••• Twenty •••

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It's been four days since I last day Nixon. Yes, it's the usual, he's gone for the weekend or a few days up close to New York, yet this time he hasn't contacted me at all.

I have four weeks till I graduate, till I'm free of my home as a future awaits in Colorado. Or is it here? Do I decide to stay for a man and pack I've come to know as family?

My mind is filled with questions as I turn my head to look it the window.

Something grabs my attention, something that causes me to rise to my feet.

A black car rolls into the driveway, the windows tinted to the max, the design sleek, and an eyebrow raising upon my face.

A women steps out, a beautiful one with long brunette locks, a beautiful muscular build, dressed down and causal as she talks to someone.

But who?

A man hops out, massive build, a leather jacket, arguing with the female as they look at Nixon's house. What are they here for? Him? Wolf business? They won't find the Alpha here, but a human bearing his mark. What if they're here for the wrong reasons, to harm me. Nixon said I was to become a target of I wore his mark.

The female walks up to the front door, still talking with the man as my heart skips a beat with the knock upon the door. Would Nixon want me to answer? Should I?

I open the door, making my move as the spring breeze meets my face.

"Yes," I ask, my voice weaker than I had hoped as the woman and man stand before me. Could they be rogues, a part of Nixon's world he warns me of.

The woman offers me a soft smile. "Lily?"

I nod, feeling not to happy that she knows who I am by a single guess. Maybe Nixon told her of me?

"I'm Sybil, a friend of your mate."

My eyes widen, my skin paling as I know this could either turn out good or bad for me. "Nixon knows you?" I ask, thinking of the girl probably no older than five years of my age with Nixon. I trust him enough to know he's not running around, but I scared that this girl might try and take him from me.

The woman's eyes go to my mark, the one Nixon left claiming me as his and only his. "Yes, I've met him at the palace."


What palace? Is there some random palace where deals are done in the werewolf world? Is there some type of head Alpha that rules the other packs?

"Let's talk inside," Sybil responds, nodding to the inside of Nixon's house. Should I let her in?

As I open the door wider, Sybil and the man with her enter the house, walking right towards the first sitting room in sight. "Nice place here," Sybil compliments as I nod, thanking her. "I should probably fill you in on who I am and why I am here."

Sybil takes a seat across from where I stand, looking beautiful as she sits there, cross-legged. It's a chair I've found Nixon sitting in countless times as he just stares outside. "I am Sybil Black, the fiancée to Alpha King Zion," Sybil state right away. "I've come here because I need to obtain two answers that have been nagging me for a very long time."

I nod, listening to Sybil, watching as the male with her takes into inspecting the room. The man watches the house, inspecting it to the last inch. "That's Drexel, a man who is on the King's Guard, the one of the King's personal bodyguards," Sybil explains as my attention is brought back upon her.

"Would you like something to drink? Coffee? Yea? Water?" I ask, at least trying to become a good host.


I leave the room, trying to grasp a hold upon the situation before me. Along the tea, I find myself obtaining trembling hands.

Once finished, I step right out to run into Drexel, his eyes scanning over the piano in the sitting room.

"Excuse me," I squeak, rushing past the male as the cup becomes hotter within my hands ever second.

"So you are just trying to get some answers and think I would have them?" I ask, cocking my head to the side.

"Do you know a Lillian?"

My skin pales. Only four days ago did I hear the name. The name of Lillian Rice, the women who was married to Nixon Maxwell that I never heard of. The woman murdered whose case was never completed in finding out what happened.


Standing up, I grab her hand, not even bothering to explain as I take her out of the room and up the stairs, my hands are shaking. "Can you break into something, something that will get us both answers?"

I don't know why I'm doing this? Why I'm acting so fast as I can only think of the image of the beautiful blond as the date of her death was shown below.

"Break in?" Sybil questions. Maybe she just needs a clarification? Maybe she doesn't think me serious?

A door stands before me, one with a key code and finger scanner. "I need this door opened, but it's sealed shut," I comment.

"I have a warrior wolf from the palace with me, he could get us in this..."

"Office, it's Nixon's office and I also want to know what happened to Lillian." Sybil looks at me, shocked at my words.

"What happened? I thought you were Nixon's mate?"

I almost feel offended. She thinks me wrong to do this against a man I've decided to let mark me. Maybe it's a sign of disapproval to do so? She wouldn't think to ever do something behind her mate's back.

My gaze turns cold. Sybil has hit a spot. "Lillian, Nixon had a bracelet of hers in his office downtown."

So Nixon is tied to Lillian more than I ever would think. Not only was she married but something has to go deeper down. If the future Queen of the Werewolf Empire wants answers, that shows Lillian has another story. "I'll be back."

Sybil heads off, taking at least five minutes to come back as I just stare at the door.

As the two come back the stairs, I greet the two of them once more. The male doesn't even nod my way as he heads straight for the door. My heartbeat quickens as he gets to his knees, trying to unlock the door.

