision of our Alpha and Luna."

Nixon sits up beside me, the meeting before us in the common room of the pack house, pack members sitting on couches or pull-out chairs as they face Nixon and me, us facing them as we sit at the center of attention as the sunlight streams in behind us in the early hours of the day. As he takes my hand, holding it as if a priceless piece of glass, Nixon looks out upon his pack, his eyes scanning the crowd of people that still feel fear, that still cower in his presence as their faces seem to pale. If Zion had attacked Nixon, hardly any action would have taken place, hardly any attention drawn. Crimson Lock would have seen an attack upon Nixon as Zion simply placing their Alpha in his place and letting Nixon know first hand that he is not unstoppable. But this pack, when they look to me, when I hold eye contact with them, they see me not as some Luna, but as part of the family of this pack. I am the 'soft' side to Nixon, the one who respects the pack and in return, they respect and are loyal to me. Zion attacking me was an attack on them, causing them to take action right away and want nothing to do with Zion. I have known this since I married Nixon. Known that I hold this pack in the palm of my hand and they are perfectly fine with that because they see no sense of manipulation like Nixon would.

Looking to me, Nixon's navy eyes meet mine and I am taken back to the first moment I saw him. Still innocent and a daddy's girl, I was with a friend at a supermarket that night, grabbing snacks for a study session as I had stumbled into a fridge by the register. I remember how Nixon laughed at my clumsy moment, striking up a short conversation with me only for a lust to be born within me. That night a friend warned me to never interlace my life with Nixon's, that he was trouble just awaiting the permission to occur and take hold of my future without mercy. The first I spent within his house I played him the piano, mesmerizing him with the notes I preformed like some expert, and enticing him. I have grownup from those moments held a year ago, changing from someone who hated breaking the rules, someone who cowered and allowed herself to become easily submissive, and never speak up for herself...I have become someone who know wants a werewolf king dead because he invaded my domain and tried to kill not just me, but my unborn child. I have become a leader of a warlord's pack, someone who holds all the loyalty and respect, someone who sits on a throne of wolves as my husband has swore to protect me with every fiber in his body. I have talked back to Nixon countless times, witnessed murder, been beat, been placed at odds, have walked down an isle to marry a man I picked over my own flesh and blood, carry a child within me, and have yelled back at an Alpha King.

"It is up to your Luna to decide if she wishes to see this pack become a rogue pack and create a new era," Nixon announces to Crimson Lock, all eyes upon me as I find a weight being lifted off of my chest. It is up to me because the crimes committed were against me.

I get to my feet, my body sore but able to withstand the small pain. With my stitches to come out tomorrow from the underside of my jaw, my bandages few, and bruises no longer black but yellow, I hold my head high. My hands are held within Nixon's as I look out upon the pack that I do not just respect for this meeting and want of action, but for the future they offer this child I cannot wait to welcome to this world.

"Crimson Lock, as of today, I agree with you and declare Crimson Lock rogue to the Kingdom."

I have placed this pack in a new era, into a new chapter of our lives as being part of Zion's Kingdom has become the past.

An elder walks up to where I stand, head bowed as he presents me with the documentation that we will copy and send out to every pack we hold treaties with and to Zion himself. This document will inform every pack the decision of Crimson Lock's human Luna, will display the vanished loyalty of Crimson Lock to the kingdom of Zion as Zion invaded our territory and dared to attempt murder.

I take hold of the pen presented to me, the document placed upon a coffee table as I find myself signing my name in large print for the statement to become clear to every werewolf. As the signature is complete, Nixon signs below mine, followed by his Beta, Delta, head warrior, and the four elders of the pack. As the signatures of those who help run the pack are placed in the navy ink, Crimson Lock rises to their feet, applauding the new era for the pack as we have no ties to Zion's kingdom. Soon  enough every pack will know our decision, and soon enough Zion will meet the justice his crimes created.

As the sun soon goes down for the night, the moon rises and the pale moonlight spreads across the forest of Crimson Lock. As the majority of the pack is in wolf form, they celebrate tonight, wresting one another or going on runs through the forest. Those who cannot shirt yet stay by the pack house, celebrating as they play music, dancing, eating, drinking, and cheering as the night has just begun.

Nixon stands beside me, the two of us on the balcony of the second floor, overlooking the celebration like Gatsby overlooking his parties. We stand side by side, eyes looking over every individual we entertain tonight as the night belongs not just to the wolves of Crimson Lock, but a human as well. I picked this life over my family. I picked a pack of people not human over my own flesh and blood. I hardly know the people that hold so much respect for me, but I know that this is my family. This is not just my family because it is where my allegiance lies, but because they care for me as family should.