As it takes longer and longer, I find myself pacing up and down the halls. The door to Nixon's room open as I stare in every now and then.


"Why do you want to know about Lillian?" I ask as I run back to the door, Drexel almost close to getting it open.

"She was a warrior of the royal family I need information on," Sybil informs. I nod, watching with Sybil as Drexel slides one last wire through the door, unlocking the massive barrier.

As the door opens, my nerves pickup and I can hear my heart thump in my chest.

A desk stands in the middle with a small picture frame on one side. We rush in, the bookshelves on one wall calling to me as I head right for them. "Lillian was a wife of Nixon's and I want to know what happened-

"Wife?" Sybil interrupts, stopping as her fingers land on one book.

"Yah, married for three years or something and it ended out of the blue," I explain, looking at a picture no doubt of Lillian and Nixon. I'm still pissed Nixon ever even dared to think of telling me.

Drexel heads for the drawers of the desk, pulling out two thin folders, one holding Pack Business as stated on the front and the other a white folder with a name in cursive. Lillian in pink ink.

The male looks to me, causing me to become nervous as I feel like something is about to be spoken.

"Do you trust Nixon?" Drexel asks, and already I know whatever he has found cannot be good. I trust Nixon. I trust the man that I've let mark me.

I nod hesitantly.

"Lillian Rice died at twenty-three only five years ago, murdered in her home as her husband was late to the scene."

I remember looking at her picture, the one of a beautiful women. She was murdered and the search was never continued due to the lack of clues.

"It looked like a planned murder, how no fingerprints were left nor any sign of an intruder. Authorities found out about the murder because of a mysterious phone call from a man."

Is this person out for me? The one who wanted Lillian dead? Could this person want me dead like her? But why? It has to deal with Nixon. Or maybe it was Lillian? Maybe she did something to the wrong person.

"This isn't stated here, but I had heard of Lillian before she died. I had heard of her before I was a warrior and even after," Drexel informs.

"Of what?"

"She, Lillian, she had a thing with King Zion." So Lillian may of angered the Alpha King? Maybe she did something throw him off and he held a grudge against her. "People told me she would often sneak out to see the Prince, and eventually, King Zion's father found out and banished her from the Royal guard."

I'm guessing that her being banished was more than awful. So she would sneak out to see the King. Maybe they had some Romeo and Juliet type going on without the sad ending, but with one because looking at the evidence, Nixon married Lillian.

Making my move, I look at the pictures of Lillian and Nixon, how smiles are plastered across their face, holding each other. Nixon looks like the little school boy who just found his soul mate. I've never even taken a picture with Nixon. He's never smiles like that. He's never looked like that.

"Would Zion of killed Lillian?" Sybil asks, facing Drexel as he looks at her. Something seems off with the two of them, how they are scoping around on my mate's business to find out another.

"Would he?"

"I have no idea," Drexel replies, tossing Sybil some small item from one of the folders.

"Go to the next page."

I watch as Sybil looks over the folder, her eyes widening as I sense something is off something I have the right to know.

After a couple of minutes Sybil looks up to me, her eyes displaying the emotion of heartbroken. "Did Nixon ever speak of a past marriage? With Lillian? If he had children or anything?"

Does he? Is he a father and I was never told so?

"No," I speak, my voice barely a whisper as Sybil nods.

"Nixon and Lillian tried, every single try ending badly after many miscarriages. She could not have a healthy child."

I nod, looking around the room I hope these two can put back into place.

"Why are you here? Is this about Nixon, Lillian, or your mate?"

"He's not my mate," Sybil quickly puts out. I raise an eyebrow as she shrugs her shoulders. "We picked on another. Lillian was Zion's mate and he never told me anything other than she left. I needed to know."

"So now you're wondering who killed her?" I ask, crossing my as Drexel places the documents on the table, taking pictures with his phone.


I nod, looking at the photo of my mate and his late wife. I wonder what she was like. She seems like the girl who could have any man, the woman who could cheer you up with just a smile. She would be the perfect it-girl who no one could hate.

"I want to know what you uncover," I state, looking up to meet Sybil's eyes. No wonder the King is after her. She's gorgeous, no, not like model, but just by looking at her you can see both a beautiful appearance and character. She's not the girl to sell herself short nor go after something she could never achieve.

"I want to help," I say, watching as Drexel places the files back.

"Do you think you really could? Get us more information and-

"I'll take you to Nixon's office."

What have I done? I've just sold my soul to the devil with that decision.

Taking them to Nixon's office means trouble for me. It means Nixon could find out. What would I say when/if he ever found out? Would he be mad enough to dump me? Would be try and hurt me? He would never dare hurt me.

Could he kick me out? Would he kick out his mate?

Watching as Sybil's eyes flood with hope, I cannot take back what I just said. I've just offered her the world. A very dark and scary world.