An arm wraps around my waist and I look up to the man I both married and love, my heart fluttering as a warm smile spreads across his face. All is well this night. All is perfect. All is at peace just like the calm before the story. The storm that will tear apart the fabric of reality if fate has a sick state of mind.

"You understand the risks of what I am about to do, Lily, right?" he asks, shifting the focus of the night as I know we must talk upon this subject. We cannot just simply ignore the possibilities of what can happen and we both have come to terms with that. "That if things go wrong then the world our child will be born into will be one we cannot be sure of what to expect."

I nod, understanding what my husband is saying. "Our child will be born into a world that we cannot expect in the first place, Nixon. The moment we declared Crimson Lock rogue was just another example of the uncertainty before us." Looking back to the pack celebrating down below, I take in a steady breath. "We cannot be sure of what to expect anyway with becoming a rogue pack. We have a general idea of what will happen, how the other packs will either grow in fear and stay out of our way or create even stronger treaties with us. We have a general idea that the Senate and Zion will hate the idea. We have a general idea that we know not what may happen in the next day."

Nixon knows what I am trying to say here. That we have no certain idea of how any of the days before us may play out. We have no idea how the day he goes to kill Zion may turn out. We have no idea if Zion and his kingdom will lose the war, if Zion will die, if this plan may not work, or if Nixon will meet a fate similar to Gavin's.

"The pack adores you," Nixon comments, stating something that I have seen as obvious since I found myself in the walls of the pack house. "They see you not as a human, but as their Luna." He is saying that they do not underestimate me like you would expect, that they do not see me as weak because of my species. They see me strong and a leader because of who I am. "An elder told me just days ago that he has never met a human able to respect our culture and values, that he has never seen someone like you able to comprehend and live along side our world."

I find a smile spreading across his face, one of pride and happiness as he is content with the approval an elder has of me. "Most packs cannot accept humans in their territories, much less a leader to be human. Hell, they even hate the idea of rogues being mated into their pack."

"Sybil, she is a rogue," I comment, the atmosphere becoming tense. "They call her a rogue queen. Do people respect her?"

Nixon crosses his arms, looking over my shoulder and to his pack. "The rogues do not like her, they hate that she is called a rogue queen because they do not want ties to her. Rogues have this inner circle of leaders and she is the reason why one got killed by Zion. Most of the Senate finds her annoying, many nobles find her selfish, and most believe that Zion is married to her because of her rogue title to gain the loyalty of rogues."

"And you?"I ask, thinking of the petite brunette who I now wonder knows of the dark side of her husband. Yes, my own husband has a darkness to him, a side that no light could ever touch because of what Zion and Lillian did to him. Lillian fucked with his head so much that she was a catalyst to the increase of the darkness within him.

Nixon takes my hands in his, thumbs brushing across my knuckles as those navy eyes meet mine. "I believe that she is in no shape to rule a kingdom alongside Zion. I believe that she knows nothing of the life Zion lives outside of her presence, and because of that, it may one day be the thing that kills her."

"How?" I ask. "How could her ignorance kill her?"

Nixon pulls me into his arms, lips lightly pressed upon my forehead.

"Because she may one day find herself defending a demon that she believes is a saint."


Twenty minutes. Like some ticking time bomb, the seconds counting down as I watch from the balcony. Facing the private drive of the house, the world is silent this morning, slowly moving as the sun begins to rise. With a soft blow of wind in the air, the sky still tainted a dark blue, and the clouds approaching in the South, my eyes follow the men, each one lined up before the front door of the house. They protect not just the house, but the people within. With my hands places upon the marble railing of the balcony, my feet sore from the night of constant pacing, and my attire a simple pair of pants and navy blouse, I am ready for the day approaching.

I sense a figure approaching, their shadow falling over my shoulder, and a hand taking mine, I know already who it is. It could only be him and a piece of that reality tugs at my heart. Looking over my shoulder, my eyes meet his and I know of the events just around the corner for not just the two of us, not just our child, but for Crimson Lock as well.

Last night we announced to other packs by sending word of our rogue status. If anything, we expected the results that occurred, how the packs that held a treaty with us called Nixon to try and strengthen the treaties to keep them in the clear. As for Zion, as for the royals who sit upon their golden thrones, the King is almost to our boundaries. The king that once invaded our territory is back now, knowing full well that we are a rogue pack who holds no respect to him. Zion is walking into our territory and if he tries anything, he will regret it.