Weeks pass. At least what feel like weeks.

I've been waiting Nixon for weeks now, only one passing since the Wolf King's fiancé was here.

I helped Sybil get into the office, watching as they ran away from the King's men. I was safe. I was a human to them who they paid no attention to. I haven't heard a word since Sybil left.

Today I stay home, spending the day with my family as they are still distant. After all, they know I was, at least do not assume anymore, in a relationship with a man older than me.

I lay in bed, thinking of Nixon as I try and pull myself together. Where could he even be? He texted two days ago, saying he would be back soon and it's hard to try and schedule a time to even call me. What could he even be up to?

Grabbing my phone, I go through countless profiles of people from school, scrolling down their feed as I see what they have been up to. If anything, I feel as if Nixon's departure as left me a bit more quiet than usual, not going out as often or posting pictures. My parents left an hour ago for a date night, Taylor in her room, silent tonight as expected.

As for Nixon. As for if he killed his wife and lover, I want to know the full story. The story of Lillian Rice. Where have I heard her name. Not her first name, but her last name. Rice. It's not common, but I have heard it before.

Finding Olivia's contact, I press the class button, taking in a deep breath.

"What's up?"

"I have a question that may sound weird," I explain, thinking back to Lillian's picture. She was beautiful, a true seductress, a woman who could hold kingdoms in her hands. She could break thrones and make the heavens adore her. "I want to know if you know anyone in the town with the last name of Rice."


I await Olivia's next words as I can hear her moving around in the background. I want to know if Lillian had any family here.

"I've heard it. Brian, his mom's last name before she got married was Rice. She still signs with her last name sometimes."

Brian. His mom. Mrs. Adams.

It hits me.

I remember her showing me the picture of her on her wedding day, how it said the joining of the Adams and the Rice families. I remember the picture of a beautiful blond beside her, the sister, the maid of honor. I jump up from my bed, grabbing my keys as I hell at Taylor I'm going to see Olivia. Opening the front door, I sprint out of the house, hopping into my car staring the engine as I wonder how I'm going to get my answers.

As I drive up the familiar street and come across the massive house, I park beside an Audi, hurrying up to the front door as I knock twice.

Brian greets me. "Is your mom here?"

He lets me in, raising an eyebrow as he can tell I got here in a rush, that something is off with me as my skin turns pale. "Mrs. Adams," I greet, finding her in the living room reading a book. "I hope I'm not intru-

"Oh, Lily. Come on in, don't be a stranger here," she invited me, motioning for me to enter as Brian heads upstairs. "What can I do for you?"

Taking in a deep breath, I calm myself down, putting my hands in my lap as I sit across from her. "I need to know something."

"What can I do for you?" She asks.

"I need to know about Lillian."

Her skin pales and her jaw clenches. "How? How do you know about her?"

She's angered. "I did my homework. Not to mention Lady Sybil, the Alpha King's fiancé, came by and also needed information on her."

"Does Alpha Nixon know you-

"He's been gone. He has no idea that I know," I inform. "I want to know if he killed her."

Mrs. Adams shakes her head, getting to her feet as she looks to her phone. "You're not supposed to talk about Lillian. Alpha's orders that no one talks about Lillian," she states, her voice weak. I wait for wait she says next. "You need to stay out of this business."

"I'm in too deep!" I inform. "Nixon has marked me. He plans on staying with me when I go to college. You need to let me know before I ruin my life. Did he kill her?"

Mrs. Adams lets out a sob.

"She was my damn sister. She was one hell of a sister."

She gets to her feet, pulling out a picture frame from under the coffee table. "A genius who left pack life for a future. She ended up in the palace as a guard, and there, Alpha King Zion fell head over heels for her. In all, she married Alpha Nixon, had me come and move here for someone to talk to, and in the end, she was murdered."

"How? How did she die?" I ask.

Mrs. Adams looks to the grand piano in the living room, the black instrument polished to perfection. "Laid across that white piano that she loved, naked with only a pearl necklace, and covered in her blood."

"Who did it?"

"The search was called off after a month. The investigation just stopped and Alpha Nixon left town for three months."

"Do you think he killed her?" I ask, my voice hoarse as I think of Nixon. If he killed her, I have to leave. I have to get out of here and never look back. But I'm in too deep. I know too much now and Nixon has me deep in his hold.

He won't let me go without a damn fight.

"Alpha Nixon is trouble. I do not know if he killed her, but I do know that he is a force not to be trusted. He's strong. He's a warlord. His pack is notorious for their power and merciless actions."

I never have heard this. No one talks back of Nixon's pack nor him at all.

A knocking occurred, the doorbell ringing as Mrs. Adams shoves the picture under the coffee table.

"Who is it?" I ask, growing tense as Mrs. Adams looks as if she's seen a ghost.

"He's back."

"Who?" I ask, my hands shaking.

"The man that marked you."

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