We expected that Zion would hear the news when Nixon arrived at the palace. But word travels fast. Word of a warlord pack going rogue is something everyone would spread due to the fear. If anything, the calls to Nixon were numerous through the night, alphas worried for the packs they protect. If anything, a small bit of my gut said that Zion would come here about the decision to go rogue. Here to probably threaten our pack. Here to stand back on the land of a pack that hates him. He showed the white flag and we decided to be mutual, but if he tries anything, he will find a silver billet lodged into his skull.

Fifteen minutes now. Fifteen minutes until Zion is before the house he once intruded and tried to destroy.

Will I approach him, the man that tried to kill me and my child? If I was still focused on the pain Zion put me in, the physical pain, if I was worried, I would be running for the hills by now. But I emerged from Zion's attack victorious, the raw emotion of hate growing from within as it has made me stronger. Zion's attack made me realize that actions had to be taken, examples made, and for this pack to take action against the kingdom they serve that does not serve them. I will watch as Zion walks into the domain I hold the respect from. I will talk to Zion with Nixon, I will hold my head high and find myself wanting to land a bullet in his brain, but I know that now is not the time. Zion's time is coming. Zion's time is going to arrive soon at the hands of the man that I love. No kingdom should be ruled by a man that lies to his kingdom, has them fight for a cause that is just a lie and a cause that he is guilty of, and come to a pack and try and kill their Luna.

"He will say words that disrespect us," Nixon comments, the breeze chilly as I find goosebumps spreading across my arms. Tilting my chin up, I look out upon the private drive, eyes focused upon the horizon where Zion will soon appear. He has to leave his car behind with the men he has at the entrance, walking the three miles to the house that he once tried to take down. This house is like me, like Nixon, like our relationship and story, how threats come not just from within, but from the outside. Yet after all the emotional damage and physical, we emerge stronger than ever. We emerge ready to stand out ground and look Zion right in the eye as we hold the upper hand here.

"He has done many things to hurt us," I reply, my tone cold as I keep my eyes trained on the road. Waiting to see the face of a demon so many claim to be their saint. "But this time he should know to bite his tongue because he is no longer in the rule of his kingdom."

Nixon glances over to me, eyes focused on me, a soft gaze held as he looks to the woman I have become. As he runs a hand through my platinum locks, he pulls ne close, a kiss set upon my forehead as I spare him not one glance. He knows the hate I have for Zion, the raw and fresh hate I have that developed just a little ago. Nixon has been living with this hate for years now, able to keep it under wraps and only let people see that side of him when all of what Zion has done floods his mind. "I swear to you, Lily, this will be one of the last days that he lives."

I nod, seeing from the corner of my eyes Nixon reach into his pocket. Holding out a velvet pouch, he holds tge object out to me, a weiget within the pouch as it pulls it downward. Holding out my hand, he places the velvet object in my palm, the objects within heavy. "Open it."

Open it I do, watching as six bullets made of silver with engravings of Latin at the ends are within my hand. "These bullets work with just about any pistol." Protection. He is offering me protection from this day on. Protection not given by a warrior or him, but by myself. Nixon is preparing for the worst. Nixon is preparing for the moment that I find myself alone and without his aid as I will either have to fight for my life or run and pray for the best. Either way I must pray for the best. "And of my men would be more than thankful to teach you how to fire and improve your aim."

"And you wouldn't be thankful to do so?" I ask, wondering if this is his way of saying that he does not believe he will come home to me after he has ended Zion.

"I would be honored," Nixon replies, looking back to the private drive as we see the figure of a male so many claim as their hero. A piece of me believes that his wife, Sybil, knows nothing of what her husband has done. What must be done will cause heartbreak to her, but her grieving will not be something we worry about, what we focus on. What will be focused on it getting a new government set up, one where a King perhaps will be canceled from the equation and just a senate of packs and rogues left to rule this kingdom. Perhaps these lands that Zion rules will never have one single ruler again. There are many possibilities to what can happen, but we must be prepared for every single one no matter the likelihood of one more prominent than the other.

"Then you will be honored by teaching me today, after Zion has left," I inform, taking in a deep breath as Zion's figure is no longer just a carving made of ebony, but an individual with features that looks carved by angels that have fallen from grace and now wear horns. They still have their good looks, their silver tongues, and their innocent features, but beneath all of that is a darkness that is awaiting its next meal. "For now, we focus on a man that has no right to rule a kingdom nor even set foot in our territory."

As Nixon and I head back into the house, down the stairs, and to the front door that is shut tight, I take in a deep breath, knowing it will be hard to face a man that once tried to kill me. How would Zion feel if someone came to his palace and tried to kill Sybil, or if they would succeed? What if Sybil was like me, to have a child and someone want her dead? Zion would share the hate that both Nixon and I share for him.

Voices. Zion and Nixon's warriors are talking outside, issuing the grounds of the meeting to take place. They tell him any attempt made upon us and that he will find a bullet between the eyes and no respect to come of his corpse. They tell him to not turn his back to us, to not dare lay a hand on us, and to not even think about harming me ever again. As the voices go silent and I hear the doors click and begin to open, I lift my chin and take Nixon's hand in my own, the wind greeting us with a chill. It is almost Christmas after all, and tonight we are expecting the first snow of winter. As the outdoors are put on display as the doors open, a pair of golden eyes meet mine and I find my throat running dry.

"Nixon and Lily, long time no see," Zion greets, anger lacing his words as I find myself wishing I had claws of my own and bury them into his flesh. Walking forward, he enters our house, Nixon and I awaiting him as we are like the predator reeling their prey in. No, not here. Not yet. Zion's time is not today. He will not die surrounded by the walls of the house he once tried to tear down, but he will die surrounded by the walls of the palace that he grew up in. He shall die beside his wife as she holds him and cries out for the demon that she lost as it will become known to her the torture that her husband made so many endure. As for my husband, he will do the deed and I only pray to the Moon Goddess that he returns to me in one piece and ready to welcome out child into the world this coming spring season.

"You are here for business, Zion, not for a chat. In business you leave no room for error nor greetings that hold no value," Nixon informs, his tone cold as Zion knows we are not here to make friends. Hell, if anything, we are fueling the fire and watching the fire eat up the gasoline we throw onto it every second that we stand here like complete fools for thinking peace can be an option here.

"Cheer up, Nixon, I doubt Lily enjoys seeing a scowl upon your face."

"I doubt I enjoy your presence at all. You are in our domain, Zion, so you have better keep that in mind because we no longer serve your kingdom."

"We serve the same side when it comes to the war," Zion snaps.

"We do not serve the side whose leader caused the war and lied about how it originated. We do not serve a kingdom that is at war because their king got offended."

"Humans know little of the matter at hand, much less a female, pregnant human." I wish I had a pistol right now to load the silver bullets Nixon gave me and fire away at this man's body. To watch him fall to the floor and the blood seep from his body. "I came here to offer you a kind word of warning, one that you would be wise to listen to and remember rather than let it go in and out of your ears with no remembrance." A word of kind warning does not seem like Zion. A word of warning coming from him is nothing less than a threat that he wishes to carry out. "Stay out of any of my business. Stay out of my way and I will not have the kingdom I run wage war upon this pack."

Zion looks to me, eyes briefly looking to the bump of my stomach, where my child is, where the child he also tried to kill is. "This pack you run deserves no heir to the alpha title, but out of the small mercy I have today, I will not order your death, Lily."

The anger rises within me, boiling within my flesh as I know Nixon shares the same sort of hate. "You have just threatened my wife and Luna, Zion, within a territory of rogues that serve me."

"Then I will have to watch my tongue next time I am here."

"There will not be a next time," I snap, my voice flooded with power as Zion seems to become slightly frozen. "The next time you try and even step a mile within the radius of this territory, I will see to it myself the destruction of not just your little pathetic life, but of your home, kingdom, and will watch Sybil find out about the life you live beyond the palace walls."

Zion shakes his head, trying to lighten the dark mood as he is trying to only fuel my anger. "Do you not see how impossible that is, Lily? For Sybil to know of what I have done outside of the palace walls, that is the day that the oceans burn. She will never know of what I have done and continue to do." He pauses,  a smirk pulling at his lips as I sense Nixon tense beside me. "How I tried to murder you and your child, how I have caused a war to break out because one twat decided to disrespect me, how I issued the death of my wife's parents because they knew of what I have done." What? "My dearest little Sybil...her parents knew the rumors of my double life, of the death of my father and how Lillian helped me issue his death, of how Lillian helped me in so many ways to watch the world burn. Lillian had a mouth, and as much as I loved her mouth in more than a way of speaking, she needed to be silenced and your little husband took care of her for me. Sure, I still wish I had her, but Sybil can easily replace any whore."

"Sybil believes that I killed her parents," Nixon growls, his fists clenched as I can sense how much he would rather kill Zion here than later. But Zion must die beside his throne. Zion must learn his final lesson.

"Sybil will never know the truth because she is someone I will protect with every fiber I have left in me. I have done things to keep her by my side and do not intend on losing that war. I have killed for her to be beside me and lied right to her face to make sure she could never leave me."

"You're obsessed," I comment, looking past Zion's shoulder to see warriors of Crimson Lock ready to strike the devil down if he tries anything.

"No, my dearest little Lily," Zion refutes, cocking his head to the side, "I am insane."

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